Author Topic: 10 years of a least a Can per day  (Read 4186 times)

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Re: 10 years of a least a Can per day
« Reply #50 on: October 12, 2016, 03:04:00 PM »
Quote from: tjschu
Congrats on HOF! Your doing it the right way. Keep kicking ass around here
Thank you TJ. I am doing my best.
Quit: July 5, 2016 @ 1:00 p.m. Eastern Standard
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Re: 10 years of a least a Can per day
« Reply #49 on: October 12, 2016, 12:56:00 PM »
Congrats on HOF! Your doing it the right way. Keep kicking ass around here

Offline Brown71

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Re: 10 years of a least a Can per day
« Reply #48 on: October 12, 2016, 11:09:00 AM »
Quote from: PMILS
Congratulations on HOF! You are an amazing quitter, keep helping others out.
As you know, this is not the end, not even close. Proud to be quit with you Brownie! Each and every day.
thanks buddy. It is definitely not the end. more like turn one in a lifetime of quitting!
Quit: July 5, 2016 @ 1:00 p.m. Eastern Standard
Change is not easy, you have to work for it everyday, all day, no matter what. I promise you though, embrace the change and positives will happen.

Anything is possible, given you want it bad enough...anything!

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Re: 10 years of a least a Can per day
« Reply #47 on: October 12, 2016, 10:41:00 AM »
Congratulations on HOF! You are an amazing quitter, keep helping others out.
As you know, this is not the end, not even close. Proud to be quit with you Brownie! Each and every day.


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Re: 10 years of a least a Can per day
« Reply #46 on: October 11, 2016, 01:50:00 PM »
Quote from: Brown71

It is day 99, I dont know what to think. I have learned a lot about myself, and I am spending more time debating what I am going to share in my Hof speech. I think a lot of new quitters get scared when other things change and/or occur during your quit.

you cannot even begin to realize how much is gonna change. It hits you like a wave and you can either surf it or fight it, but...fighting it almost always ends in a cave. I realize that I am gonna have to change other paths to fit into the quit path...but I am okay with that and I am embracing the change!

To 100,

Ride that wave bro!!
Proud to quit with you.
July 2015 Jackals - House of WUPP
"....the load doesn't weigh me down at all, he ain't heavy he's my brother"
Try to believe that you are worth more than you think, and others are worth more than you think.
"If you haven't... Quit now......If you have... Stay that way " ~AppleJack
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Offline Brown71

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Re: 10 years of a least a Can per day
« Reply #45 on: October 11, 2016, 10:41:00 AM »

It is day 99, I dont know what to think. I have learned a lot about myself, and I am spending more time debating what I am going to share in my Hof speech. I think a lot of new quitters get scared when other things change and/or occur during your quit.

you cannot even begin to realize how much is gonna change. It hits you like a wave and you can either surf it or fight it, but...fighting it almost always ends in a cave. I realize that I am gonna have to change other paths to fit into the quit path...but I am okay with that and I am embracing the change!

To 100,

Quit: July 5, 2016 @ 1:00 p.m. Eastern Standard
Change is not easy, you have to work for it everyday, all day, no matter what. I promise you though, embrace the change and positives will happen.

Anything is possible, given you want it bad enough...anything!

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Offline JGlav

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Re: 10 years of a least a Can per day
« Reply #44 on: October 05, 2016, 12:04:00 PM »
Quote from: JB65
Quote from: Brown71
Quote from: Steakbomb18
Quote from: pab1964
Quote from: Nomore1959
Quote from: ChickDip
Quote from: KingNothing
Quote from: Sooner87
Quote from: tjschu
Quote from: Brown71
Day 81 and I am as angry as I was on day 2!!

I just want to walk up to someone and jack them in the face. Not really sure why or for what reason, besides the fact that I am straight up pissed the %$#@ off!!

Nicotine is one nasty drug, the withdrawal and healing for it has been and continues to be absolutely insane!!!
Just stay the course this too will pass. Beware of the 120s some folks have a return of the fog
You've been victorious over nicotine for 81 days and have been a help in quit for other quitters. Hold on to that.
I quit with you today.
Every one of us is behind you Brown. The rage came and went for me for most of a year. Probably around day 270 I started to get back to even keel a little more. This rage is nothing like you'd feel if you caved and got yourself cancer. You can do this big fella.
Yep these guys are right. Comes on quick, stealthily, and without warning. You'll get a few funks and rages along this journey. You're doing the right thing, posting what your going through and reaching out.
Hang in there Brown. As said above, some challenges are still ahead of you. You can get through each one, it does get better.
We all use to hide behind our dip. Now we face it head on like a man! I still have those days, seems like when I'm driving behind some dumbass texting going down the road is when I want to rip someone a new asshole. Walking away works but sometimes I have to vent and most of the time it's the smart asses I work with that gets the brunt of the rage! Quit on brown your doing great! Damn proud to be quit with you!
Nobody said this would be easy, and I'm not saying you did either. At 80+ days, you've earned it, we recognize that, and we've been there before. Hence the vortex of support.

