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Re: CC268 the trifecta of idiocy
« Reply #193 on: December 22, 2014, 10:50:00 PM »
What is causing you to be so dishonorable? I think you should identify, pinpoint, and then obliterate the reason for your multiple KTC caves. Only you know the reason. Are you an honorable person or not? If you are not honorable, can you change? I have no idea, but I do know that your multiple stoppages smell like pure hot wet runny dog shit at this point.

The problem is I have not been consistent with my posting roll. I was in the first group, but like I said, after about 180 days I stopped posting. This is when things went down hill. The second group I was very inconsistent with my posting and things quickly went downhill again. Like I stated in my post, posting roll is where I became dishonorable and that is where I need to stay on the ball. I know that I am an honorable person, but I have to stick with this program and not bail on it after so many days. The texting group that I was in was very good and allowed me to stay consistent with roll, but I got out of the group. When I post roll and become an active member I stay very true to my word.[/quote]

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Re: CC268 the trifecta of idiocy
« Reply #192 on: December 22, 2014, 09:49:00 PM »
Let me get this straight...

In your first group, you had about 180 days, but yet you only have 173 posts, including the one in this Intro. And you shit on them. Then you went for another 2 weeks in another group, and you shit on them.

Have I got this right? And, you said you were always true to your word when you posted. If you didn't post every damn day, where you unfaithful when you didn't post?

So basically, you are a liar, a cheater, someone who actually drops name in an intro that is 2 years too late, and you want us to feel sorry for you? Have you leaned nothing from this site along your journey?

You want to quit, fine. But you are going to have to come up with better answers than the drivel you just spewed out. Go back to your previous groups, and tell them what you've done. Then go into a new group and tell people how not to be like you. Then study your point #4 and actually get this shit down so you live it and breathe it.

So, you know the drill...give us something that actually means something instead of a pile of puke on the floor.
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Re: CC268 the trifecta of idiocy
« Reply #191 on: December 22, 2014, 09:01:00 PM »
Quote from: CC268
Hello all,

Many of you know me here as I have been around a while. I was part of a quit group about a year ago that provided me with the opportunity to quit. I stopped for 6 months and started again. I came back to join another quit group in August where I stopped for 3 months and began dipping again, about three weeks ago. Before these quit groups I had quit off and on with no serious intention and a weak attitude.

In my first group I posted roll for about 180 days, always staying true to my word when I posted. I also was a part of a great texting group who provided support outside of the KTC environment. Unfortunately I got lackadaisical about my quit and stopped posting roll as well as leaving the text group. I thought I could manage the quit on my own without the support of KTC. I was obviously wrong.

My second group was back in August where I posted for about the first two weeks and began to post roll on a spotty basis. I never made connections with the other members and never joined any texting group. Once again I caved (about three weeks ago).

I am sure many of you have lost faith in my quit and I guess at this point I don't blame you. I am sorry to the group members/members I have let down including MN_Ben, mogul, nolaq, doc2quit4good, diesel2112, Evil_Won, mthomas3824, spartonron, Wt57, ScrewYouCope, grizzylhasclaws, and countless others.

I don't know if KTC will take me back again, but I would like to state a few things I have learned, if not only for me, for the benefit of new quitters:
1. Posting roll is essential. Even after HOF. The day you stop posting roll is the day when things go downhill. My two "serious quits" (for lack of a better term) lasted over 100 days and caved due to my lazy approach.
2. Some sort of support group outside of KTC such as a text group or chat group is an essential part of your quit. This is VERY important, if not just as important as posting roll.
3. Don't quit because you're scared or because of a girlfriend, family member, etc; quit for your own self
4. Take advantage of all the resources available to you on KTC - there are many.

For me points 1  2 were my downfalls as I didn't take them seriously. I didn't come in with the right attitude from the beginning as many of you know.

I would like to start a new journey with a new attitude and a new perspective; however this is at the discretion of the members of KTC. If so, I would like to begin posting roll and get back to some sort of text group for support outside of the KTC environment.


The words from your prior cave still ring in my ears.. That your buddy offered you some and said no one likes a quitter and thats the story.. Its a shitty story, but thats the story..

I see a lot of guys come and go.. And I like you CC, but I am feeling pretty disappointed right now..

