Like a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool repeats his folly.
Don't be a fool my brother, choose life, choose to quit!
The Nicotine Bitch:
She is very cunning and very powerful and she is a murderer. She has many ways of entering our lives. Those that are smart never let her in to begin with. Those that have had the misfortune of letting her in either succumb to her advances whole heartedly and spend the rest of their lives in her servitude or they finally come out of the darkness and into the light and see her for what she really is.
The latter is what all of us are. We have seen the light of freedom from her grasp. Everyday we promise not to give into her constant barrage of advances to try to get us back. She is, as I said, very cunning. She will bide her time, waiting for just the right moment to pounce.
She has ALL the time in world. WE DON'T!!
That is why we have to remain vigilante in our quit to keep her at bay so we can enjoy what little remaining time we do have left on this earth.
One day, I will enjoy meeting some of you, my brothers and sisters, joined in our common fight against that murderous, conniving whore. Until then, I salute, admire, and respect you all for keeping up the good fight.
I Quit with You All Today