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Re: cbird65 to cbird to bird ... either way here's the back story
« Reply #26 on: September 22, 2018, 12:32:44 PM »
 13 Jun 2012, 08:22
What can help you to not get separated from your quit?

How strong is the anchor line connecting you to your quit?

So you decided you have had enough of being a slave to nicotine and joined this accountability quit site to help you. OK, that’s one degree or connection point of your quit.

You post roll every morning in your quit group. Now you’re up to two.

You enlist friends and family to keep you on the straight and narrow. Watch out, it’s level three.

You get bold and swap an email address or phone number. Moving on up… to the fourth rung.

You actually use that connect info and speak or email your new found quit ally. Scary now you’re at level five.

You get involved in a noobies quit and ask them to post in your group and you post in theirs. Getting tightly wound and bound to your quit at level six.

You create a group inside you class that will hold each other accountable to posting every day without argument.
Nice, you’ve reached the seventh level of separation.

This is not an exhaust list but try it and then add on to it.

Each one of these connection points will help minimize your separation. Try breaking a rope made of seven different chords woven tightly together.

If you are having difficulties in your quit, give this a try. I don’t have a white paper study on the strength of quit relative to the amount of effort and involvement on this site. I can tell you with certainty, if you do nothing to strengthen your quit, the probability of you returning one day to post Day 1 is dramatically higher.
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Re: cbird65 to cbird to bird ... either way here's the back story
« Reply #25 on: September 22, 2018, 12:31:45 PM »

  02 Jun 2012, 12:22

On and on, it never stops ~ some group is always moaning about posting - or some re-tread comes back in posting Day 1 again and uses the I didn't post roll often enough and slipped away.

This site is about accountability-responsible to somebody or for something

So the $64,000 question is who are you responsible to and who is depending on you?

If you didn’t post roll one day, how many people would notice? Likewise, how many people out there are you holding accountable if they miss?
Last edited by CBird65 on 02 Jun
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Re: cbird65 to cbird to bird ... either way here's the back story
« Reply #24 on: September 22, 2018, 12:31:28 PM »
 31 May 2012, 08:41
Day 153

It's been said so many times on this site - it's not personal, it's about the quit or take what you can and leave the rest...

Filter out everything else out- the only thing of importance is your quit and keeping your word to your brothers and sisters here

everything else is noise
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Re: cbird65 to cbird to bird ... either way here's the back story
« Reply #23 on: September 22, 2018, 12:31:05 PM »
 27 Apr 2012, 13:15
How do we judge success here? Easy right, we stay quit. Zero Tolerance is the benchmark.
It’s a lofty goal, especially for the new quitter. Our nicotine lace minds can see ourselves quit for all of 1 day max and it’s screaming for the next fix. It’s a physical and mental conditioning that we have allowed ourselves to fall into. How do we get out of said trap?

Do we subscribe to the hardcore boot camp reprogramming or is a laissez-faire mentality the way to go? Some of you already know me and my stance on the subject so for you new guys, it’s not the latter. There is no negotiating with the nic bitch. Let me be perfectly clear here. It should be a black and white not grey area question to be answered.

Coach Steve has dubbed the phrase QLF. don’t know what that means? Click on the linked QLF and read it QLF is an attitude. You do one thing over and over and it becomes second nature. When you take nicotine off the table every morning without argument and repeat to yourself, QLF, it also becomes a mantra.

Mantra, an expression or idea that is repeated, often without thinking about it and closely associated with something.- Yeah, just like my quit!

Oops… I touched on a sore subject. Taking nicotine off the table every day but posting roll. Why is that concept so difficult to wrap our brains around? Is it because we don’t want to burn our bridges? Yes, we kind of want to be around for our wives/families with jaw intact??? Really- I want to live life to the fullest and enjoy every day God gives me. Posting roll is our way of committing ourselves and telling our brothers/sisters that we will look each other in the eye and swear by all things holy that we will not use nicotine today. I guess if you don’t have that same conviction, you shouldn’t bother reading the rest of this post.