Just because you didn't post didn't mean that all that time we spent in chat together didn't mean anything, its a shitty excuse really. I mean, based on results I guess the time we've spent talking didn't mean anything.. How could it have.. Did the bond you were breaking cross your mind when you were stuffing your lip? Did it matter to you? Do you ever think of the fact that you would be over 400 days quit now had you not chosen to cave 3 times? Lets not forget smoking while going cycling in the dunes.. Do you think how you would feel as a person if you did have 400 days under your belt? Was it worth it?

Can you be stronger than your desire to use nicotine? I don't know..

Whether anyone here believes in you or not.. I think its time to start walking the walk.. Its time to be honest with yourself about why you hold yourself to such a low standard.. Its time to make things right... So do it..

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Re: CC268 the trifecta of idiocy
« Reply #190 on: December 22, 2014, 08:54:00 PM »
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: CC268
Hello all,

Many of you know me here as I have been around a while. I was part of a quit group about a year ago that provided me with the opportunity to quit. I stopped for 6 months and started again. I came back to join another quit group in August where I stopped for 3 months and began dipping again, about three weeks ago. Before these quit groups I had quit off and on with no serious intention and a weak attitude.

In my first group I posted roll for about 180 days, always staying true to my word when I posted. I also was a part of a great texting group who provided support outside of the KTC environment. Unfortunately I got lackadaisical about my quit and stopped posting roll as well as leaving the text group. I thought I could manage the quit on my own without the support of KTC. I was obviously wrong.

My second group was back in August where I posted for about the first two weeks and began to post roll on a spotty basis. I never made connections with the other members and never joined any texting group. Once again I caved (about three weeks ago).

I am sure many of you have lost faith in my quit and I guess at this point I don't blame you. I am sorry to the group members/members I have let down including MN_Ben, mogul, nolaq, doc2quit4good, diesel2112, Evil_Won, mthomas3824, spartonron, Wt57, ScrewYouCope, grizzylhasclaws, and countless others.

I don't know if KTC will take me back again, but I would like to state a few things I have learned, if not only for me, for the benefit of new quitters:
1. Posting roll is essential. Even after HOF. The day you stop posting roll is the day when things go downhill. My two "serious quits" (for lack of a better term) lasted over 100 days and caved due to my lazy approach.
2. Some sort of support group outside of KTC such as a text group or chat group is an essential part of your quit. This is VERY important, if not just as important as posting roll.
3. Don't quit because you're scared or because of a girlfriend, family member, etc; quit for your own self
4. Take advantage of all the resources available to you on KTC - there are many.

For me points 1  2 were my downfalls as I didn't take them seriously. I didn't come in with the right attitude from the beginning as many of you know.

I would like to start a new journey with a new attitude and a new perspective; however this is at the discretion of the members of KTC. If so, I would like to begin posting roll and get back to some sort of text group for support outside of the KTC environment.


What is causing you to be so dishonorable? I think you should identify, pinpoint, and then obliterate the reason for your multiple KTC caves. Only you know the reason. Are you an honorable person or not? If you are not honorable, can you change? I have no idea, but I do know that your multiple stoppages smell like pure hot wet runny dog shit at this point.
Wow, pathetic. I hate that you refer to your failed attempts as quits...they were pauses at best. Why would anyone believe that things will be different this time round? You sound downtrodden but not really changed. I don't even know how long you would have to be the baddest fucking quitter around to prove that you are worthy of someone like Gizzclaws' support.
Seems to me that you need to really work on the 3rd question. What are you going to do differently. Your answer is lip service. You need to change your thought process.
I guess the proof is in the pudding but I know of very few multiple cavers that are worth a shit.
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Re: CC268 the trifecta of idiocy
« Reply #189 on: December 22, 2014, 08:23:00 PM »
Quote from: CC268
Hello all,

Many of you know me here as I have been around a while. I was part of a quit group about a year ago that provided me with the opportunity to quit. I stopped for 6 months and started again. I came back to join another quit group in August where I stopped for 3 months and began dipping again, about three weeks ago. Before these quit groups I had quit off and on with no serious intention and a weak attitude.

In my first group I posted roll for about 180 days, always staying true to my word when I posted. I also was a part of a great texting group who provided support outside of the KTC environment. Unfortunately I got lackadaisical about my quit and stopped posting roll as well as leaving the text group. I thought I could manage the quit on my own without the support of KTC. I was obviously wrong.

My second group was back in August where I posted for about the first two weeks and began to post roll on a spotty basis. I never made connections with the other members and never joined any texting group. Once again I caved (about three weeks ago).

