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Offline Evillen

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #7 on: September 19, 2018, 12:58:37 PM »
Hi Glenn, glad to see that you are making the decision to quit. If you need help with roll and other things I would be happy to help you (incase others haven't already). I have one question for you, and please don't take this as an asshole remark, I really am not trying to be one and I don't mean it in that way. One thing you should ask yourself, are you quitting for you? Deep down, are you doing this for you? That being said, don't take this post as a means that you can't also quit for your kids, your wife, etc., but you also have to be selfish and be quitting for you.

My digits will be in your inbox, please feel free to reach out to me, we (meaning members of ktc) can help you with triggers, can help you when you're having a bad day, can help you stay quit and everyone on here is more than willing to do so. Like I said, text/call me for whatever reason.

Offline 69franx

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #6 on: September 18, 2018, 02:41:17 PM »
I really did not cover it in my first reply or my text to you, but KTC really does make being quit easy:
  • Make a promise to not use nicotine today
  • Keep your word for 24 hours
  • Wake up tomorrow and do it again
So the real question is "What is your word worth to you?" As a military man, I would assume you have a high level of personal integrity. If so, can you keep a promise for 24 hours? That's all we do here to be quit. We just make that same decision every day. We are all just one bad decision away from being back at day 1. Nicotine is addictive. We are all addicts. can you admit to that? Can you face that? That's a big part of getting over the hump and being quit. Don't think about how hard it is, think about how much better life is without nicotine. Read this badass quitter's HOF speech and his outlook on quitting. Capital70 If you focus on the negative, its a lot tougher. He has figured out why he wants to be quit which is also what makes it easier for him to remain quit
ABQ= Always Be Quitting

My Intro
My HOF Speech
How long have I been quit?

I brew the beer I drink, what's your superpower?

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Offline Capital70

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #5 on: September 18, 2018, 01:48:55 PM »
You seem like my kind of quitter.....actually all quitters are my type, but.....Im sending my digits if you need them!  I to have taken up running as an outlet and its awesome!  I will quit with you today!  Shoot me a text and we'll chat!
Quit Date May 27th, 2018
HOF September 3rd, 2018
Intro/Quit Journey
HOF Speech- I Get To
"The more I sacrifice, the harder it is to surrender"
"F#*k man, just post roll and keep your promise" -batdad
Quitters I've Met- 69Franx, Wiesman71, McDave, Jeidi1991
Bad asses quit....everyone else stays addicted

Offline Glenn Darr

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2018, 01:17:05 PM »
One last thing before I get back to work.......I even just got rid of my secret can that I keep hidden in my truck for emergencies......because if your a real addict like me than you have a secret stash somewhere and there is no real point in hiding it anymore.....I really want to be quit. it still just day 1...................

Offline Glenn Darr

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2018, 01:08:56 PM »
First of all I apologies to everyone - I'm a little technological challenged and I still cant figure out roll call yet but Im here.

These are some really good questions.

I truly have no idea what I will do differently. I have tried so many things over the years. I do know that I want to me done with chew and one thing I will do is every day I will send in my day count. I have an accountability partner now so I will either send in by posting or by texting. That's as far as I have gotten.

Honestly, I completely forgot about KilltheCan  and wasn't even planning on quitting so soon, I really did make a promise to my kids that I would quit by Christmas but I figured I have time. Then yesterday by some strange turn of events I received an email from KilltheCan that it was undergoing some changes.....I clicked on the email.....I went on to the sight......I started poking around....and then I decided to say f@#k-it and I spit out my dip and logged back on to this sight.

I do know that I want to be quit...I know that Im tired of it and Honestly I am going through some other big changes in my life right now so who the hell knows maybe this is my mid-life crisis but instead of getting a convertible and dating some 20 year old, I decided to give up alcohol and tobacco and take up running.

I am absolutely ready to commit to it but I have no idea how to deal with my triggers. Hunting and fishing will be big ones. I really just kind of jumped head first into this without thinking about it. No thoughts on how to deal with all the things that make me want to chew. I just spit out my chew, threw away my can and now I am just prepared to embrace the suck that comes with withdrawal.