I just past the 1000 day mark...that bitch, still whispers to me. Point is, she'll always be there - we're addicts. And we have to live with that. But the addiction doesn't own me anymore; I own it. Keep crushin' it Brown.
Thank you to all of you. It is a long journey, and I know that thanks to all the wisdom on this site. Sometimes, just sometimes though, I wish there was a cure.

There will never be a cure, and I did this to myself, so I will continue to fight and battle. And when I think I am too weak and want to cave, I will reach out and lean on my brothers and sisters so that I cannot fail. That is my promise.
Yeah Brownie, you are right on track man.

For me days 100-150 were the hardest. Sort of a let down after HOF... Guess i thought around 100 i was going to feel some sort of new eureka moment... life changing.

Only thing I did around 150 was realize that this will be with me the rest of my life - the 'whispers', the mind tricks, the tricky nic bitch... just less frequent - but always lurking.

At that point - 150 days or so - i decided to sack up and face it like a man. There are people out there with sick kids, missing limbs, no money or job, fucked up lives...

And all i gotta do is quit tobacco?

Easy! No problem.

Keep the faith brother, I'm quitting with you today - JB
Great job man. 90+ days now for you and that is bad ass. Always remember the accountability part of the Brotherhood and Success. Use your tools and feel free to rage in here.
We all speak from experience that we will always be addicts. I was stopped for 5yrs and just started banging the can about three years ago. I found KTC about 400 days ago.
It's life saving. Take advantage, be accountable, honor your word and you will be nic free. Again great job!

Offline pab1964

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Re: 10 years of a least a Can per day
« Reply #43 on: October 04, 2016, 04:24:00 PM »
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: Brown71
Wow, day 92. In exactly 8 days I enter the HOF. That is crazy. who would have thought that I could ever state that I have been quit for 92 days let alone 10 days. The world keeps getting better, daily I discover something new that is better than it was before.

Food, for example, who knew about all the amazing flavor in food. By the time I quit, I couldnt really taste anything but spice.

Proud to be quit.

And... it keeps getting better. Keep at it, man.
ODAAT! That's how youve made it this far. And I will repeat what you already heard you will never be cured and that bitch is always gonna be whispering! The journey is just beginning. You will love all the new things that are gonna come before you! Quit on!
Tobacco is so addictive it took me a year after a massive heart attack, in which doctor confirmed caused from dipping to finally put a lid on the bitch! ODAAT EDD

Offline AppleJack

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Re: 10 years of a least a Can per day
« Reply #42 on: October 04, 2016, 02:08:00 PM »
Quote from: Brown71
Wow, day 92. In exactly 8 days I enter the HOF. That is crazy. who would have thought that I could ever state that I have been quit for 92 days let alone 10 days. The world keeps getting better, daily I discover something new that is better than it was before.

Food, for example, who knew about all the amazing flavor in food. By the time I quit, I couldnt really taste anything but spice.

Proud to be quit.

And... it keeps getting better. Keep at it, man.
Well, it’s one louder, isn’t it? It’s not ten.

Offline Brown71

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Re: 10 years of a least a Can per day
« Reply #41 on: October 04, 2016, 01:08:00 PM »
Wow, day 92. In exactly 8 days I enter the HOF. That is crazy. who would have thought that I could ever state that I have been quit for 92 days let alone 10 days. The world keeps getting better, daily I discover something new that is better than it was before.

Food, for example, who knew about all the amazing flavor in food. By the time I quit, I couldnt really taste anything but spice.

Proud to be quit.

Quit: July 5, 2016 @ 1:00 p.m. Eastern Standard
Change is not easy, you have to work for it everyday, all day, no matter what. I promise you though, embrace the change and positives will happen.

Anything is possible, given you want it bad enough...anything!

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Offline JB65

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Re: 10 years of a least a Can per day
« Reply #40 on: September 26, 2016, 08:15:00 AM »
Quote from: Brown71
Quote from: Steakbomb18
Quote from: pab1964
Quote from: Nomore1959
Quote from: ChickDip
Quote from: KingNothing
Quote from: Sooner87
Quote from: tjschu
Quote from: Brown71
Day 81 and I am as angry as I was on day 2!!

I just want to walk up to someone and jack them in the face. Not really sure why or for what reason, besides the fact that I am straight up pissed the %$#@ off!!