I am sure many of you have lost faith in my quit and I guess at this point I don't blame you. I am sorry to the group members/members I have let down including MN_Ben, mogul, nolaq, doc2quit4good, diesel2112, Evil_Won, mthomas3824, spartonron, Wt57, ScrewYouCope, grizzylhasclaws, and countless others.

I don't know if KTC will take me back again, but I would like to state a few things I have learned, if not only for me, for the benefit of new quitters:
1. Posting roll is essential. Even after HOF. The day you stop posting roll is the day when things go downhill. My two "serious quits" (for lack of a better term) lasted over 100 days and caved due to my lazy approach.
2. Some sort of support group outside of KTC such as a text group or chat group is an essential part of your quit. This is VERY important, if not just as important as posting roll.
3. Don't quit because you're scared or because of a girlfriend, family member, etc; quit for your own self
4. Take advantage of all the resources available to you on KTC - there are many.

For me points 1  2 were my downfalls as I didn't take them seriously. I didn't come in with the right attitude from the beginning as many of you know.

I would like to start a new journey with a new attitude and a new perspective; however this is at the discretion of the members of KTC. If so, I would like to begin posting roll and get back to some sort of text group for support outside of the KTC environment.


What is causing you to be so dishonorable? I think you should identify, pinpoint, and then obliterate the reason for your multiple KTC caves. Only you know the reason. Are you an honorable person or not? If you are not honorable, can you change? I have no idea, but I do know that your multiple stoppages smell like pure hot wet runny dog shit at this point.
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
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Offline CC268

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Re: CC268 the trifecta of idiocy
« Reply #188 on: December 22, 2014, 08:00:00 PM »
Hello all,

Many of you know me here as I have been around a while. I was part of a quit group about a year ago that provided me with the opportunity to quit. I stopped for 6 months and started again. I came back to join another quit group in August where I stopped for 3 months and began dipping again, about three weeks ago. Before these quit groups I had quit off and on with no serious intention and a weak attitude.

In my first group I posted roll for about 180 days, always staying true to my word when I posted. I also was a part of a great texting group who provided support outside of the KTC environment. Unfortunately I got lackadaisical about my quit and stopped posting roll as well as leaving the text group. I thought I could manage the quit on my own without the support of KTC. I was obviously wrong.

My second group was back in August where I posted for about the first two weeks and began to post roll on a spotty basis. I never made connections with the other members and never joined any texting group. Once again I caved (about three weeks ago).

I am sure many of you have lost faith in my quit and I guess at this point I don't blame you. I am sorry to the group members/members I have let down including MN_Ben, mogul, nolaq, doc2quit4good, diesel2112, Evil_Won, mthomas3824, spartonron, Wt57, ScrewYouCope, grizzylhasclaws, and countless others.

I don't know if KTC will take me back again, but I would like to state a few things I have learned, if not only for me, for the benefit of new quitters:
1. Posting roll is essential. Even after HOF. The day you stop posting roll is the day when things go downhill. My two "serious quits" (for lack of a better term) lasted over 100 days and caved due to my lazy approach.
2. Some sort of support group outside of KTC such as a text group or chat group is an essential part of your quit. This is VERY important, if not just as important as posting roll.
3. Don't quit because you're scared or because of a girlfriend, family member, etc; quit for your own self
4. Take advantage of all the resources available to you on KTC - there are many.

For me points 1  2 were my downfalls as I didn't take them seriously. I didn't come in with the right attitude from the beginning as many of you know.

I would like to start a new journey with a new attitude and a new perspective; however this is at the discretion of the members of KTC. If so, I would like to begin posting roll and get back to some sort of text group for support outside of the KTC environment.



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Re: CC268 the trifecta of idiocy
« Reply #187 on: August 08, 2014, 11:39:00 PM »
Quote from: CC268
1. I was with a group of friends, scouting for deer in the woods. A friend in the truck took a can of dip out – after a while he and his buddy asked if I wanted some dip. I told him no as I quit about 6 months ago. He said, “Ahh no one likes a quitter”. After resisting a few times, I finally gave in and thought I could have one. Ended up in full swing about 2 weeks later.

2. At the time I wasn’t posting roll on KTC anymore. The cave was sort of a stupid spontaneous decision (a “fuck it” moment). I should have simply said no and left it at that. I thought I could sneak one in and be good after. Of course drinking later did not help the situation – however I have drank in the past with NO problems with NOT dipping before.

