General quit discussion, questions, answers, etc.
Guests looking to quit looking for answers are welcome.
Hi, I just found my way here and registered. I'm nearly 40 yrs old, been chewing since I was 13, Copenhagen since I was 16. Tried to quit so many times and failed...I had just about accepted that I would have the habit until I died if it didn't kill me first. Then I saw a Facebook post with the link to this forum, so I decided what the hell, it's worth a shot. I havnt quit yet, have desire to, but little confidence given my history with the can. Where do I start here, what do I do?
Bro - I'm in the same boat you're in - I've been a slave to Copenhagen most of my life - ALL of my adult life - I'm 46 and I've been quit for 4 days. I made my decision Tuesday night and haven't looked back - YET. It's truly one day at a time. I can tell you that, from my experience as a recovering Alcoholic with 18 years sobriety - the first 24 hours quit were harder than putting down alcohol. A lot harder. HOWEVER - the relief literally after 3 days is amazing - you don't realize what nicotine is doing to your MIND -
So ask yourself: what do you have to lose by taking 72 hours to flush the nicotine out of your system? Try it for a few days man. If you had asked me ONE WEEK AGO if I could go a day without Cope I would have said no. What is keeping me going is the community.
This KTC Community is legit and I'm alive because of a 12 step program for Alcoholism. Nic has been my crutch. It won't be today. Maybe tomorrow - I hope not. I can do today though.
Hello Richard. Glad you found your way here. We're happy to have you. We are 100% Nic free quitters here. You can join us, dump the cans, quit today and start by posting a daily promise to quit for that day. One day at a time (you'll see ODAAT) alot here, thats what it means.
Go to QUIT GROUPS and April 2017, that is yours. Click on the highest number next to the PAGES. and post a hello. Also on there is instructions on how to post roll.
You must be quit, not using at all in order to be in a quit group.
Brother I am at 511 days. I cant tell you how many times in 'quit' in 30 years. I was just fooling myself. Those were stoppages and they werent QUITS. The only time i have quit is when I joined KTC and posted roll in November 2017 quit group.
Hit me with a PM (Inbox upper right hand corner) with any questions, or if you;d like to exchange #'s, I cant even tell you how many KTC guys phone numbers i have. Such a great support system.
Read up on here, go to words of wisdom, HOF speeches, intros. When you are ready to quit and get that dang ASAP out of your quit date,and throw in a real honest to goodness day - lets do it.
How about today?