Day 518
It's an itch... ever had athletes foot?? Your feet get a little funky... they have a burning, kinda itching feeling... If you scratch to hard, it opens up and becomes infected... You can ignore it, for a bit... there are times when it's realllllly itchy.... Not a ton you can do about it, just gotta wash and keep your feet dry...
That's kinda how I feel lately... it's an itch... I don't think it feels like a crave. For sure, not as bad as those early days. but every now and again, it itches... I have probably used fake more in the last 30 days than I have in the previous 400 some day. Not frequent at all, but it just scratches that little itch. I even find myself planning around it a bit. I think to myself "ok, gotta turn on the dishwasher.. bring out the trash.. oh, and remember to take the chicken out for dinner tomorrow... then I'll grab a quit di... wait... I don't do that... Then I'll grab a glass of water and relax on the couch... maybe check into KTC, make sure I posted today..." This is when I grab that can of smokey mountain... the one I keep next to the bed... the one that is a bit fresher than the one that is in my car... It's stale, doesn't even taste that good... but it scratches that little itch...
If I post roll, nicotine is simply not an option. Folks here know where I live.. I also do not believe I could start over again, I'm not man enough for that.. Could I scratch this itch without my promise? Probably... but I fear of scratching it to hard.. I see how folks fall for the "just one" bull shit.. nicotine is a sneaky little bitch.. always just under the surface.. always wanting you to scratch it... wanting our attention... not today