3. Post roll, say NO when offered dip – plain and simple – no explanations, just a no. Think about the consequences more next time – realize there is no “one” dip. Post roll and maintaining some sort of KTC friend list on my phone for these situations is the plan.
Those guys offering you nicotine are NOT friends. Until you get that, you will continue to cave.

Offline CC268

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Re: CC268 the trifecta of idiocy
« Reply #186 on: August 08, 2014, 11:20:00 PM »
1. I was with a group of friends, scouting for deer in the woods. A friend in the truck took a can of dip out – after a while he and his buddy asked if I wanted some dip. I told him no as I quit about 6 months ago. He said, “Ahh no one likes a quitter”. After resisting a few times, I finally gave in and thought I could have one. Ended up in full swing about 2 weeks later.

2. At the time I wasn’t posting roll on KTC anymore. The cave was sort of a stupid spontaneous decision (a “fuck it” moment). I should have simply said no and left it at that. I thought I could sneak one in and be good after. Of course drinking later did not help the situation – however I have drank in the past with NO problems with NOT dipping before.

3. Post roll, say NO when offered dip – plain and simple – no explanations, just a no. Think about the consequences more next time – realize there is no “one” dip. Post roll and maintaining some sort of KTC friend list on my phone for these situations is the plan.

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Re: CC268 the trifecta of idiocy
« Reply #185 on: August 08, 2014, 09:06:00 PM »
Quote from: SirDerek
ok look, not here going to bash you, but there is something going on where you have been here and are just not learning yet. So am going to try and lay it out for you.

Time to look deep into that mirror, change your mind set and think about these 3 questions and be detailed in your responses from deep inside you:

1 - What was the situations that led you to caving? Be specific. Remember the sights, sounds smells. When doing this you will learn what had happened and you will learn what is the danger zone when you move forward.

2 - Why did you let those caves happen? What was wrong with how you were approaching it? Is there anything that you missed doing? What was not in place? What were you thinking?

3 - And the Biggest: What will you do to keep it from happening again? Look around and think, what can I do to protect myself from failing again. What plans can I put in place that I will swear to follow this time? Is it posting roll (this should be #1 on the list), Is it contacting quit brothers (high on the list), is it reading on the site? Is it telling a loved one that you care more for the poison than them? Think of all of these and more and the WRITE THEM DOWN, as that will be your plan so that you do not fail again. Only by creating this plan and honoring it will you succeed moving ahead.

This time create that plan and have another look over it, share it, then post it here....another accountability step.

Follow that and be honest and true to yourself and show that you are serious and want to be quit. I just want to see this poison out of a younger persons life. So show me that you will do it.
Please post these responses in November 2014 before you post roll again.

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Re: CC268 the trifecta of idiocy
« Reply #184 on: August 08, 2014, 05:09:00 PM »
ok look, not here going to bash you, but there is something going on where you have been here and are just not learning yet. So am going to try and lay it out for you.

Time to look deep into that mirror, change your mind set and think about these 3 questions and be detailed in your responses from deep inside you:

1 - What was the situations that led you to caving? Be specific. Remember the sights, sounds smells. When doing this you will learn what had happened and you will learn what is the danger zone when you move forward.

2 - Why did you let those caves happen? What was wrong with how you were approaching it? Is there anything that you missed doing? What was not in place? What were you thinking?

3 - And the Biggest: What will you do to keep it from happening again? Look around and think, what can I do to protect myself from failing again. What plans can I put in place that I will swear to follow this time? Is it posting roll (this should be #1 on the list), Is it contacting quit brothers (high on the list), is it reading on the site? Is it telling a loved one that you care more for the poison than them? Think of all of these and more and the WRITE THEM DOWN, as that will be your plan so that you do not fail again. Only by creating this plan and honoring it will you succeed moving ahead.

This time create that plan and have another look over it, share it, then post it here....another accountability step.

Follow that and be honest and true to yourself and show that you are serious and want to be quit. I just want to see this poison out of a younger persons life. So show me that you will do it.

