Author Topic: CC268 the trifecta of idiocy  (Read 9619 times)

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Re: CC268 the trifecta of idiocy
« Reply #148 on: February 19, 2014, 11:49:00 AM »
Quote from: MN_Ben
Congrats CC

please accept this gold embossed docking sleeve as a reward for hitting 100 days!!!!
Slug likes to see young quitters!
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Re: CC268 the trifecta of idiocy
« Reply #147 on: February 19, 2014, 10:55:00 AM »
Congrats CC

please accept this gold embossed docking sleeve as a reward for hitting 100 days!!!!

Offline CC268

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Re: CC268 the trifecta of idiocy
« Reply #146 on: February 19, 2014, 10:53:00 AM »
Quote from: ScrewYouCope

Congrats on making the HOF! It's still crazy to me that we are both in the same small town and quit within a week of each other! When do you turn 21 so we can go grab that beer? I also wanted to say way to let your actions speak louder than your words! I was reading some of the stuff below and Ace121x says, "There is just simply no room for pussyfootin' around wishing and whining about quitting.. Like I said earlier glad to have you in my group stay strong and stay quit. Do or Do Not, don't Try.."

Where's that puss now? Looking at the spreadsheet he went MIA within 15 days of quitting! Stay strong and check in once in a while to let us know you are doing well! I've got your number so I'll be checkin in with ya and let me know when birthday time rolls around and we will get that beer!

Yea man for sure! Next semester in September I will be 21! Thanks!

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Re: CC268 the trifecta of idiocy
« Reply #145 on: February 19, 2014, 10:07:00 AM »

Congrats on making the HOF! It's still crazy to me that we are both in the same small town and quit within a week of each other! When do you turn 21 so we can go grab that beer? I also wanted to say way to let your actions speak louder than your words! I was reading some of the stuff below and Ace121x says, "There is just simply no room for pussyfootin' around wishing and whining about quitting.. Like I said earlier glad to have you in my group stay strong and stay quit. Do or Do Not, don't Try.."

Where's that puss now? Looking at the spreadsheet he went MIA within 15 days of quitting! Stay strong and check in once in a while to let us know you are doing well! I've got your number so I'll be checkin in with ya and let me know when birthday time rolls around and we will get that beer!

QD 11/18/13

"Yes you can stay quit. Forever. But make your practice 1 day at a time.."-wise words I read from TCOPE

"Nicotine fills no voids in your life. It creates them."...Diesel2112

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Re: CC268 the trifecta of idiocy
« Reply #144 on: November 13, 2013, 07:43:00 PM »
And that's why I am posting roll

Offline Wt57

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Re: CC268 the trifecta of idiocy
« Reply #143 on: November 13, 2013, 07:33:00 PM »
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: Diesel2112
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: Ace121x
Quote from: CC268
Quote from: tarpon17
This intro reminds me of why I'm quit.  I will never be a slave to that bitch ever again.  At least not today.  Read through this intro carefully you see that she's active and she is very strong. 

Strength in numbers wins, going solo hasn't been very productive here.  Time to choose.
It has been pretty clear I am not welcomed among the people on chat or here so I just post roll and keep to myself. Thanks
Totally False!! I never said nor did anyone else say they didn't want you to quit this addiction with us. There is just simply no room for pussyfootin' around wishing and whining about quitting.. Like I said earlier glad to have you in my group stay strong and stay quit. Do or Do Not, don't Try..
Maybe, just Maybe you should start embracing the lessons you are being taught from those that have rolled the dice before you.

Stop fighhting the path, dirink it and walk with your shoulders up.

Anyone can be a bitch to something. It takes a man to stand up to your addiction.

When do you chose to be a man?
10 pages for a multiple caver...if nobody cared you would have about 2 pages.

When I read your shit, I just get an overall feeling of weakness and defeat. Like you're half assing it.

Half ass effort gets half asses results.

Get pissed. Show us you WANT it.

My son is 10 and a pretty big kid, but he's soft. So sometimes when we wrestle I really push him to the point where he gets pissed, spazzes out, and literally swings on me with all his strength. He won't go there unless I push him there, but when he does I can tell he is kind of like "DAMN, I didn't know I had THAT in me".

Same thing with baseball this year. He was still a little afraid of the ball when he would catch it. I kept telling/yelling at him to "not be afraid" as I continually lobbed the ball to him. Finally I said fuck it and just started whipping the fucker right at his face. At first he was scared shitless and barely got his glove up, but eventually as I kept whipping it at him...he not only was catching every one, he was catching it in front of his body and whipping it back at MY face. He played first base the entire season.

