Author Topic: Here I go again, tomorrow is the last first day.  (Read 42677 times)

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Re: Here I go again, tomorrow is the last first day.
« Reply #162 on: June 07, 2014, 06:19:00 PM »
Quote from: B-loMatt
Quote from: CBird65
Quote from: slinger
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: Raider
Quote from: mogul
Hey bro, I'm back for a moment to congratulate you on your Hall of Fame here at KTC. Please don't take this lightly, it's not just another day. this is your day to shine and your day to celebrate you winning.... You haven't won, but you are winning. I know you understand what I mean. Here's the deal. If you can stay off of a roof for the next 72 hours and stay quit at the same time, I will have a reward/gift/surprise for you . We talk later.... Chris
Thanks Mogul. And thank you for reaching out on that evening. Our conversation changed my attitude and for that, I am grateful. BTW, no plans for any roofing till my dumb ass self decides it's time to get stupid again. I also understand the winning vs. won concept. This is a battle we will never fully win but with the right attitude we will always be winning. Just gotta stay +1 step ahead f the NB.
Congrats Raider. Enjoy your day it is a great accomplishment. Quit on!
Congrats Raider. Well done! Keep it it rolling today!
Well done, Brother. See ya at 200.
You "get" it Raider! Congratulations on HOF, and even more so for drinking the kool-aide. You are now a grizzled veteran to a lot of newbs! Enjoy the hell out of your freedom today.
Congrats on the triple digits raider. Not only a badass quitter taking back his freedom, this guy stays involved in his group, on the forums, and in chat. Never had a doubt you'd make it to the Hall bud. QLF
Obsessed with the ghey

QD 01/10/14

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Re: Here I go again, tomorrow is the last first day.
« Reply #161 on: June 07, 2014, 10:35:00 AM »
Quote from: CBird65
Quote from: slinger
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: Raider
Quote from: mogul
Hey bro, I'm back for a moment to congratulate you on your Hall of Fame here at KTC. Please don't take this lightly, it's not just another day. this is your day to shine and your day to celebrate you winning.... You haven't won, but you are winning. I know you understand what I mean. Here's the deal. If you can stay off of a roof for the next 72 hours and stay quit at the same time, I will have a reward/gift/surprise for you . We talk later.... Chris
Thanks Mogul. And thank you for reaching out on that evening. Our conversation changed my attitude and for that, I am grateful. BTW, no plans for any roofing till my dumb ass self decides it's time to get stupid again. I also understand the winning vs. won concept. This is a battle we will never fully win but with the right attitude we will always be winning. Just gotta stay +1 step ahead f the NB.
Congrats Raider. Enjoy your day it is a great accomplishment. Quit on!
Congrats Raider. Well done! Keep it it rolling today!
Well done, Brother. See ya at 200.
You "get" it Raider! Congratulations on HOF, and even more so for drinking the kool-aide. You are now a grizzled veteran to a lot of newbs! Enjoy the hell out of your freedom today.