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Re: CC268 the trifecta of idiocy
« Reply #183 on: August 08, 2014, 03:28:00 PM »
Quote from: mogul
Quote from: CC268
Quote from: CC268
Quote from: mogul
Carlen, I was one of those guys in your text group that you chose to leave. I have an answer for you dude, and it goes against everything I feel is right but you are the exception. Please continue to chew. Go buy a roll of cans and leave. You have the quitting nicotine capacity of a whore to dick and dollar. If you care to discuss this further my number is XXX-XXX-XXXX. KTC is for quitters and men and women who believe in themselves. Not trolls and pond suckers like you who feed off of the positive vibes of others. I know I'm harsh but the truth only hurts if it should.
Wtf is wrong with you...gtfo
WTF is wrong with me???? well, I have psoriasis, slightly high blood pressure, receding hairline, and a hair overweight. But, I haven't had any nicotine in 280 days. WTF is wrong with you???
I don't quite know what's going on with you buddy. If you are serious about quitting then you need to listen to these vets. I was like you when I caved back in Jan. I am 182 days strong for listening. Stop being an arrogant prick and be a man. Until you prove your serious no one is going to help you. First help yourself.
QD 2-11-14

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Re: CC268 the trifecta of idiocy
« Reply #182 on: August 08, 2014, 03:23:00 PM »
Quote from: CC268
Quote from: CC268
Quote from: mogul
Carlen, I was one of those guys in your text group that you chose to leave. I have an answer for you dude, and it goes against everything I feel is right but you are the exception. Please continue to chew. Go buy a roll of cans and leave. You have the quitting nicotine capacity of a whore to dick and dollar. If you care to discuss this further my number is XXX-XXX-XXXX. KTC is for quitters and men and women who believe in themselves. Not trolls and pond suckers like you who feed off of the positive vibes of others. I know I'm harsh but the truth only hurts if it should.
Wtf is wrong with you...gtfo
WTF is wrong with me???? well, I have psoriasis, slightly high blood pressure, receding hairline, and a hair overweight. But, I haven't had any nicotine in 280 days. WTF is wrong with you???

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Re: CC268 the trifecta of idiocy
« Reply #181 on: August 08, 2014, 03:23:00 PM »
Quote from: ScrewYouCope

I too was in your text group and in your town! We still need to get that beer when you turn 21 next month! It's not supposed to be easy coming back. You are supposed to get beat on. I'm a retread from 5 years ago. I got beat up on as well. The funny part about getting beat on is you usually have to deal with it in your first week of quit when you are the most pissed off and irritable.
Take your beating, swallow your pride, put a bit more effort into the 3 questions (You can see my answers here: topic/1004438/1/). and come back swinging. We had another guy in our group acting like you are now and he's come back to be a big part of my quit (Cornice). Maybe for now you need to keep your head down and post. Actions speak louder than words. You still have my number if you want some local support. It's the one that starts with 928.


Thanks man, going to post roll for now and look at the three questions again.

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Re: CC268 the trifecta of idiocy
« Reply #180 on: August 08, 2014, 03:20:00 PM »

I too was in your text group and in your town! We still need to get that beer when you turn 21 next month! It's not supposed to be easy coming back. You are supposed to get beat on. I'm a retread from 5 years ago. I got beat up on as well. The funny part about getting beat on is you usually have to deal with it in your first week of quit when you are the most pissed off and irritable.
Take your beating, swallow your pride, put a bit more effort into the 3 questions (You can see my answers here: topic/1004438/1/). and come back swinging. We had another guy in our group acting like you are now and he's come back to be a big part of my quit (Cornice). Maybe for now you need to keep your head down and post. Actions speak louder than words. You still have my number if you want some local support. It's the one that starts with 928.

QD 11/18/13

"Yes you can stay quit. Forever. But make your practice 1 day at a time.."-wise words I read from TCOPE

"Nicotine fills no voids in your life. It creates them."...Diesel2112

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Re: CC268 the trifecta of idiocy
« Reply #179 on: August 08, 2014, 03:15:00 PM »
Quote from: CC268
Quote from: mogul
Carlen, I was one of those guys in your text group that you chose to leave. I have an answer for you dude, and it goes against everything I feel is right but you are the exception. Please continue to chew. Go buy a roll of cans and leave. You have the quitting nicotine capacity of a whore to dick and dollar. If you care to discuss this further my number is XXX XXX XXXX. KTC is for quitters and men and women who believe in themselves. Not trolls and pond suckers like you who feed off of the positive vibes of others. I know I'm harsh but the truth only hurts if it should.
Wtf is wrong with you...gtfo