Nicotine is one nasty drug, the withdrawal and healing for it has been and continues to be absolutely insane!!!
Just stay the course this too will pass. Beware of the 120s some folks have a return of the fog
You've been victorious over nicotine for 81 days and have been a help in quit for other quitters. Hold on to that.
I quit with you today.
Every one of us is behind you Brown. The rage came and went for me for most of a year. Probably around day 270 I started to get back to even keel a little more. This rage is nothing like you'd feel if you caved and got yourself cancer. You can do this big fella.
Yep these guys are right. Comes on quick, stealthily, and without warning. You'll get a few funks and rages along this journey. You're doing the right thing, posting what your going through and reaching out.
Hang in there Brown. As said above, some challenges are still ahead of you. You can get through each one, it does get better.
We all use to hide behind our dip. Now we face it head on like a man! I still have those days, seems like when I'm driving behind some dumbass texting going down the road is when I want to rip someone a new asshole. Walking away works but sometimes I have to vent and most of the time it's the smart asses I work with that gets the brunt of the rage! Quit on brown your doing great! Damn proud to be quit with you!
Nobody said this would be easy, and I'm not saying you did either. At 80+ days, you've earned it, we recognize that, and we've been there before. Hence the vortex of support.

I just past the 1000 day mark...that bitch, still whispers to me. Point is, she'll always be there - we're addicts. And we have to live with that. But the addiction doesn't own me anymore; I own it. Keep crushin' it Brown.
Thank you to all of you. It is a long journey, and I know that thanks to all the wisdom on this site. Sometimes, just sometimes though, I wish there was a cure.

There will never be a cure, and I did this to myself, so I will continue to fight and battle. And when I think I am too weak and want to cave, I will reach out and lean on my brothers and sisters so that I cannot fail. That is my promise.
Yeah Brownie, you are right on track man.

For me days 100-150 were the hardest. Sort of a let down after HOF... Guess i thought around 100 i was going to feel some sort of new eureka moment... life changing.

Only thing I did around 150 was realize that this will be with me the rest of my life - the 'whispers', the mind tricks, the tricky nic bitch... just less frequent - but always lurking.

At that point - 150 days or so - i decided to sack up and face it like a man. There are people out there with sick kids, missing limbs, no money or job, fucked up lives...

And all i gotta do is quit tobacco?

Easy! No problem.

Keep the faith brother, I'm quitting with you today - JB

Offline Brown71

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Re: 10 years of a least a Can per day
« Reply #39 on: September 26, 2016, 07:51:00 AM »
Quote from: Steakbomb18
Quote from: pab1964
Quote from: Nomore1959
Quote from: ChickDip
Quote from: KingNothing
Quote from: Sooner87
Quote from: tjschu
Quote from: Brown71
Day 81 and I am as angry as I was on day 2!!

I just want to walk up to someone and jack them in the face. Not really sure why or for what reason, besides the fact that I am straight up pissed the %$#@ off!!

Nicotine is one nasty drug, the withdrawal and healing for it has been and continues to be absolutely insane!!!
Just stay the course this too will pass. Beware of the 120s some folks have a return of the fog
You've been victorious over nicotine for 81 days and have been a help in quit for other quitters. Hold on to that.
I quit with you today.
Every one of us is behind you Brown. The rage came and went for me for most of a year. Probably around day 270 I started to get back to even keel a little more. This rage is nothing like you'd feel if you caved and got yourself cancer. You can do this big fella.
Yep these guys are right. Comes on quick, stealthily, and without warning. You'll get a few funks and rages along this journey. You're doing the right thing, posting what your going through and reaching out.
Hang in there Brown. As said above, some challenges are still ahead of you. You can get through each one, it does get better.
We all use to hide behind our dip. Now we face it head on like a man! I still have those days, seems like when I'm driving behind some dumbass texting going down the road is when I want to rip someone a new asshole. Walking away works but sometimes I have to vent and most of the time it's the smart asses I work with that gets the brunt of the rage! Quit on brown your doing great! Damn proud to be quit with you!
Nobody said this would be easy, and I'm not saying you did either. At 80+ days, you've earned it, we recognize that, and we've been there before. Hence the vortex of support.

I just past the 1000 day mark...that bitch, still whispers to me. Point is, she'll always be there - we're addicts. And we have to live with that. But the addiction doesn't own me anymore; I own it. Keep crushin' it Brown.
Thank you to all of you. It is a long journey, and I know that thanks to all the wisdom on this site. Sometimes, just sometimes though, I wish there was a cure.

There will never be a cure, and I did this to myself, so I will continue to fight and battle. And when I think I am too weak and want to cave, I will reach out and lean on my brothers and sisters so that I cannot fail. That is my promise.
Quit: July 5, 2016 @ 1:00 p.m. Eastern Standard
Change is not easy, you have to work for it everyday, all day, no matter what. I promise you though, embrace the change and positives will happen.

Anything is possible, given you want it bad enough...anything!