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Re: Here I go again, tomorrow is the last first day.
« Reply #160 on: June 07, 2014, 10:32:00 AM »
Quote from: slinger
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: Raider
Quote from: mogul
Hey bro, I'm back for a moment to congratulate you on your Hall of Fame here at KTC. Please don't take this lightly, it's not just another day. this is your day to shine and your day to celebrate you winning.... You haven't won, but you are winning. I know you understand what I mean. Here's the deal. If you can stay off of a roof for the next 72 hours and stay quit at the same time, I will have a reward/gift/surprise for you . We talk later.... Chris
Thanks Mogul. And thank you for reaching out on that evening. Our conversation changed my attitude and for that, I am grateful. BTW, no plans for any roofing till my dumb ass self decides it's time to get stupid again. I also understand the winning vs. won concept. This is a battle we will never fully win but with the right attitude we will always be winning. Just gotta stay +1 step ahead f the NB.
Congrats Raider. Enjoy your day it is a great accomplishment. Quit on!
Congrats Raider. Well done! Keep it it rolling today!
Well done, Brother. See ya at 200.
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Re: Here I go again, tomorrow is the last first day.
« Reply #159 on: June 07, 2014, 08:40:00 AM »
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: Raider
Quote from: mogul
Hey bro, I'm back for a moment to congratulate you on your Hall of Fame here at KTC. Please don't take this lightly, it's not just another day. this is your day to shine and your day to celebrate you winning.... You haven't won, but you are winning. I know you understand what I mean. Here's the deal. If you can stay off of a roof for the next 72 hours and stay quit at the same time, I will have a reward/gift/surprise for you . We talk later.... Chris
Thanks Mogul. And thank you for reaching out on that evening. Our conversation changed my attitude and for that, I am grateful. BTW, no plans for any roofing till my dumb ass self decides it's time to get stupid again. I also understand the winning vs. won concept. This is a battle we will never fully win but with the right attitude we will always be winning. Just gotta stay +1 step ahead f the NB.
Congrats Raider. Enjoy your day it is a great accomplishment. Quit on!
Congrats Raider. Well done! Keep it it rolling today!
Well done, Brother. See ya at 200.
We are what we repeatedly do. ~ Aristotle

Quit or get off the pot, Sally. ~ Diesel2112

The way I see it, you can either post roll daily or fuck off. ~ jost2brown

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Re: Here I go again, tomorrow is the last first day.
« Reply #158 on: June 07, 2014, 08:31:00 AM »
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: Raider
Quote from: mogul
Hey bro, I'm back for a moment to congratulate you on your Hall of Fame here at KTC. Please don't take this lightly, it's not just another day. this is your day to shine and your day to celebrate you winning.... You haven't won, but you are winning. I know you understand what I mean. Here's the deal. If you can stay off of a roof for the next 72 hours and stay quit at the same time, I will have a reward/gift/surprise for you . We talk later.... Chris
Thanks Mogul. And thank you for reaching out on that evening. Our conversation changed my attitude and for that, I am grateful. BTW, no plans for any roofing till my dumb ass self decides it's time to get stupid again. I also understand the winning vs. won concept. This is a battle we will never fully win but with the right attitude we will always be winning. Just gotta stay +1 step ahead f the NB.
Congrats Raider. Enjoy your day it is a great accomplishment. Quit on!
Congrats Raider. Well done! Keep it it rolling today!
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Re: Here I go again, tomorrow is the last first day.
« Reply #157 on: June 07, 2014, 06:53:00 AM »
Quote from: Raider
Quote from: mogul
Hey bro, I'm back for a moment to congratulate you on your Hall of Fame here at KTC. Please don't take this lightly, it's not just another day. this is your day to shine and your day to celebrate you winning.... You haven't won, but you are winning. I know you understand what I mean. Here's the deal. If you can stay off of a roof for the next 72 hours and stay quit at the same time, I will have a reward/gift/surprise for you . We talk later.... Chris
Thanks Mogul. And thank you for reaching out on that evening. Our conversation changed my attitude and for that, I am grateful. BTW, no plans for any roofing till my dumb ass self decides it's time to get stupid again. I also understand the winning vs. won concept. This is a battle we will never fully win but with the right attitude we will always be winning. Just gotta stay +1 step ahead f the NB.
Congrats Raider. Enjoy your day it is a great accomplishment. Quit on!
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
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Re: Here I go again, tomorrow is the last first day.
« Reply #156 on: June 07, 2014, 02:46:00 AM »
Quote from: mogul
Hey bro, I'm back for a moment to congratulate you on your Hall of Fame here at KTC. Please don't take this lightly, it's not just another day. this is your day to shine and your day to celebrate you winning.... You haven't won, but you are winning. I know you understand what I mean. Here's the deal. If you can stay off of a roof for the next 72 hours and stay quit at the same time, I will have a reward/gift/surprise for you . We talk later.... Chris
Thanks Mogul. And thank you for reaching out on that evening. Our conversation changed my attitude and for that, I am grateful. BTW, no plans for any roofing till my dumb ass self decides it's time to get stupid again. I also understand the winning vs. won concept. This is a battle we will never fully win but with the right attitude we will always be winning. Just gotta stay +1 step ahead f the NB.

