Author Topic: * The Addict Formerly Known as KodiakDan  (Read 2193 times)

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Offline DanTheMan

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* The Addict Formerly Known as KodiakDan
« on: June 12, 2009, 12:55:00 PM »
That's right, I'm in the HOF and it feels great!!! I couldn't be more proud of this accomplishment. There has been a little sentiment in some corners of KTC that the HOF is not that big of deal, it's just another day, etc.....not the case for me.

100+ days ago I never thought I had the will power to quit tobacco use. The 23-year habit had taken a toll on me in many ways both physically and mentally. On the night of Feb. 24th my gums and cheeks felt ravaged and my neck was literally numb from chewing to excess. I felt depressed. I wrote the following in my KTC intro. that night:

"I imagine a life where I don't have to run away to get a chew, hang out at work late to chew, stay up for hours and surf the web and be unproductive just to chew, decide I'm going to quit - throw out a half can and then go buy a new one a few hours later (multiple times in a week), go through a huge amount of embarrassment when someone catches me, lie to old friends that I haven't seen in years who ask, Are you still chewing? and feel deep down inside my self-esteem getting a little lower everyday I continue."

100 days later and that life I imagined is the life I'm living today.......and it's the life I will continue living as I make the commitment every morning not to chew tobacco. So for me, the HOF is a huge deal.

I'll still battle craves and go through difficult times resulting from the side effects of quitting the use of tobacco after so many years. But I'm done with tobacco. I have no desire to put something in my mouth again that will definitely kill me.

As far as the name change - I never liked KodiakDan. KodiakDan was someone whose identity was defined on many levels by Kodiak. How rigoddamneddiculous is that?? My life is worth so much more than a fucking tobacco reference. I'm counting my blessings as I write this thinking how much of a shame it would be to give my life up to the tobacco industry. Now that I quit tobacco, I am THE MAN.

Thank You's

I would like to thank my fellow June quitters. Seeing the same names at roll call everyday has been huge for me.
Thank you to all the vets that I've had conversations / pms with during the past 3 months, both quit and non-quit subjects. It's all helped me maintain my commitment to KTC and my own quit.

Thank you Last Chance, Mij, PackersFan68 for posting roll for me and giving me confidence that you guys have my back during the times I may be feeling weak.

Bearattack, my June bro', we've had a lot of pm's back in forth and I appreciate the support and laughs you have provided.
DeanTheCunt, thank you for the entertainment and the musings that keep me on the edge of my seat. Your wit and sense of humor has helped my quit considerably.
GMS, you have provided some great entertainment as well. You're one smart dude. At some point I would like you to analyze my scheme for robbing the local bank.
Gooch, you helped me get through some difficult times during my first 35 days. Even though you're no longer active on KTC and may have a fatty in right now, thank you. I have a feeling you will be reading this eventually. I hope you're quit. You have way too many good things in your life to loose just to have a piece of dog shit in your mouth.

A huge thanks goes out to an unknown individual who bragged about his quit and the KTC site on a fishing message board that I frequent, "" That's how I discovered KTC. I was never one to google tobacco anything. I was always too scared to see cancer pics. Wish I could remember your name but thanks for sharing your quit story.

Thank you Jenny Kern for sharing your story. It has helped save my life.

To those who are just quitting or still chewing

When I first wrote my KTC intro and decided to give this quit a try, deep down I felt like I wouldn't last very long here. But deep down I also knew this habit was sending me down a path towards the cemetery. So I dedicated a lot of time (as much time as I needed) for KTC and after 10 days or so I became convinced that I could actually do this. Honestly, I was absolutely miserable for the first 35 days, but was always reading these messages from the vets saying, "It will get better" I'm here to tell you they were right!!!! Each quit is individual in nature, but I have to say I feel pretty damn good right now. My door to this habit has not closed, but I have absolutely no desire to cave.

I have done all the hard work up to this point and you will have to do the same. But without the KTC website, I know I wouldn't be quit today.

If you're still chewing tobacco, wake up and be true to yourself and quit now. Life is worth it.

Don't be that guy (or gal) who has to explain to people that their face is deformed because of chew
Don't be that guy (or gal) whose kids have to tell their friends that you died from chewing tobacco.

"Never QUIT the "QUIT" Gents and Ladies !! The HOF is your first attainable Goal , after the HOF set a higher Goal till you attain again ...repeat indefinatley".....Big Brother Jack

That's how I roll
"Making and keeping promises to yourself is the foundation for developing character and integrity"

QD: 2/25/09
HOF: 6/4/09
2nd Floor: 9/12/09
3rd Floor: 12/21/09
1 Year: 2/25/10
4th Floor: 3/31/10
5th Floor: 7/9/10
6th Floor: 10/17/10
7th Floor: 1/25/11
2 Years: 2/25/11
8th Floor: 5/5/11
9th Floor: 8/13/11
10th Floor: 11/21/11
3 Years: 2/25/12
11th Floor: 2/29/12
12th Floor: 6/8/12
13th Floor: 9/16/12
14th Floor: 12/25/12
4 Years: 2/25/13
15th Floor: 4/4/13
16th Floor: 7/13/13
17th Floor: 10/21/13
18th Floor: 1/29/13
5 Years: 2/25/14
19th Floor: 5/9/14
20th Floor: 8/19/14
21st Floor: 11/25/14
6 Years: 2/25/15
22nd Floor: 3/5/15
23rd Floor: 6/13/15
24th Floor: 9/21/15
25th Floor: 12/30/15
7 Years: 2/25/16
26th Floor: 4/8/16
27th Floor: 7/17/16
28th Floor: 10/25/16
29th Floor: 2/2/2017
8 Years: 2/25/17
30th Floor: 5/13/17
31st Floor: 8/21/17