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Offline Steakbomb18

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Re: 10 years of a least a Can per day
« Reply #38 on: September 25, 2016, 09:13:00 AM »
Quote from: pab1964
Quote from: Nomore1959
Quote from: ChickDip
Quote from: KingNothing
Quote from: Sooner87
Quote from: tjschu
Quote from: Brown71
Day 81 and I am as angry as I was on day 2!!

I just want to walk up to someone and jack them in the face. Not really sure why or for what reason, besides the fact that I am straight up pissed the %$#@ off!!

Nicotine is one nasty drug, the withdrawal and healing for it has been and continues to be absolutely insane!!!
Just stay the course this too will pass. Beware of the 120s some folks have a return of the fog
You've been victorious over nicotine for 81 days and have been a help in quit for other quitters. Hold on to that.
I quit with you today.
Every one of us is behind you Brown. The rage came and went for me for most of a year. Probably around day 270 I started to get back to even keel a little more. This rage is nothing like you'd feel if you caved and got yourself cancer. You can do this big fella.
Yep these guys are right. Comes on quick, stealthily, and without warning. You'll get a few funks and rages along this journey. You're doing the right thing, posting what your going through and reaching out.
Hang in there Brown. As said above, some challenges are still ahead of you. You can get through each one, it does get better.
We all use to hide behind our dip. Now we face it head on like a man! I still have those days, seems like when I'm driving behind some dumbass texting going down the road is when I want to rip someone a new asshole. Walking away works but sometimes I have to vent and most of the time it's the smart asses I work with that gets the brunt of the rage! Quit on brown your doing great! Damn proud to be quit with you!
Nobody said this would be easy, and I'm not saying you did either. At 80+ days, you've earned it, we recognize that, and we've been there before. Hence the vortex of support.

I just past the 1000 day mark...that bitch, still whispers to me. Point is, she'll always be there - we're addicts. And we have to live with that. But the addiction doesn't own me anymore; I own it. Keep crushin' it Brown.
Certified Grade A Badass

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Re: 10 years of a least a Can per day
« Reply #37 on: September 24, 2016, 08:22:00 PM »
Quote from: Nomore1959
Quote from: ChickDip
Quote from: KingNothing
Quote from: Sooner87
Quote from: tjschu
Quote from: Brown71
Day 81 and I am as angry as I was on day 2!!

I just want to walk up to someone and jack them in the face. Not really sure why or for what reason, besides the fact that I am straight up pissed the %$#@ off!!

Nicotine is one nasty drug, the withdrawal and healing for it has been and continues to be absolutely insane!!!
Just stay the course this too will pass. Beware of the 120s some folks have a return of the fog
You've been victorious over nicotine for 81 days and have been a help in quit for other quitters. Hold on to that.
I quit with you today.
Every one of us is behind you Brown. The rage came and went for me for most of a year. Probably around day 270 I started to get back to even keel a little more. This rage is nothing like you'd feel if you caved and got yourself cancer. You can do this big fella.
Yep these guys are right. Comes on quick, stealthily, and without warning. You'll get a few funks and rages along this journey. You're doing the right thing, posting what your going through and reaching out.
Hang in there Brown. As said above, some challenges are still ahead of you. You can get through each one, it does get better.
We all use to hide behind our dip. Now we face it head on like a man! I still have those days, seems like when I'm driving behind some dumbass texting going down the road is when I want to rip someone a new asshole. Walking away works but sometimes I have to vent and most of the time it's the smart asses I work with that gets the brunt of the rage! Quit on brown your doing great! Damn proud to be quit with you!
Tobacco is so addictive it took me a year after a massive heart attack, in which doctor confirmed caused from dipping to finally put a lid on the bitch! ODAAT EDD

Offline Nomore1959

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Re: 10 years of a least a Can per day
« Reply #36 on: September 24, 2016, 10:40:00 AM »
Quote from: ChickDip
Quote from: KingNothing
Quote from: Sooner87
Quote from: tjschu
Quote from: Brown71
Day 81 and I am as angry as I was on day 2!!

I just want to walk up to someone and jack them in the face. Not really sure why or for what reason, besides the fact that I am straight up pissed the %$#@ off!!

Nicotine is one nasty drug, the withdrawal and healing for it has been and continues to be absolutely insane!!!
Just stay the course this too will pass. Beware of the 120s some folks have a return of the fog
You've been victorious over nicotine for 81 days and have been a help in quit for other quitters. Hold on to that.
I quit with you today.
Every one of us is behind you Brown. The rage came and went for me for most of a year. Probably around day 270 I started to get back to even keel a little more. This rage is nothing like you'd feel if you caved and got yourself cancer. You can do this big fella.
Yep these guys are right. Comes on quick, stealthily, and without warning. You'll get a few funks and rages along this journey. You're doing the right thing, posting what your going through and reaching out.
Hang in there Brown. As said above, some challenges are still ahead of you. You can get through each one, it does get better.