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Re: Here I go again, tomorrow is the last first day.
« Reply #155 on: June 07, 2014, 02:41:00 AM »
Quote from: J2thaZ
Congrats on HOF Raider. You've been an inspiration to us Sultans as we try to emulate what you've been able to do the last 100 days. Keep it up brother, never going back.
Thanks for that. Just keep paying it forward. Help each other and be active. You do that and you will succeed.

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Re: Here I go again, tomorrow is the last first day.
« Reply #154 on: June 07, 2014, 01:29:00 AM »
Congrats on HOF Raider. You've been an inspiration to us Sultans as we try to emulate what you've been able to do the last 100 days. Keep it up brother, never going back.
Desire. Dedication. Discipline.

"You determine if you are going to make it, not your excuses." - flashman

"those who are truly my brothers know that I will never betray them." - LOOT

"ain't no way I'm going to lie to my Sultans....I'd rather die" - CavMan83

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Re: Here I go again, tomorrow is the last first day.
« Reply #153 on: June 07, 2014, 01:26:00 AM »
Hey bro, I'm back for a moment to congratulate you on your Hall of Fame here at KTC. Please don't take this lightly, it's not just another day. this is your day to shine and your day to celebrate you winning.... You haven't won, but you are winning. I know you understand what I mean. Here's the deal. If you can stay off of a roof for the next 72 hours and stay quit at the same time, I will have a reward/gift/surprise for you . We talk later.... Chris

Offline Raider

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Re: Here I go again, tomorrow is the last first day.
« Reply #152 on: June 05, 2014, 02:58:00 PM »
Quote from: I
Quote from: Doc
Quote from: Winter
Quote from: Raider
Day 98. Its been 13 days since I posted in my Intro. In the beginning I used it as a daily journal but now I use it as more of a reminder of how those first couple of months were. The fog, the funk, the craves, the determination to stay quit. As I look back I am amazed at how my body has dealt with this compared to "stops" in the past. In the past I never thought of myself as being foggy, funky, or whatever. I was just pissed off at everyone all the damn time. With the ammunition of KTC, I have learned how to deal with those foggy and funky days. Mainly I have learned what they are and why they occur. I also learned that I was not the only one going through all those emotions.

As I look back over the years I think about several things related to my use of nicotine. I remember "stopping" a few days before a physical exam so the nicotine wouldn't show up in my system only to "reward" myself in the truck right after my exam. Who in the hell was I fooling? I also "stopped" a couple days before a dental appointment. I brushed, flossed, and rinsed better because I thought it would make a difference. Who in the hell was I fooling? I used dip as a way to control my weight. Who in the hell was I fooling? The only person I was fooling was myself. My body suffered, my teeth suffered, and I'm still an out of shape, overweight guy (working on that now). Most of you know that I had "stopped" for 3 years (over 1000 days) in the past. The difference between then and now is the power of KTC. The nic bitch is patient, the nic bitch is sultry, the nic bitch is ruthless, and what I have learned to tell her over the past 98 days is "Not today bitch".

As I sit here thinking about how much shit has happened in the past 98 days($1200 repair bill on truck, falling of roof, tooth abscess, etc), I wonder why I used so many simple excuses (somebody pissed me off) in the past to cave. Lately things have settled down but I do like to remind myself that during the past few months a lot of stuff happened and I am still a 100% poster on June 14's Roll Call. Am I shooting for 100% for when I hit the 2nd floor? Hell yes!!