This might be a bad analogy, but if I didn't care about my son, or didn't think he could do things like that, I simply wouldn't care and just leave him be.

Dont mistake people pushing you for them not caring. The minute people stop posting to your intro is when you know nobody gives a shit if you're here or not.

Go back a good 10 pages on the intros and see where a lot of people fell off the map. THEY were the ones who gave up on themselves. Nobody gave up on them.

You gotta grow a sack and man the fuck up, bud. Otherwise, you will give up on yourself and we will all fall in line with YOU.
CC... We welcome quitters. If you are not all in --- you will be called out and for good reason. Those that use this site fight every day to stay quit and there is no room for weakness. You are not weak, just acting weak. You can quit. Jump in the pool and join us. QLF brother!
I can't believe were still beating our heads against this brick wall. 'bang head'
I honestly don't know how our concern for you and your quit could be explained any better. It seems to me that there is a hell of a lot more effort from outside than from within you to quit. I'm at 590 days today and have been less active over the past few months and then when the fucking bitch started harassing me again I fought back full force and one of my ways of fighting is to help support younger addicts fight for there freedom. Put on your big boy pant, tighten your belt and through some punches, fight the bitch as much as you are fighting our helping hand.
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
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Offline Derk40

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Re: CC268 the trifecta of idiocy
« Reply #142 on: November 13, 2013, 05:26:00 PM »
Quote from: Diesel2112
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: Ace121x
Quote from: CC268
Quote from: tarpon17
This intro reminds me of why I'm quit.  I will never be a slave to that bitch ever again.  At least not today.  Read through this intro carefully you see that she's active and she is very strong. 

Strength in numbers wins, going solo hasn't been very productive here.  Time to choose.
It has been pretty clear I am not welcomed among the people on chat or here so I just post roll and keep to myself. Thanks
Totally False!! I never said nor did anyone else say they didn't want you to quit this addiction with us. There is just simply no room for pussyfootin' around wishing and whining about quitting.. Like I said earlier glad to have you in my group stay strong and stay quit. Do or Do Not, don't Try..
Maybe, just Maybe you should start embracing the lessons you are being taught from those that have rolled the dice before you.

Stop fighhting the path, dirink it and walk with your shoulders up.

Anyone can be a bitch to something. It takes a man to stand up to your addiction.

When do you chose to be a man?
10 pages for a multiple caver...if nobody cared you would have about 2 pages.

When I read your shit, I just get an overall feeling of weakness and defeat. Like you're half assing it.

Half ass effort gets half asses results.

Get pissed. Show us you WANT it.

My son is 10 and a pretty big kid, but he's soft. So sometimes when we wrestle I really push him to the point where he gets pissed, spazzes out, and literally swings on me with all his strength. He won't go there unless I push him there, but when he does I can tell he is kind of like "DAMN, I didn't know I had THAT in me".

Same thing with baseball this year. He was still a little afraid of the ball when he would catch it. I kept telling/yelling at him to "not be afraid" as I continually lobbed the ball to him. Finally I said fuck it and just started whipping the fucker right at his face. At first he was scared shitless and barely got his glove up, but eventually as I kept whipping it at him...he not only was catching every one, he was catching it in front of his body and whipping it back at MY face. He played first base the entire season.

This might be a bad analogy, but if I didn't care about my son, or didn't think he could do things like that, I simply wouldn't care and just leave him be.

Dont mistake people pushing you for them not caring. The minute people stop posting to your intro is when you know nobody gives a shit if you're here or not.

Go back a good 10 pages on the intros and see where a lot of people fell off the map. THEY were the ones who gave up on themselves. Nobody gave up on them.

You gotta grow a sack and man the fuck up, bud. Otherwise, you will give up on yourself and we will all fall in line with YOU.
CC... We welcome quitters. If you are not all in --- you will be called out and for good reason. Those that use this site fight every day to stay quit and there is no room for weakness. You are not weak, just acting weak. You can quit. Jump in the pool and join us. QLF brother!
Quit date: 6/23/2013
HOF Date: 9/30/2013

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Offline Diesel2112

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Re: CC268 the trifecta of idiocy
« Reply #141 on: November 13, 2013, 04:10:00 PM »
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: Ace121x
Quote from: CC268
Quote from: tarpon17
This intro reminds me of why I'm quit.  I will never be a slave to that bitch ever again.  At least not today.  Read through this intro carefully you see that she's active and she is very strong. 

