I would just like to update this.
Today is day 30, and I feel amazing. I've had some really hard days, and know that I have more to come in the future, but every time I get to post roll, and add another day, I am motivated.
This website is the most amazing place in the world. If it's any consolation to anyone, it does get easier, but for the hard days, there is a huge community here to support you. Not one of these guys would ever turn down a chance to help someone having a hard or even an easy day.
There is no way I would ever let myself or anyone in these forums down by breaking my quit.
Long story short, I don't think I've ever quit for more than 2 days until now. It is possible, but you have to have that accountability and support. Make the decision now to help yourself. 30 days in, and I'm looking forward to 30 more!
Any new or old quitters, hit me up in PM, I'm glad to share my number and be there for anyone that needs a kick in the ass.