Still with me? Good! Good read QLF again and come back. You energized? What is your quit meter measuring? Mushroom Cloud Laying MFer - Superfly TNT - I’m the Guns of Navarone. You ain't got no problem, Jules. I'm on the mfer. Go back in there, chill them nxxxxxs out and wait for the Wolf who should be coming directly. (little Pulp Fiction)

So we’ve agreed to:
Post roll daily
We fulfill our promise
We repeat

With nicotine off the table every morning, our brains can start to focus on other things that we may have neglected over the years. Guilty as charged. I’ve tried to make a mental note of thinking through my entire response before letting my mouth get too far ahead of me. Secondly, I have set myself a 34 week training program to run a marathon. This might not be what you need or want to work on, but find something that will challenge you physically, mentally and spiritually.

We’ve got a lot of living left. Get to it
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Re: cbird65 to cbird to bird ... either way here's the back story
« Reply #22 on: September 22, 2018, 12:30:31 PM »
20 Apr 2012, 08:42
Today we are witness to another cave.

Folks, how many times does this have to happen before it sinks in?

12,775 days, that is how long I polluted my body with nicotine. I’m posting for the 112th consecutive time of my 112 day quit. Bully for me? Sure if posting 100% meant that I was free for life, unfortunately it means diddly squat! I take that back, it means I am embracing the brotherhood concept this site was built upon. The WE as my quit brother and friend calls it is what will bind us together, help us on our daily fight as well as lift us up or give us a kick in the shorts if we need it.

I can’t count the number of caves that have been posted here since my quit started last New Year’s Eve but I am willing to bet nearly 100% of them were the result of the caver drifting away.

Do yourself a favor – get serious or get out
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Re: cbird65 to cbird to bird ... either way here's the back story
« Reply #21 on: September 22, 2018, 12:29:27 PM »
 18 Apr 2012, 09:18
day 110

things I wished I had learned in the first week here

I saw this line a week ago. The "tools plus the personal contacts made on KTC are like bullets." They must be loaded with determination, the gun must be aimed accurately and then the trigger must be pulled in order to hit your target.

Building friendships among your quit brothers adds another layer to your quit but it is action oriented and for many it will take you out of your comfort level. It takes time to seek someone out, to get to know them, to share with them and soon trust them. How likely are you to cheat on your friend?

Get outside of yourself and stop focusing only on yourself. But I’m hurting you say. I reply, go find someone who is hurting more. Find a way to encourage or challenge your brother to take one more step. When you stop focusing on your own pain and help another, two quits are strengthened in the process.

Use the ChatLive room- a whole different environment all together

Exercise coupled with an increase of water consumption, to date, has been one of the best activities to combat the nic bitch. Exercise and water will help flush out the poison we’ve ingested for years and it is good for every aspect of your quit. The release of the anxiousness, pent up anger or rage with the benefit of dedicated thought time. Start becoming a better man/woman. If the stress and rage becomes too much, log on and vent to your group. Never, and I mean never vent on your family.

We’re learning to recondition our thought and response methods. .It’s funny how we like to romance our history with nicotine. We had all the same emotional ups and downs we have now. What did nicotine really do ~ nothing. There is no clarity enhancing characteristic in the chemical compound of nicotine, we just associated it and choose to remember it that way.

No fingerprint is identical; neither is the quit for any member here; however, you are joining an organization created by quitters and this site has seen it all. Remember this: “It ain’t personal, it’s about the quit” and in most cases the guys offering you advice are trying to help you so just listen. Your "quit is in infancy stage" so park your attitude and ego. You are not a special butterfly.