So what is it that makes this work? It's simple. ACCOUNTABILITY and BEING ACTIVE on KTC. Most of you that read this already knew that answer but for the newbies, I hope it helps. When I first joined I had a hard time exchanging my number. As a matter of fact I had quite a few PM's from people giving me theirs but I was late in giving them mine. I thought that Posting Roll and making a few entries in my intro was enough. Now I have quite a few numbers at my disposal and I use them when a friend is in trouble or simply as a way to tell someone. It's a great day to be quit. You will only get out of KTC what you give. Posting Roll and running is not enough for a successful quit. The main point is stick around and chat for awhile, Read intros, Post support for other months, etc. It will not only help you but it just may help save the life of someone else.

Yesterday I had my annual physical exam at the VA center. Everything went very well. All my bloodwork came up within normal limits. My blood pressure went from around 135/80 to 110/70. My LDL is high but hopefully working out and eating less will help that. She did a risk analysis on my heart disease risk and over a 10 year period I had a 2.4% chance of getting heart disease. The average is 1.9%. I know that quitting nicotine has been a HUGE help in this. I told the Nurse Practitioner about KTC and she was very curious. I gave a her a lot of information about it and she took notes. I am going to contact her and let her know that I am willing to come to the VA and talk about KTC at one of their tobacco quit groups meetings.

In summary: My quit is strong. The craves still happen. I have made myself accountable. My overall health is better. I have a shitload more friends now than ever. The power of KTC is awesome.
You da man Raider
Quit on brother
Congrats on the health progress. Proud to be a quitter with you today Raider.
I have also learned that the words "Try, Hope, and Luck" are not quitting words. Mogul schooled me on that on day 1 and for that, I am grateful.

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Re: Here I go again, tomorrow is the last first day.
« Reply #151 on: June 05, 2014, 02:50:00 PM »
Quote from: Doc
Quote from: Winter
Quote from: Raider
Day 98. Its been 13 days since I posted in my Intro. In the beginning I used it as a daily journal but now I use it as more of a reminder of how those first couple of months were. The fog, the funk, the craves, the determination to stay quit. As I look back I am amazed at how my body has dealt with this compared to "stops" in the past. In the past I never thought of myself as being foggy, funky, or whatever. I was just pissed off at everyone all the damn time. With the ammunition of KTC, I have learned how to deal with those foggy and funky days. Mainly I have learned what they are and why they occur. I also learned that I was not the only one going through all those emotions.

As I look back over the years I think about several things related to my use of nicotine. I remember "stopping" a few days before a physical exam so the nicotine wouldn't show up in my system only to "reward" myself in the truck right after my exam. Who in the hell was I fooling? I also "stopped" a couple days before a dental appointment. I brushed, flossed, and rinsed better because I thought it would make a difference. Who in the hell was I fooling? I used dip as a way to control my weight. Who in the hell was I fooling? The only person I was fooling was myself. My body suffered, my teeth suffered, and I'm still an out of shape, overweight guy (working on that now). Most of you know that I had "stopped" for 3 years (over 1000 days) in the past. The difference between then and now is the power of KTC. The nic bitch is patient, the nic bitch is sultry, the nic bitch is ruthless, and what I have learned to tell her over the past 98 days is "Not today bitch".

As I sit here thinking about how much shit has happened in the past 98 days($1200 repair bill on truck, falling of roof, tooth abscess, etc), I wonder why I used so many simple excuses (somebody pissed me off) in the past to cave. Lately things have settled down but I do like to remind myself that during the past few months a lot of stuff happened and I am still a 100% poster on June 14's Roll Call. Am I shooting for 100% for when I hit the 2nd floor? Hell yes!!

So what is it that makes this work? It's simple. ACCOUNTABILITY and BEING ACTIVE on KTC. Most of you that read this already knew that answer but for the newbies, I hope it helps. When I first joined I had a hard time exchanging my number. As a matter of fact I had quite a few PM's from people giving me theirs but I was late in giving them mine. I thought that Posting Roll and making a few entries in my intro was enough. Now I have quite a few numbers at my disposal and I use them when a friend is in trouble or simply as a way to tell someone. It's a great day to be quit. You will only get out of KTC what you give. Posting Roll and running is not enough for a successful quit. The main point is stick around and chat for awhile, Read intros, Post support for other months, etc. It will not only help you but it just may help save the life of someone else.