Strength in numbers wins, going solo hasn't been very productive here.  Time to choose.
It has been pretty clear I am not welcomed among the people on chat or here so I just post roll and keep to myself. Thanks
Totally False!! I never said nor did anyone else say they didn't want you to quit this addiction with us. There is just simply no room for pussyfootin' around wishing and whining about quitting.. Like I said earlier glad to have you in my group stay strong and stay quit. Do or Do Not, don't Try..
Maybe, just Maybe you should start embracing the lessons you are being taught from those that have rolled the dice before you.

Stop fighhting the path, dirink it and walk with your shoulders up.

Anyone can be a bitch to something. It takes a man to stand up to your addiction.

When do you chose to be a man?
10 pages for a multiple caver...if nobody cared you would have about 2 pages.

When I read your shit, I just get an overall feeling of weakness and defeat. Like you're half assing it.

Half ass effort gets half asses results.

Get pissed. Show us you WANT it.

My son is 10 and a pretty big kid, but he's soft. So sometimes when we wrestle I really push him to the point where he gets pissed, spazzes out, and literally swings on me with all his strength. He won't go there unless I push him there, but when he does I can tell he is kind of like "DAMN, I didn't know I had THAT in me".

Same thing with baseball this year. He was still a little afraid of the ball when he would catch it. I kept telling/yelling at him to "not be afraid" as I continually lobbed the ball to him. Finally I said fuck it and just started whipping the fucker right at his face. At first he was scared shitless and barely got his glove up, but eventually as I kept whipping it at him...he not only was catching every one, he was catching it in front of his body and whipping it back at MY face. He played first base the entire season.

This might be a bad analogy, but if I didn't care about my son, or didn't think he could do things like that, I simply wouldn't care and just leave him be.

Dont mistake people pushing you for them not caring. The minute people stop posting to your intro is when you know nobody gives a shit if you're here or not.

Go back a good 10 pages on the intros and see where a lot of people fell off the map. THEY were the ones who gave up on themselves. Nobody gave up on them.

You gotta grow a sack and man the fuck up, bud. Otherwise, you will give up on yourself and we will all fall in line with YOU.
Quit 06/04/12
HOF 9/11/12
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21st floor 03/11/18

"Celebrate the moment as it turns into one more"..
"You can fight without ever winning, but never ever win, win without a fight".
"Onion rings...funyons. A connection? Yeah. I fucking think so."
"Honest Abe had a fake jaw".
"In a world that seems so small, I can't stop thinking big"
"Someone set a bad example. Made surrender seem all right
The act of a noble warrior. Who lost the will to fight."

Offline Ace121x

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Re: CC268 the trifecta of idiocy
« Reply #140 on: November 13, 2013, 04:05:00 PM »
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Proud of Ace. The young grasshopper gets it.

Nice support and resolve. Inspiring and getting stronger!
Thanks, I will continue to Stay strong and attempt to keep my group strong.

Appreciate the help early on in this battle
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Re: CC268 the trifecta of idiocy
« Reply #139 on: November 13, 2013, 03:54:00 PM »
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: Ace121x
Quote from: CC268
Quote from: tarpon17
This intro reminds me of why I'm quit.  I will never be a slave to that bitch ever again.  At least not today.  Read through this intro carefully you see that she's active and she is very strong. 

Strength in numbers wins, going solo hasn't been very productive here.  Time to choose.
It has been pretty clear I am not welcomed among the people on chat or here so I just post roll and keep to myself. Thanks
Totally False!! I never said nor did anyone else say they didn't want you to quit this addiction with us. There is just simply no room for pussyfootin' around wishing and whining about quitting.. Like I said earlier glad to have you in my group stay strong and stay quit. Do or Do Not, don't Try..
Maybe, just Maybe you should start embracing the lessons you are being taught from those that have rolled the dice before you.

Stop fighhting the path, dirink it and walk with your shoulders up.

Anyone can be a bitch to something. It takes a man to stand up to your addiction.

When do you chose to be a man?
Proud of Ace. The young grasshopper gets it.

Nice support and resolve. Inspiring and getting stronger!
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Re: CC268 the trifecta of idiocy
« Reply #138 on: November 13, 2013, 03:52:00 PM »
Quote from: Ace121x
Quote from: CC268
Quote from: tarpon17
This intro reminds me of why I'm quit.  I will never be a slave to that bitch ever again.  At least not today.  Read through this intro carefully you see that she's active and she is very strong. 

