Author Topic: CC268 the trifecta of idiocy  (Read 9620 times)

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Re: CC268 the trifecta of idiocy
« Reply #163 on: August 08, 2014, 12:01:00 PM »
Quote from: CC268
Holy shit what do you want me to say? I have been straight forward no excuses. Do you want me to come up with a romantic story or something?
It's a TOUGH crowd Carlen... And no, we don't need a romantic story. We just want to know how bad you want it? Hearing of your cave encourages me to stay QUIT b/c I don't want to face the wrath of my fellow KTC brothers. I've come too far to throw in the towel over some peer pressure or a fight w/ the Wife. You gotta MAN up  stay quit. How come you didn't get more involved w/ KTC while you were quit? You know this battle is REAL so why not take it seriously?

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Re: CC268 the trifecta of idiocy
« Reply #162 on: August 08, 2014, 11:43:00 AM »
Quote from: Tuco's
Holy shit what do you want me to say? I have been straight forward no excuses. Do you want me to come up with a romantic story or something?
That right there tells me you are 100% not accountable and already planning for your next cave. Go back and reread everything you've written from an objective point of view. Do you even detect the slightest hint of introspection or sincerity?

You're asking us to invest our time in you, to believe in you, and you know it. Do your part.
Carlen, how many times have you caved while using kill the can?
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Re: CC268 the trifecta of idiocy
« Reply #161 on: August 08, 2014, 11:29:00 AM »
Holy shit what do you want me to say? I have been straight forward no excuses. Do you want me to come up with a romantic story or something?
That right there tells me you are 100% not accountable and already planning for your next cave. Go back and reread everything you've written from an objective point of view. Do you even detect the slightest hint of introspection or sincerity?

You're asking us to invest our time in you, to believe in you, and you know it. Do your part.

Offline CC268

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Re: CC268 the trifecta of idiocy
« Reply #160 on: August 08, 2014, 11:20:00 AM »
Holy shit what do you want me to say? I have been straight forward no excuses. Do you want me to come up with a romantic story or something?

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Re: CC268 the trifecta of idiocy
« Reply #159 on: August 08, 2014, 11:08:00 AM »
Quote from: CC268
Good to see you too friends!

(1) What happened to make you cave?

Already explained above. That is the story, take it or leave it bud.

(2) Why did it happen?

Let my guard down and thought I could have one.

(3) What are you gonna do differently in this quit, to avoid the same thing happening?

Don't dip under pressure, or ever
Blah blah blah, blah blah blah,

Still the same lame attitude as before. Wish you were a quitter man...

Thought you could have one? What the hell does that mean? This isn't a joke dude. Nobody should have just one dip ever. Haven't you learned anything? You got a long way to go to get this quit....
Real Quit Day 9/18/2013 8th Floor 11/26/15
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Re: CC268 the trifecta of idiocy
« Reply #158 on: August 08, 2014, 10:59:00 AM »
Good to see you too friends!

(1) What happened to make you cave?

Already explained above. That is the story.

(2) Why did it happen?

Let my guard down and thought I could have one.

(3) What are you gonna do differently in this quit, to avoid the same thing happening?

Don't dip under pressure, or ever

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Re: CC268 the trifecta of idiocy
« Reply #157 on: August 08, 2014, 10:40:00 AM »
Quote from: 30isEnuff
Quote from: Tuco's
I was with some friends scouting for deer in the woods...had some drinks and a friend offered me some dip. I told him no. He said "Ahh no one likes a quitter!". After some haggling I had a dip.
This excuse sounds like the plot to an After School Special, and certainly won't pass muster with the November group.

You need to answer the three questions openly, honestly, and with utter humility. Take any measure of ego or false pride and flush that shit right down the toilet along with whatever stray cans you have lying about. Given the high rate half-assed responses to the three questions lately, I prefer if you wait and take all the time you need in order to answer them satisfactorily. Otherwise, it's proven to be a huge waste of time.

Good luck.
Listen to SFGE and Tuco's Grill...they speaketh the truth of freedom.
oh yeah, wait for Deisel to get in here...he will have an earful of reality especially for You. Always inspirational and insightful.
'Popcorn' Sleeping his hangover off, I suppose!

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Re: CC268 the trifecta of idiocy
« Reply #156 on: August 08, 2014, 08:59:00 AM »
Quote from: Tuco's
I was with some friends scouting for deer in the woods...had some drinks and a friend offered me some dip. I told him no. He said "Ahh no one likes a quitter!". After some haggling I had a dip.
This excuse sounds like the plot to an After School Special, and certainly won't pass muster with the November group.

You need to answer the three questions openly, honestly, and with utter humility. Take any measure of ego or false pride and flush that shit right down the toilet along with whatever stray cans you have lying about. Given the high rate half-assed responses to the three questions lately, I prefer if you wait and take all the time you need in order to answer them satisfactorily. Otherwise, it's proven to be a huge waste of time.

Good luck.
Listen to SFGE and Tuco's Grill...they speaketh the truth of freedom.
oh yeah, wait for Deisel to get in here...he will have an earful of reality especially for You. Always inspirational and insightful.
Keeping my jaw and tongue...I like them.
It's poison I tell ya, You wouldn't drink Liquid Drano, would ya?