Yesterday I had my annual physical exam at the VA center. Everything went very well. All my bloodwork came up within normal limits. My blood pressure went from around 135/80 to 110/70. My LDL is high but hopefully working out and eating less will help that. She did a risk analysis on my heart disease risk and over a 10 year period I had a 2.4% chance of getting heart disease. The average is 1.9%. I know that quitting nicotine has been a HUGE help in this. I told the Nurse Practitioner about KTC and she was very curious. I gave a her a lot of information about it and she took notes. I am going to contact her and let her know that I am willing to come to the VA and talk about KTC at one of their tobacco quit groups meetings.

In summary: My quit is strong. The craves still happen. I have made myself accountable. My overall health is better. I have a shitload more friends now than ever. The power of KTC is awesome.
You da man Raider
Quit on brother
Congrats on the health progress. Proud to be a quitter with you today Raider.
Desire. Dedication. Discipline.

"You determine if you are going to make it, not your excuses." - flashman

"those who are truly my brothers know that I will never betray them." - LOOT

"ain't no way I'm going to lie to my Sultans....I'd rather die" - CavMan83

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Re: Here I go again, tomorrow is the last first day.
« Reply #150 on: June 05, 2014, 02:45:00 PM »
Quote from: Winter
Quote from: Raider
Day 98. Its been 13 days since I posted in my Intro. In the beginning I used it as a daily journal but now I use it as more of a reminder of how those first couple of months were. The fog, the funk, the craves, the determination to stay quit. As I look back I am amazed at how my body has dealt with this compared to "stops" in the past. In the past I never thought of myself as being foggy, funky, or whatever. I was just pissed off at everyone all the damn time. With the ammunition of KTC, I have learned how to deal with those foggy and funky days. Mainly I have learned what they are and why they occur. I also learned that I was not the only one going through all those emotions.

As I look back over the years I think about several things related to my use of nicotine. I remember "stopping" a few days before a physical exam so the nicotine wouldn't show up in my system only to "reward" myself in the truck right after my exam. Who in the hell was I fooling? I also "stopped" a couple days before a dental appointment. I brushed, flossed, and rinsed better because I thought it would make a difference. Who in the hell was I fooling? I used dip as a way to control my weight. Who in the hell was I fooling? The only person I was fooling was myself. My body suffered, my teeth suffered, and I'm still an out of shape, overweight guy (working on that now). Most of you know that I had "stopped" for 3 years (over 1000 days) in the past. The difference between then and now is the power of KTC. The nic bitch is patient, the nic bitch is sultry, the nic bitch is ruthless, and what I have learned to tell her over the past 98 days is "Not today bitch".

As I sit here thinking about how much shit has happened in the past 98 days($1200 repair bill on truck, falling of roof, tooth abscess, etc), I wonder why I used so many simple excuses (somebody pissed me off) in the past to cave. Lately things have settled down but I do like to remind myself that during the past few months a lot of stuff happened and I am still a 100% poster on June 14's Roll Call. Am I shooting for 100% for when I hit the 2nd floor? Hell yes!!

So what is it that makes this work? It's simple. ACCOUNTABILITY and BEING ACTIVE on KTC. Most of you that read this already knew that answer but for the newbies, I hope it helps. When I first joined I had a hard time exchanging my number. As a matter of fact I had quite a few PM's from people giving me theirs but I was late in giving them mine. I thought that Posting Roll and making a few entries in my intro was enough. Now I have quite a few numbers at my disposal and I use them when a friend is in trouble or simply as a way to tell someone. It's a great day to be quit. You will only get out of KTC what you give. Posting Roll and running is not enough for a successful quit. The main point is stick around and chat for awhile, Read intros, Post support for other months, etc. It will not only help you but it just may help save the life of someone else.