Right now the only thing I can absolutely answer without any doubt in my mind  is that my choice is made......I quit! Outside of that I guess I just have to be prepared to face all the triggers one at a time as they come my way.

I jumped out of Airplanes in the Army for the last 20 years or so, so I am looking at it like this. Yesterday when I read that email, spit out my dip and logged on with my intro...that was like jumping out of the plane. Now I cant possibly climb back into it....its to late for that because I already jumped out. I had no plan in mind I just jumped, but I did jump with a parachute....This site. So no I only have to worry about one thing; do I use my "parachute"  and get through this? Or, do I ignore my parachute and go crashing into an oncoming planet?

Day 1

Offline 69franx

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2018, 11:22:27 AM »

What will you do differently this time?
You need a specific plan to make it work.
If you just want to be quit, then be quit.
It's a decision you will have to make every day for the rest of your life.
Are you ready to commit to that?
How will you deal with the triggers you mention? Hunting, fishing, life, etc?
All those things will happen, and if you are to be quit, you must have a plan to deal with those things.
More importantly, you must want to hunt and fish without chew. If you still want it (somewhere deep down inside) you will always find an excuse to put that  shit back in your mouth.
The choice is yours, what's it going to be?
sending my number if you need extra accountability
ABQ= Always Be Quitting

My Intro
My HOF Speech
How long have I been quit?

I brew the beer I drink, what's your superpower?

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HOF: 11/08/17     2nd Floor: 02/16/18     3rd Floor: 05/27/18     1st trip around the sun: 07/31/18     4th Floor: 09/04/18     5th floor: 12/13/18     6th floor: 03/23/2019     7th floor: 07/01/19     2nd trip around the sun: 07/31/19     8th floor: 10/09/19     9th floor: 01/17/20     Comma Day: 04/26/2020     3rd trip around the sun: 08/01/2020     11th floor: 08/04/2020     12th Floor: 11/12/2020     13th floor: 02/20/2021     14th floor: 05/31/2021

Offline Glenn Darr

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« on: September 17, 2018, 04:16:27 PM »
So here I go again -

I just spit out my dip.......damn.

So its been a few years since I have been on this sight and I will admit I never thought I would be back here again. I cant remember how to post roll so I would greatly appreciate some help in posting. I think I just did it but I'm not sure how I even got there.

Last time I was on here I remember this being a pretty no nonsense place to quite and I remember that everyone on here doesn't accept excuses or bullshit,  so here it is everyone. I left this sight so I could go back to chewing. I didn't want to be held accountable to you and I didn't really want to quite. Now with some serious fishing coming up and hunting season just around the corner this will be pretty tough. But my kids (all who are much older now) picked up one of my cans and read the warning label that said cancer, they asked me why I would do something that could give me mouth cancer....they cornered me and I made a deal to be done chewing by Christmas. I guess now is as good as time as any so lets get the fog and the process started.

I have quite and started so many times I cant remember anymore how many times its been. I don't even enjoy chewing anymore but I am about as hard core as they come. I am a very serious addict!! In every sense of the word, I am a hardened addict!  I work out with a chew in, I have been known to sleep with a chew in, I have been known to eat with a chew in....I pretty much have a chew in from the time I wake up until the time I go to bed. I have probably spent enough money on chew over the years to by the camper my wife wants. And now with chew costing an upwards of $7 a can ....its getting a little out of control.

I have had close calls with mouth cancer and it didn't stop me, I have been disgusted with myself and it didn't stop me, I joined this sight before and it didn't stop why now. I just looked my kids in the eyes and said I would quite. I also just gave up drinking....and I have asked my wife to give up was getting out of control. So on top of my kids wanting me to quite my wife has said since she is giving up her wine than I need to give up my chew. I suppose Id sort of be a hypocrite if I asked her to give up something and I didn't.

SO here I am.....head hung low, making no excuses, and not trying to hide the fact that I walked away from this site so I could go back to my dirty little mistress (Copenhagen longcut wintergreen).

I suppose its time for me...... now if I can just figure out this roll call again. I will admit if you don't see me post roll tomorrow its because the anger associated with quitting probably made me so mad that I wanted to throw my computer threw the window...if you don't see me post roll than someone shoot me a message and I will reply with Day 1 of my quite.