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Re: CC268 the trifecta of idiocy
« Reply #155 on: August 08, 2014, 08:52:00 AM »
I was with some friends scouting for deer in the woods...had some drinks and a friend offered me some dip. I told him no. He said "Ahh no one likes a quitter!". After some haggling I had a dip.
This excuse sounds like the plot to an After School Special, and certainly won't pass muster with the November group.

You need to answer the three questions openly, honestly, and with utter humility. Take any measure of ego or false pride and flush that shit right down the toilet along with whatever stray cans you have lying about. Given the high rate half-assed responses to the three questions lately, I prefer if you wait and take all the time you need in order to answer them satisfactorily. Otherwise, it's proven to be a huge waste of time.

Good luck.

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Re: CC268 the trifecta of idiocy
« Reply #154 on: August 08, 2014, 08:39:00 AM »
Quote from: 30isEnuff
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Hey CC, welcome back buddy. Sorry you caved under that intense pressure. We totally understand. Oh well, I guess all you can do is try try again. Hey, you had my number. And you had the number of some other guys I know as well. Some pretty good dudes if I recall. Oh yeah, I remember you didn't need a support group. That's right. Oh well.

Anyway, welcome back. Please shoot me a text. I look forward to supporting your upcoming stoppage. Hopefully it sticks this time. But hey, it's only your life. I'm sure some other quitters will be along to give you a shoulder rub and tell you everything will be okay. Not a huge deal. Everyone slips every now and then. We understand. Hopefully you'll get it done this time.

Welcome back

Good luck!
Cavers find a way to cave.
Quitters find a way to quit.

Lets all play the violins for the caver...his life is so difficult...was with the boys, peer presssure got to me, wah, wah, wah.


and you put the poison in your mouth for months and "now" you want to "try" again??

what makes you think that you deserve this site or the support here?
You're lame.
This is not a game.
Go where they will coddle your balls and rationalize your weakness.

Good luck.
Answering the damn questions is your only ticket back to the fold or else you are doomed to cave again. If you got any balls, you'll answer them honestly and own your quit. If not, don't let the door hit you on the way out. We all wait for your answers and be quick about it!

(1) What happened to make you cave?

(2) Why did it happen?

(3) What are you gonna do differently in this quit, to avoid the same thing happening?

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Re: CC268 the trifecta of idiocy
« Reply #153 on: August 08, 2014, 06:48:00 AM »
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Hey CC, welcome back buddy. Sorry you caved under that intense pressure. We totally understand. Oh well, I guess all you can do is try try again. Hey, you had my number. And you had the number of some other guys I know as well. Some pretty good dudes if I recall. Oh yeah, I remember you didn't need a support group. That's right. Oh well.

Anyway, welcome back. Please shoot me a text. I look forward to supporting your upcoming stoppage. Hopefully it sticks this time. But hey, it's only your life. I'm sure some other quitters will be along to give you a shoulder rub and tell you everything will be okay. Not a huge deal. Everyone slips every now and then. We understand. Hopefully you'll get it done this time.

Welcome back

Good luck!
Cavers find a way to cave.
Quitters find a way to quit.

Lets all play the violins for the caver...his life is so difficult...was with the boys, peer presssure got to me, wah, wah, wah.


and you put the poison in your mouth for months and "now" you want to "try" again??

what makes you think that you deserve this site or the support here?
You're lame.
This is not a game.
Go where they will coddle your balls and rationalize your weakness.

Good luck.
Keeping my jaw and tongue...I like them.
It's poison I tell ya, You wouldn't drink Liquid Drano, would ya?

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Re: CC268 the trifecta of idiocy
« Reply #152 on: August 08, 2014, 04:14:00 AM »
I need a gallon of Clorox just to get back to sleep.
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Re: CC268 the trifecta of idiocy
« Reply #151 on: August 08, 2014, 03:12:00 AM »
Hey CC, welcome back buddy. Sorry you caved under that intense pressure. We totally understand. Oh well, I guess all you can do is try try again. Hey, you had my number. And you had the number of some other guys I know as well. Some pretty good dudes if I recall. Oh yeah, I remember you didn't need a support group. That's right. Oh well.

Anyway, welcome back. Please shoot me a text. I look forward to supporting your upcoming stoppage. Hopefully it sticks this time. But hey, it's only your life. I'm sure some other quitters will be along to give you a shoulder rub and tell you everything will be okay. Not a huge deal. Everyone slips every now and then. We understand. Hopefully you'll get it done this time.

Welcome back

Good luck!
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Re: CC268 the trifecta of idiocy
« Reply #150 on: August 08, 2014, 01:13:00 AM »
Well I have come here to regretfully inform my fellow quitters that I caved at a little over 6 months of being quit. Stupid. I was with some friends scouting for deer in the woods...had some drinks and a friend offered me some dip. I told him no. He said "Ahh no one likes a quitter!". After some haggling I had a dip. After a few weeks I was in full swing again. I have been back on the crap for probably 3 months. It is time to get the show back on the road and this time for good.

Sorry to my fellow quit group. I was doing very well and hardly had any cravings anymore.

Here's to the upcoming suck. Posting day 1 in the morning.

PM me for my number so I can get a support group going.

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Re: CC268 the trifecta of idiocy
« Reply #149 on: February 21, 2014, 11:48:00 AM »
Quote from: MN_Ben
Congrats CC

please accept this gold embossed docking sleeve as a reward for hitting 100 days!!!!
Lol thanks!