Author Topic: Here I go again, tomorrow is the last first day.  (Read 47576 times)

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Re: Here I go again, tomorrow is the last first day.
« Reply #27 on: March 03, 2014, 11:55:00 AM »
Quote from: Raider
Today sucks. The headache will not go away. I know it's the Nic knocking but I ain't answering. This will be a bumpy ride but the outcome will be worth it.
I always felt better with a ton of water and a nice walk. Fresh air. Breath in life and freedom.
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
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Re: Here I go again, tomorrow is the last first day.
« Reply #26 on: March 03, 2014, 11:43:00 AM »
Today sucks. The headache will not go away. I know it's the Nic knocking but I ain't answering. This will be a bumpy ride but the outcome will be worth it.

Offline Raider

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Re: Here I go again, tomorrow is the last first day.
« Reply #25 on: March 02, 2014, 10:14:00 PM »
Quote from: hypothesaurus
Quote from: Raider
I did stop in an e-cig store today to see if they had any Hootch. They did not but they tried to get me on the e-cigs. I told them I QUIT Nic and that what they were trying to sell me would get me back on the can. Needless to say I talked about KTC and told them to not offer nic to a quitter even in an e-cig format. That was actually my first test for the day. Wal-Mart was my second.
Well done. Where I live unfortunately can't even find the tobacco free stuff. Have to order it online. Keep up the good work, Raider. I quit with you now!
I've been watching you Avatar for the last 5 minutes.

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Re: Here I go again, tomorrow is the last first day.
« Reply #24 on: March 02, 2014, 12:28:00 AM »
Quote from: Raider
I did stop in an e-cig store today to see if they had any Hootch. They did not but they tried to get me on the e-cigs. I told them I QUIT Nic and that what they were trying to sell me would get me back on the can. Needless to say I talked about KTC and told them to not offer nic to a quitter even in an e-cig format. That was actually my first test for the day. Wal-Mart was my second.
Well done. Where I live unfortunately can't even find the tobacco free stuff. Have to order it online. Keep up the good work, Raider. I quit with you now!

Offline Raider

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Re: Here I go again, tomorrow is the last first day.
« Reply #23 on: March 02, 2014, 12:12:00 AM »
I did stop in an e-cig store today to see if they had any Hootch. They did not but they tried to get me on the e-cigs. I told them I QUIT Nic and that what they were trying to sell me would get me back on the can. Needless to say I talked about KTC and told them to not offer nic to a quitter even in an e-cig format. That was actually my first test for the day. Wal-Mart was my second.

Offline Raider

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Re: Here I go again, tomorrow is the last first day.
« Reply #22 on: March 02, 2014, 12:07:00 AM »
24 hours into this and what a ride it will be. So far I have not felt the cravings calling like I had before when I took a break from dipping. I did pick up a can of Smokey Mountain and tried it out. The real test was they place the non-tobacco stuff right next to the nic bitch stuff. I passed my test for today. Each day I will be tested and each day I will pass. I had never realized the quitting would be so refreshing. See all you Pre HOF June 2014 quitters in Roll tomorrow. ;Ironman:

Offline Raider

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Re: Here I go again, tomorrow is the last first day.
« Reply #21 on: March 01, 2014, 12:59:00 AM »
Quote from: brettlees
There will be some struggles ahead but it will be worth it to get through them. You are earning your freedom, your real life, back after years of slow poisoning. Get ready to taste that freedom- it tastes even sweeter when you have to struggle more for it! You got this, you found the right place to show you how!
I spend more time on this site than I do on Facebook. You guys are ALL awesome!!!! Day 1 was excellent. I will worry about day 2 tomorrow. As I was driving around today I didn't have the urge to dip and I found driving a different route to avoid the local c-stores may have helped. I will resist the urge to stop in one. I buy all my gas at Costco so I have no reason to stop at the local Exxon. For those of you who quit today, I am hear with and for ya.

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Re: Here I go again, tomorrow is the last first day.
« Reply #20 on: February 28, 2014, 11:23:00 PM »
There will be some struggles ahead but it will be worth it to get through them. You are earning your freedom, your real life, back after years of slow poisoning. Get ready to taste that freedom- it tastes even sweeter when you have to struggle more for it! You got this, you found the right place to show you how!
This info helped me early on, and still does today:

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Offline Raider

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Re: Here I go again, tomorrow is the last first day.
« Reply #19 on: February 28, 2014, 11:15:00 PM »
Quote from: Raider
Quote from: slug.go
Quote from: Raider
Quote from: M-Menace
Welcome to the best decision of your life raider. Follow this simple plan to freedom.....