This site is based on honor, brotherhood, accountability and success. What are you doing with your quit when no one is watching?
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Re: cbird65 to cbird to bird ... either way here's the back story
« Reply #20 on: September 22, 2018, 12:18:27 PM »

  14 Apr 2012, 07:08
Day 106-

Think the nic bitch is working overtime. I’ve had 3 dip dreams in the first 100 days or so and have had a dream the last three nights in a row now. Wondering if it’s the workout program – infant stages of marathon training in Dec 2012
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Re: cbird65 to cbird to bird ... either way here's the back story
« Reply #19 on: September 22, 2018, 12:14:26 PM »
Quote from: CBird65

Quote from: bluebonnetman
Quote from: Coach Steve
Quote from: Grizzly25
Quote from: CBird65
12 Apr 2012, 07:56
Day 104

A mix of emotions crowds my thought this morning regarding the recent posts by a couple of dropouts from April 2012.  I sit here speechless - right hold the applause
Two separate speeches from two members of the glass of April (albeit not active members) decided to give this site credit for the quit and in the same breath flipped off most everyone on the site.  If spite or anger is what drives any decision, history and my experience shows that it will end poorly. 

This site is based on brotherhood, accountability and success.  The first two are achieved by posting roll on a daily basis and the latter is the culmination or the fruition of the first two.  If you decide not to post roll daily, YOU WILL CATCH FLACK.  It part of the reprogramming of our habits.  Along with the reprogramming, the vets offer up their experience and warn of activities that are best to avoid early in one’s quit.

In both instances, each of these guys were not willing post regularly or avoid certain activities early in their quit,  so they reaped the whirlwind of the vets trying to help these guys adopt new habits to offset nicotine.  Feel free to crawl back through the annals of April 2012 and you will plainly see “strongly worded encouragement” being offered.  In the end, both of these guys left the site saying the “internet tough guy” role was too much.  Guess neither of these guys were ever underclassmen or the “fish” on a sports team. 

Being able to separate the emotion and rage of your present circumstances while a vet is “bullying” you is critical. Did I explode?  Yes.  It might be hard to find but it’s there.  Would I have handled it differently now, probably but I am glad that I didn’t put petty emotion in front of my brotherhood.

If you do decide to leave this site, for whatever reason do it with class and dignity.

Above all STAY QUIT!
Very well put!

The bottom line here is everyone came to this site for the HELP! I am not sure why when they get the help they then decide to go all molly pissy pants and take their ball and go home.......

I agree with Cbird in that no matter what stay quit and I also agree that if you are going to leave do so with class.

Just my $.02
Well put Cbird, and you know I feel exactly the same way. I would like to add one thing though and I'll keep it brief since it's your Intro thread.

This site is littered with stories of quitters who tried once, told everyone to fuck off, then failed, and then came back and accepted the err of their ways. It is also littered with poor souls that told everyone to fuck off, failed, but did not return because of their foolish pride or because of shame. Then you have our two most recent April dropouts. They profess not to need KTC or any of the accountability that it provides, yet they took the time to return and post a BS HOF speech. At least one of them has returned and taken the time to re-engage on the forums under the guise that "he just wanted to piss Coach Steve off because I called him out."

If you ask me, you two ass clowns need KTC and us more than you'd like to admit. Even if it's just the spite that's driving your quits right now. Well....who do you think created those spiteful feelings? That's right, US. As always, I hope you stay quit.

i like this ship but i really don't care for it that a few "quitters" feel it necessary to say they're quit but, as we say in texas, act ugly.
everything about ktc is about support and help and if somebody gets their feathers ruffled it's their shit. defensiveness, irritability, shadow, not dealing with their own stuff.
but then, that's pretty much how everything is - it's just that this community super-charges it.
it's like what they say about being famous; if you're a kind person before you get famous, you'll just be more kind when everyone's watching. if you're a dickhead before you get famous, you'll be the biggest dickhead on earth when you're in the spotlight.
the quit brings out everything that's in there. just more so. and there's a lot that we like to keep in the shadows if we can. especially cuz we're addicts and we don't think straight about our addiction and the issues that go with it.

you think the problem is ktc? it's just a big mirror.



« Last Edit: September 22, 2018, 12:17:39 PM by cbird65 »
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Re: cbird65 to cbird to bird ... either way here's the back story
« Reply #18 on: September 22, 2018, 12:13:22 PM »
Quote from: CBird65
08 Apr 2012, 06:07
Day 100-
Today is a very special day indeed, Happy Easter.  Remeber the true meaning of today-  I will and will never forget this one.

