In retrospect, I think I hate the addict behavior more than I hate the adverse health effects of nicotine.
I think it more worthy of contempt than the use itself.
It is with profound sadness and pity that I now look upon you who use.
It is as if your eyes are cloaked with scales and you cannot grasp that freedom is so close, so very close; only a decision away. You need only reach out and claim it.
I leave you with the words of a man 10 years free. I scarce have seen so much wisdom packed into so few words:
“Ready - Day 3,704
I've been quit on this site for over ten years. I've had the privilege and honor of being asked to serve as both a mod and an admin. I'm still baffled by how well this place works if you are ready to quit. This place works.
Be advised, there is no magic pill and there is no cure.
But there is freedom to be had here. If your word of honor means something, you too can quit.
Post roll giving your word for today that you will not use nicotine in any way, shape or form. Keep your word. Whatever it takes.
You will find the help here you need. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of people that understand exactly what you are going through. Most of them will drop whatever they are doing to help you stay quit. All of this and it's free too!
The knowledge and insight on this site can not be equaled anywhere.
If you are reading this, you may be contemplating quitting. Just know that you are not alone. We know! We can help. But you must do the heavy lifting. We can't quit for you. We will quit with you.
I don't think you can imagine right now how great your quality of life can be. You probably do not realize how much nicotine has taken from you. You may not want to hear this, but you are a slave. And you as well as friends and loved ones are suffering for your addiction.
You can quit!
You will not regret it!
It will be one of the hardest things you have ever done. It will also be one of the most rewarding things you have ever done.
It's going to suck for awhile (you will pay the price) but your freedom is worth it!”