Yesterday I had my annual physical exam at the VA center. Everything went very well. All my bloodwork came up within normal limits. My blood pressure went from around 135/80 to 110/70. My LDL is high but hopefully working out and eating less will help that. She did a risk analysis on my heart disease risk and over a 10 year period I had a 2.4% chance of getting heart disease. The average is 1.9%. I know that quitting nicotine has been a HUGE help in this. I told the Nurse Practitioner about KTC and she was very curious. I gave a her a lot of information about it and she took notes. I am going to contact her and let her know that I am willing to come to the VA and talk about KTC at one of their tobacco quit groups meetings.

In summary: My quit is strong. The craves still happen. I have made myself accountable. My overall health is better. I have a shitload more friends now than ever. The power of KTC is awesome.
You da man Raider
Quit on brother
Brave men are honored, rich men are envied, powerful men are feared, but only a man with character is trusted
Quit on Feb. 6, 2014

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Re: Here I go again, tomorrow is the last first day.
« Reply #149 on: June 05, 2014, 02:42:00 PM »
Quote from: Raider
Day 98. Its been 13 days since I posted in my Intro. In the beginning I used it as a daily journal but now I use it as more of a reminder of how those first couple of months were. The fog, the funk, the craves, the determination to stay quit. As I look back I am amazed at how my body has dealt with this compared to "stops" in the past. In the past I never thought of myself as being foggy, funky, or whatever. I was just pissed off at everyone all the damn time. With the ammunition of KTC, I have learned how to deal with those foggy and funky days. Mainly I have learned what they are and why they occur. I also learned that I was not the only one going through all those emotions.

As I look back over the years I think about several things related to my use of nicotine. I remember "stopping" a few days before a physical exam so the nicotine wouldn't show up in my system only to "reward" myself in the truck right after my exam. Who in the hell was I fooling? I also "stopped" a couple days before a dental appointment. I brushed, flossed, and rinsed better because I thought it would make a difference. Who in the hell was I fooling? I used dip as a way to control my weight. Who in the hell was I fooling? The only person I was fooling was myself. My body suffered, my teeth suffered, and I'm still an out of shape, overweight guy (working on that now). Most of you know that I had "stopped" for 3 years (over 1000 days) in the past. The difference between then and now is the power of KTC. The nic bitch is patient, the nic bitch is sultry, the nic bitch is ruthless, and what I have learned to tell her over the past 98 days is "Not today bitch".

As I sit here thinking about how much shit has happened in the past 98 days($1200 repair bill on truck, falling of roof, tooth abscess, etc), I wonder why I used so many simple excuses (somebody pissed me off) in the past to cave. Lately things have settled down but I do like to remind myself that during the past few months a lot of stuff happened and I am still a 100% poster on June 14's Roll Call. Am I shooting for 100% for when I hit the 2nd floor? Hell yes!!

So what is it that makes this work? It's simple. ACCOUNTABILITY and BEING ACTIVE on KTC. Most of you that read this already knew that answer but for the newbies, I hope it helps. When I first joined I had a hard time exchanging my number. As a matter of fact I had quite a few PM's from people giving me theirs but I was late in giving them mine. I thought that Posting Roll and making a few entries in my intro was enough. Now I have quite a few numbers at my disposal and I use them when a friend is in trouble or simply as a way to tell someone. It's a great day to be quit. You will only get out of KTC what you give. Posting Roll and running is not enough for a successful quit. The main point is stick around and chat for awhile, Read intros, Post support for other months, etc. It will not only help you but it just may help save the life of someone else.

