10:41 AM - Jun 29, 2018 #54
Why I'm Sticking around and EXACTLY what would happen if I didn't... how do I know, cuz I'm an addict
I know all of this has been written a 1000 times over on this site but I needed the reminder and hopefully it helps another out as well.
"This site is the only reason I think of chewing"
I want to be reminded DAILY about how much I hate that terrible filthy drug. I want to go into the new groups and read about guys not being able to sleep and waking up in a sweat and thinking they were dying, why, becuase that was me.
I want to remember being curled up in the fetal position naked in my bathroom with the room spinning because I was going through some kind of weird withdrawals.
I want to see my Brothers and Sisters name on roll to remember the war we went through TOGETHER.
I want those reminders everyday so I won't do that to myself ever again.
I want to reach out to a new quitter on day 1 that is going through that terrible feeling, scared and afraid, reach out my hand and pull him up from the depths.
If I feel "CURED" and leave the site I know 100% EXACTLY what will happen, and it has nothing to do with Chew. I now Loathe chew, I think it's disgusting, I have 100% confidence if I leave the site I will not cave on chew.
Cigarettes, now that scares the shit out of me. I will probably go a year on my own, I will forget almost completely about the site, and about my brothers.
I won't have that daily "reminder" about how much I hate Nicotine.
The wife and I will be over at our friends house (Sandy and Anna), Anna is a life long smoker who has attempted to quit numerous times and failed. They are both very proud that I quit.
My wife and I have become closer than ever in our 17 years together (never knew me without nic) and we will be getting drunk and doing our old people gross public displays of affection.(I can actually kiss her whenever I want now, no cat turd in my mouth and stank ass breath)
Wife will go inside and I will be buzzed and hanging out with Anna. Not one morsel of KTC and my brothers going through my brain.
Drunk and stupid I will ask for a cig, I want to feel that high that I got back when I was 14 and smoked one of my Grandpa's cigarettes's for the first time.
Anna will tell me to fuck off, "you quit this shit", I will say "dude, it's been a year, I can have just one." And she will oblige, why the fuck would she care, she didn't go through 179 days of fight with me, she's just happy to have someone else to smoke with.
I will smoke that heater and it will all be over, I can promise you that.
Next, I will buy a pack and leave it in my truck, stop on my way home from work to get my fix, just one smoke a day to get that "rush" feeling. You see I am an addict and now I need my fix. How do I know? Been there done that, many times before.
Hand sanitizer and wet wipes in my truck, stopping at mutiple gas stations to make sure I don't have the "smell" anymore. Shoot, I'll go to Restaurant Depot and buy latex gloves, that way my hand doesn't smell like smoke.
My 15 minute drive turns into 45 mins, the wife questions me... I lie. I lose time with my young sons that we could spend together before they go to bed. I'm now getting $20 cashback every time I'm at the grocery store so I don't have a $8 Circle K charge on my bank account every couple days.
Now a few weeks after in addition to my "ride home fix", I add the "going to work fix" and "late night fix." All the while lying and stealing time and money from my family and the love of my life.
Well fuck this, the wife is statrting to smell it, questioning me and I'm lying right to her face. What happens next... addict brain, well let's just buy a can, get your fix and won't smell like smoke.
Yep, balls deep in a can in a month, how do I know? Becuase I'm an addict and I have done it before.
This site changed me, and if I stay with it, I will stay changed. Am I going to pull back form the site over time, sure, right now I'm burnt, conducting is a shit ton of effort and time.
If post and ghost works for you, that is badass as long as you stay quit. I love posting with the vets, the interaction is minimal but meaningful, March 14 is a blast and all I do is write one line a day. I think I've only text Steak and Golf a handful of times but I know they would be there for me in a freaking heartbeat.
Our group will slowly fade but I truly hope we at least show up once a day for that reminder and accountabilty to keep us quit.
I guarantee you in the previous stated scenario if I was still involed with KTC and WUPPEDD I would NOT have had that cave heater..... you know why? Becuase I am a damn man of my word and I made a promise that morning to my brothers that I wouldn't... and I ain't a fucking liar.