Strength in numbers wins, going solo hasn't been very productive here.  Time to choose.
It has been pretty clear I am not welcomed among the people on chat or here so I just post roll and keep to myself. Thanks
Totally False!! I never said nor did anyone else say they didn't want you to quit this addiction with us. There is just simply no room for pussyfootin' around wishing and whining about quitting.. Like I said earlier glad to have you in my group stay strong and stay quit. Do or Do Not, don't Try..
Maybe, just Maybe you should start embracing the lessons you are being taught from those that have rolled the dice before you.

Stop fighhting the path, dirink it and walk with your shoulders up.

Anyone can be a bitch to something. It takes a man to stand up to your addiction.

When do you chose to be a man?
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Re: CC268 the trifecta of idiocy
« Reply #137 on: November 13, 2013, 03:34:00 PM »
Quote from: Skoal
Jeez cc , we WANT you quit . If you want to BE QUIT , then simply drink the kool aid, listen to what these guys are telling you , and don't throw away your quit again because your going on a trip.

There is always going to be a reason why it's not a good time to quit. There are many trips, and trials, and long drives, and reasons you will create to justify dipping. It's all bullshit. This includes taking your ball and going home .

You at least came back after the weekend . We will see ........
Damn CC you're lucky anyone gives a shit about you.
Me, I don't even want to know a pussy like you...I don't have the kind of patience to coddle someone who lies to yourself and your place on earth a favor and grow a pair.
Keeping my jaw and tongue...I like them.
It's poison I tell ya, You wouldn't drink Liquid Drano, would ya?

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Re: CC268 the trifecta of idiocy
« Reply #136 on: November 13, 2013, 02:15:00 PM »
Jeez cc , we WANT you quit . If you want to BE QUIT , then simply drink the kool aid, listen to what these guys are telling you , and don't throw away your quit again because your going on a trip.

There is always going to be a reason why it's not a good time to quit. There are many trips, and trials, and long drives, and reasons you will create to justify dipping. It's all bullshit. This includes taking your ball and going home .

You at least came back after the weekend . We will see ........
"CLOSE THE DOOR. In my opinion, it?s the single most important step in your final quit. There is one moment, THE moment, when you finally let go and surrender to the quit. After that moment, no temptation will be great enough, no lie persuasive enough to make you commit suicide by using tobacco."

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Re: CC268 the trifecta of idiocy
« Reply #135 on: November 13, 2013, 01:55:00 PM »
Quote from: CC268
Quote from: tarpon17
This intro reminds me of why I'm quit.  I will never be a slave to that bitch ever again.  At least not today.  Read through this intro carefully you see that she's active and she is very strong. 

Strength in numbers wins, going solo hasn't been very productive here.  Time to choose.
It has been pretty clear I am not welcomed among the people on chat or here so I just post roll and keep to myself. Thanks
Totally False!! I never said nor did anyone else say they didn't want you to quit this addiction with us. There is just simply no room for pussyfootin' around wishing and whining about quitting.. Like I said earlier glad to have you in my group stay strong and stay quit. Do or Do Not, don't Try..
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'crackup' You Actually Think I May Cave Today? 'crackup'
Quit Date: Sunday November 10, 2013
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Re: CC268 the trifecta of idiocy
« Reply #134 on: November 13, 2013, 01:50:00 PM »
Quote from: CC268
Quote from: tarpon17
This intro reminds me of why I'm quit.  I will never be a slave to that bitch ever again.  At least not today.  Read through this intro carefully you see that she's active and she is very strong. 

Strength in numbers wins, going solo hasn't been very productive here.  Time to choose.
It has been pretty clear I am not welcomed among the people on chat or here so I just post roll and keep to myself. Thanks
CC268, you are welcome here....quit. That's what you don't seem to understand. The battle with this shit is life and death, when you come in here half ass "well, at least I'm trying" doesn't cut it here.

If your willing to post roll, everyday and mean it! I was in chat, you had some fine quitters trying to help you, but you have yet to be honest with yourself. Can you honestly read back through this thread and claim you've given any effort to truly being quit here?

So far you have chosen to whine that everyone is mean and that you didn't have the guts to stay quit on a weekend trip. No one here owes you anything, we hold you to the same standard as we hold ourselves.