Today I am quit with all my amigos, buddies, compatriots, gumbas, home slices, brothas, and pals who have helped, encouraged, challenged or slapped me down in order to get me here!

 It’s my honor to be quit with all of you!
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Re: cbird65 to cbird to bird ... either way here's the back story
« Reply #17 on: September 22, 2018, 12:10:37 PM »
Quote from: CBird65
06 Apr 2012, 07:41
Day 98
Two observations, actually one with two applications.  I know your siting there saying geez, here we go again, doesn’t this guy every come out and say something straight out.  
I’ve read some posts recently about HOFer’s experiencing the toughest days of their quit following 100.  Maybe the nic bitch decided to take another serious run at them, thinking the celebration time might be her window of opportunity.  Maybe it was the simple fact of short-sighted goals.  Say what?  I’ll explain.  
When you started your quit, did you look set HOF as a goal or just a milestone marker?  I’m not there yet but it’s a sign post, a marker telling me I’m headed in the right direction.  When I hit 100 on Sunday, guess what, it’s another day.  When I post on Monday, oh yeah that’s another day also; albeit 101.  I will not be cured at 100 or ever-  I will be a recovering addicting battling my poor judgment as my father (love ya Dad!) used to say for the rest of my life.  

Second point.  Short and sweet-  I’m not calling anyone out because I see the value in verbally committing to posting daily till the Second Floor but’s almost identical to the Hall.  Yes, it would nice to get to the 2nd Floor, but it will be another day and another sign post reaffirming I’m still on the right road.  The ongoing question of will I post roll, Nope sorry, you guys are stuck with me.  

I think this thread brings light to Life Past 100

I’ll shuffle off now.  Remember the meaning of Sunday

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Re: cbird65 to cbird to bird ... either way here's the back story
« Reply #16 on: September 22, 2018, 12:08:15 PM »
03 Apr 2012, 07:38
Day 95
In five days I will hit the Hall, yes on Easter Sunday. This has a very special meaning to me but I must express something else before I forget it.

Yesterday was a interesting day. Like the 2nd week of my quit, my wife is out of town and I found myself relying on this site to reinforce my quit. The gheys in April were there as usual but a few had wandered in the neighborhood. Me, being the designated “watcher” went in search and wound up in the firestorm of a newbie trying to test his wings and I had reflect back oh so long ago and smile. Preference is trumped by principle every time.
What are you talking about bird, you ask? Let me explain.

I am a believer. I believe that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was virgin born, lived a sinless life, was crucified and was resurrected three days later. I believe He was the sacrifice and He alone is is the way the truth and the light and no one shall come to the Father without Him This my friends is a principle- it is NOT up for debate.

My choice of church I worship in is a preference.

Long way around the bend to stick with me. I had to steal something from Loot

” Roll call is the most important thing you will do here. That one simple act will be what makes this quit different than any other attempt. Roll call, quite simply, is a promise to your brothers that you will be Nicotine Free for that day.

We require a simple “one day at a time” philosophy. Make roll call, concentrate on today and today only. We’ll work through the troubles of today with you. We’ll worry about tomorrow when it gets here.

Roll call will build accountability with your brothers. You know that the man next to you in line is going through or has dealt with the exact same things you are. Lean on the knowledge of those who have walked that road. Develop relationships with them and especially the guys in your home group. These people will save your life if you let them”.

This is a principle. You cannot separate the end goal of brotherhood, accountability and success without posting.

Make an impact today on your group and this site as a whole and strengthen the accountability!
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Re: cbird65 to cbird to bird ... either way here's the back story
« Reply #15 on: September 22, 2018, 12:07:29 PM »
31 Mar 2012, 08:54
Stay alert guys- the confidence level might be running high as we near HOF but if the recent posts over the last week indicate the Nic Bitch is not dead nor has she decided to give April 2012 a free ride to HOF. She doesn’t care what day you are on 1, 100, 1000- if she can get you to slip she wins

She’s lurking in the background, just waiting for a tiny gap to pollute us again. She’ll wear disguises to try to worm her way back into our lives. Just one, it’s okay, you deserve it for doing so well. It’s alright this (pick your tobacco product) doesn’t really count – you need one. Plug in any ‘conditional situation’ you want but the answer must always be NO!

