OMG I am into day 7 at this point. I had to catch myself from driving over to the convenience store to buy a can of Copenhagen long cut. This is so hard but I am glad I am still clean. :D
Great job.
Here's a little trick I've been using to get through the tough spots. Dip a cotton ball. You mentioned the price, and some of the fake stuff is more expensive than dip. After a minute or two, cotton feels like long cut.
Thanks for the tip CaseyB!
I'm closing in on my last full week without chew since I can't even remember. :D
You are kicking ass Stranger. Cotton balls, chewing gum (regular, no nicotine), seeds... Lots of ways to ease the oral desire without giving in. 7 days is badass! The first 7 days are as bad as it gets... do whatever it takes to stay quit the next minute, the next hour, the next day. It will get better, you will heal, freedom is wonderful.
To get there, you have a weekend right now. To get through that, use the tools here at KTC. You have live chat, your quit group, hopefully digits to text or call fellow quitters, lots of good stuff to read (I'm on day 119 and still reading), the emergency topic on the quit group page, your December Groupme. Use the tools.
Many recommend avoiding alcohol on this weekend in a quit. You know your strength and your triggers. Be aware.
Own your quit. Keep on the +1s and it gets better.