1. Post Roll
2. Keep Your Word
3. And Remember we Quit One Day At A Time here on KTC....This sounds simple I know and it really is, but it is the key to your quit, the key to salvation because we are addicts. Don't ever forget that, you are an addict!

Welcome Aboard
I am not getting the Post Roll thing. BTW usually the first thing I do in the am is grab a dip, this morning I grabbed my coffee cup. It will be great to be tobacco free. Bring on the hell that I know I will go through but this will be the last time.
Here is how to post.
go to the WELCOME CENTER, top/left and look around, make yourself comfortable.
Watched a video and think I have to Posting Roll thing figured out. Thanks

Today has gone remarkably well although I have been busy. Night time is where I have struggled in the past but no more. My first 24 hours of being tobacco free is almost done. I just have to go to bed early.

Offline Raider

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Re: Here I go again, tomorrow is the last first day.
« Reply #18 on: February 28, 2014, 04:01:00 PM »
Quote from: slug.go
Quote from: Raider
Quote from: M-Menace
Welcome to the best decision of your life raider. Follow this simple plan to freedom.....

1. Post Roll
2. Keep Your Word
3. And Remember we Quit One Day At A Time here on KTC....This sounds simple I know and it really is, but it is the key to your quit, the key to salvation because we are addicts. Don't ever forget that, you are an addict!

Welcome Aboard
I am not getting the Post Roll thing. BTW usually the first thing I do in the am is grab a dip, this morning I grabbed my coffee cup. It will be great to be tobacco free. Bring on the hell that I know I will go through but this will be the last time.
Here is how to post.
go to the WELCOME CENTER, top/left and look around, make yourself comfortable.
Watched a video and think I have to Posting Roll thing figured out. Thanks


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Re: Here I go again, tomorrow is the last first day.
« Reply #17 on: February 28, 2014, 03:47:00 PM »
Quote from: Raider
Quote from: M-Menace
Welcome to the best decision of your life raider. Follow this simple plan to freedom.....

1. Post Roll
2. Keep Your Word
3. And Remember we Quit One Day At A Time here on KTC....This sounds simple I know and it really is, but it is the key to your quit, the key to salvation because we are addicts. Don't ever forget that, you are an addict!

Welcome Aboard
I am not getting the Post Roll thing. BTW usually the first thing I do in the am is grab a dip, this morning I grabbed my coffee cup. It will be great to be tobacco free. Bring on the hell that I know I will go through but this will be the last time.
Here is how to post.
go to the WELCOME CENTER, top/left and look around, make yourself comfortable.
Quit since 1/23/14

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Re: Here I go again, tomorrow is the last first day.
« Reply #16 on: February 28, 2014, 12:45:00 PM »
The trail has been blazed already bro. All you have to do is follow it. Listen to our advice because we know how you're going to feel and what you're going to think. We've been there. Welcome to freedom man... it's pretty damn sweet.
Well, it’s one louder, isn’t it? It’s not ten.

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Re: Here I go again, tomorrow is the last first day.
« Reply #15 on: February 28, 2014, 11:11:00 AM »
Quote from: Raider
mogul. My "Wish me Luck" comment has been edited out because I don't need it. I will do it this time. I wish I would have found this site a long time ago.
Those are quitting words. I love it Raider, now learn how to post roll. That is the price to pay to be quit. There is no quit without posting each and every day. It is what keeps you quit. You may screw it up the first few times but that is ok. Go find "quit groups" in the community forums and scroll down til you see June 2014. That's your group. Check your PMs upper right corner, I left you a message. And YES, I wish I had found this site years ago, because it works.

Offline Raider

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Re: Here I go again, tomorrow is the last first day.
« Reply #14 on: February 28, 2014, 10:17:00 AM »
Quote from: M-Menace
Welcome to the best decision of your life raider. Follow this simple plan to freedom.....

1. Post Roll
2. Keep Your Word
3. And Remember we Quit One Day At A Time here on KTC....This sounds simple I know and it really is, but it is the key to your quit, the key to salvation because we are addicts. Don't ever forget that, you are an addict!

Welcome Aboard
I am not getting the Post Roll thing. BTW usually the first thing I do in the am is grab a dip, this morning I grabbed my coffee cup. It will be great to be tobacco free. Bring on the hell that I know I will go through but this will be the last time.

Offline KurtW

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Re: Here I go again, tomorrow is the last first day.
« Reply #13 on: February 28, 2014, 09:27:00 AM »
Excellent start Raider. I am on day 4. There is no fucking way I am going back. This site is exactly what I needed and looks like for you as well.

When that urge comes at you to have a dip, just say 'Fuck you nic bitch, you are not getting anything from me'. cowboy
QLF date: Feb 2014
HOF date: June 2014
When I hit a 1000 days quit, then I'll do a HOF speech.