I’ve taken on the attitude of shooting to kill – God will separate them out later- Not literally, but mentally , I haven’t turned into a psycho killer yet.

We have busy lives that put us into harm’s way or in the Nic Bitch’s path every day. No one is gets a free pass. Your enemy, this demon spawn called nicotine prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.

Be on your guard at all time because it is your life you are protecting. We can’t isolate ourselves everyday so we must attack her every day. We’re not playing prevent defense any longer. This should be an all-out aerial, ground and sea attack.

Keep your head on swivel and be ready to reach out and support anyone who might be wavering. If you are wavering- reach out to someone. Don’t let pride get in the way. If the overwhelming support over the last two weeks has shown it strengthens the one who needed the help but conversely it strengthens the quit of the helper. Be willing to accept the help even if ‘you’ve passed the crave/cave’ scenario.
Last edited by CBird65 on 31 Mar 2012
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Re: cbird65 to cbird to bird ... either way here's the back story
« Reply #14 on: September 22, 2018, 12:05:06 PM »
24 Mar 2012, 14:52
My mind always races while I doing yard work - sometimes it's just random stuff that is meaningless but today I came away with a question for myself and for you quitters reading this and believe it's applicable in Day1 or Day gazillion

Who's quit are you impacting today??
Quote from: Coach Steve
Quote from: CBird65
Quote from: Coach Steve
I'm impacting the only quit I can control....mine. If by some chance my actions impact other quitters whether that be through my posts, texts, chat, etc then so be it. I suppose its also a question of "who will open up their mind or lines of communication enough to permit you to impact their quit?"

As for you Cbird, you can impact my quit all day long.
Say it isn't so... did we just a have a "Top Gun" Kilmer/Cruise moment? 'crackup'

All seriousness aside *  I mean kidding *  It's great to be quit with you!!
If that's the case then you should have responded, "Bullshit, you can impact mine."

This is ghost rider requesting a fly by......

Negative ghost rider the pattern is full........
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Re: cbird65 to cbird to bird ... either way here's the back story
« Reply #13 on: September 22, 2018, 12:03:32 PM »
24 Mar 2012, 14:52
My mind always races while I doing yard work - sometimes it's just random stuff that is meaningless but today I came away with a question for myself and for you quitters reading this and believe it's applicable in Day1 or Day gazillion

Who's quit are you impacting today??

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Re: cbird65 to cbird to bird ... either way here's the back story
« Reply #12 on: September 22, 2018, 12:03:00 PM »
22 Mar 2012, 15:55
Day 83 and I feel a rant coming -

Over the last week or two I have seen a number of caves. "I had a couple too many during my first week or two of my quit. I slipped up, I was stressed out, I saw a buddy and he had a dip in and without thinking I asked him for one, blah blah blah blah!!!-

First - what are doing drinking anyway- get serious or get out- Are you setting a pattern of behavior by caving every time adversity faces you? “Buddy” really – NO FRIEND of mine would even consider offering me a dip of Copenstanken !

Get real guys – go back to “Hell week” and relive that experience in your head . If that’s not enough, how about all the other physical ailments Ms. Niccy has thrown at us over the last 80 + days.

Still not convinced, revisit that discussion in your head and heart about quitting in the first place - If you haven’t had that discussion yet and are still quit, I employ you to do so otherwise there is no conviction in your decision and will be blown like a reed in the wind. It's time to man up and stay true to your word!

This roller coaster we're on changes all the time. Keeping one eye on the rear view mirror to keep grounded (learning from the past) and the other looking forward so you can navigate around the upcoming pot holes.

Coach Steve, here’s the soap box back ….
Last edited by CBird65 on 09 Apr 2012, 13:29, edited
Believe Me

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