Originally posted 5/8/2017
On day 4 today. Doing good so far. Plenty of water being consumed. Not bragging and don't want to piss anyone off, but I haven't hit the fog yet. Definitely don't want to brag because I know it's coming!! Just stating the facts because I know everyone's different and the body handles changes differently. I've been a little more on edge at times but for the most part I'm comfortable with my quit.
Definitely helped so far that I told my wife and that she understands what is going on. Had a good test last night. Did a late night run to the grocery store for some last minute stuff. That is usually when I would grab some mountain dew and a can of Kodiak and then wait until everyone is asleep and break out the goods. Walked right past the dew and didn't think twice about heading to the tobacco checkout aisle. That tells me that I'm on board for this quit unlike the other times I tried on my own. I would have caved in seconds.
Thanks to my August quit group and the accountability factor, I do not want to let them down.
Thanks again everyone. Making me stronger in my quit just typing this.