Yesterday I had my annual physical exam at the VA center. Everything went very well. All my bloodwork came up within normal limits. My blood pressure went from around 135/80 to 110/70. My LDL is high but hopefully working out and eating less will help that. She did a risk analysis on my heart disease risk and over a 10 year period I had a 2.4% chance of getting heart disease. The average is 1.9%. I know that quitting nicotine has been a HUGE help in this. I told the Nurse Practitioner about KTC and she was very curious. I gave a her a lot of information about it and she took notes. I am going to contact her and let her know that I am willing to come to the VA and talk about KTC at one of their tobacco quit groups meetings.

In summary: My quit is strong. The craves still happen. I have made myself accountable. My overall health is better. I have a shitload more friends now than ever. The power of KTC is awesome.
You da man Raider
Quit~December - 2 - 2013
1st Floor~March - 11 - 2014

Offline Raider

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Re: Here I go again, tomorrow is the last first day.
« Reply #148 on: June 05, 2014, 02:34:00 PM »
Day 98. Its been 13 days since I posted in my Intro. In the beginning I used it as a daily journal but now I use it as more of a reminder of how those first couple of months were. The fog, the funk, the craves, the determination to stay quit. As I look back I am amazed at how my body has dealt with this compared to "stops" in the past. In the past I never thought of myself as being foggy, funky, or whatever. I was just pissed off at everyone all the damn time. With the ammunition of KTC, I have learned how to deal with those foggy and funky days. Mainly I have learned what they are and why they occur. I also learned that I was not the only one going through all those emotions.

As I look back over the years I think about several things related to my use of nicotine. I remember "stopping" a few days before a physical exam so the nicotine wouldn't show up in my system only to "reward" myself in the truck right after my exam. Who in the hell was I fooling? I also "stopped" a couple days before a dental appointment. I brushed, flossed, and rinsed better because I thought it would make a difference. Who in the hell was I fooling? I used dip as a way to control my weight. Who in the hell was I fooling? The only person I was fooling was myself. My body suffered, my teeth suffered, and I'm still an out of shape, overweight guy (working on that now). Most of you know that I had "stopped" for 3 years (over 1000 days) in the past. The difference between then and now is the power of KTC. The nic bitch is patient, the nic bitch is sultry, the nic bitch is ruthless, and what I have learned to tell her over the past 98 days is "Not today bitch".

As I sit here thinking about how much shit has happened in the past 98 days($1200 repair bill on truck, falling of roof, tooth abscess, etc), I wonder why I used so many simple excuses (somebody pissed me off) in the past to cave. Lately things have settled down but I do like to remind myself that during the past few months a lot of stuff happened and I am still a 100% poster on June 14's Roll Call. Am I shooting for 100% for when I hit the 2nd floor? Hell yes!!

So what is it that makes this work? It's simple. ACCOUNTABILITY and BEING ACTIVE on KTC. Most of you that read this already knew that answer but for the newbies, I hope it helps. When I first joined I had a hard time exchanging my number. As a matter of fact I had quite a few PM's from people giving me theirs but I was late in giving them mine. I thought that Posting Roll and making a few entries in my intro was enough. Now I have quite a few numbers at my disposal and I use them when a friend is in trouble or simply as a way to tell someone. It's a great day to be quit. You will only get out of KTC what you give. Posting Roll and running is not enough for a successful quit. The main point is stick around and chat for awhile, Read intros, Post support for other months, etc. It will not only help you but it just may help save the life of someone else.

Yesterday I had my annual physical exam at the VA center. Everything went very well. All my bloodwork came up within normal limits. My blood pressure went from around 135/80 to 110/70. My LDL is high but hopefully working out and eating less will help that. She did a risk analysis on my heart disease risk and over a 10 year period I had a 2.4% chance of getting heart disease. The average is 1.9%. I know that quitting nicotine has been a HUGE help in this. I told the Nurse Practitioner about KTC and she was very curious. I gave a her a lot of information about it and she took notes. I am going to contact her and let her know that I am willing to come to the VA and talk about KTC at one of their tobacco quit groups meetings.

In summary: My quit is strong. The craves still happen. I have made myself accountable. My overall health is better. I have a shitload more friends now than ever. The power of KTC is awesome.