(This post was poofed during a rage fit on 11/18/2017 - The below was added 12/14/2017 to preserve the valuable data)
[Borrowed from Samrs, Because, like he said, I am going to need this again, sadly...]
If you all haven't realized it yet - nicotine is addictive. We are addicts. One of the reasons - the primary reason, in fact - that KTC works is that you have a group of addicts who understand how addicts think. So when you start acting like an idiot addict instead of a quitter, you have a whole host of people to correct your sorry ass and get you back on track.
Here at KTC you are surrounded by people who
want you to quit with them. People who
want you to succeed. People whom
you have asked (by posting roll) to hold your feet to the fire and help you stay quit.
- And you're going to get all butthurt over them doing exactly what you've asked them to do?!?
- Or maybe posting roll is too much effort. Do you know what is more burdensome than posting roll? Chemo therapy.
- Or... crap, I dunno. [insert lame-ass excuse that's a setup for caving here]
Which is why I'm here to say:
Dude? You're acting like an idiot addict.
Cut that crap out. If you want to quit, get on here first thing
every damn day, post your promise, and then
keep it.
Thirty-three damn years of dumping that crap into my body. Multiple attempts at quitting in the past decade. This site - these people - are the
only thing that has helped me quit and stay quit. I know that there are people out there do quit, somehow, without this kind of support... but holy crap, man - once you've found it,
WHY would you throw it away?
We're not riding your ass, man. We're throwing you a freaking lifeline. Grab it, will you?