I actually dreamed about the shit last night. Dreamed I put a pinch in and savored it. Even there in my sleep I felt the shame. I can't believe it invades my sleep!
Great job on the quitting Athan. Great post.
Your right, this quitting thing is not easy. I still have dip dreams. So real it seems i need to get up and star at day 1 again. That was a yuuuuge point for me, admitting i was an addict, will be forever and accepting it.
I do, as I'm sure many vets do, a whole lot of thinking on the 'addiction' thing. In the early days, when I would see dip or smell it, i would want one. Even seeing a stogie, which i used to enjoy occasionally, i wanted one.
Now, no way. The stench of chew is maddening. Disgusting. I will have to admit tho, i do crave a stogie every now and again, - golfing, sitting around the firepit... but as you said " I'm an addict".
I'm an addict and cant have 'nice things'. Like a cigar for example. My addictive personality would take over, and lead to other things. In this case, past performance IS indicative of future results. Ive seen me ruin a quit before, Ive seen me cave.... and its imply not going to happen.
Since I joined this place 906 days ago, I've built a wall of quit brick by brick, day by day, digits by digits i have in my phone, its getting higher every day. The bricks are my days quit, the mortar is my KTC family. These are useless alone, but put them together and its solid.
Look forward to hearing more about your quit, PM me anytime, if you need digits I'd be happy to share. Giving back it the friggin KEY to this place man. JB