Day 1 wasn't easy. I went to the baseball game and had a few beers. The temptation was there. I said no fucking way am I going to give in.
On to day 2. Game on.
I got this!!
Beer = #1 quit killer
What are you willing to do (or not do) to stay quit? How bad do you want this?
Beer is a killer. I did it though. I want this BAD! I don't want my life to be controled by a $4 tin can.
Yeah, you did it.
This time.
That's the funny thing about quitting. It's not a sprint. It's a marathon.
I'm proud of you for keeping your word for one day, but your actions do not say "I want this bad!".
To "want this bad", you need to put your quit first in your life. Everything else is secondary. As you get further into your quit, you will get stronger with your resolve because you have further to fall. Initially, the nic bitch still has a microphone to your ear.
For example, I quit July 4th weekend last year. I planned my entire fucking weekend so that I was in one place that would test me: a fourth of July picnic with my wife's and my friends. You know what I did? I told everybody that I was quit. I got 3 numbers and texted them regularly throughout the night. I told my 6 year old we could camp out in a tent in the backyard so he was ripping my arm off by 9 pm. AND I SKIPPED ALL BEER even though I had worked outside in 90 degree weather all day.
It fucking worked, and I made it through the weekend.
That's when my friend passed away.
I hung out with all of my friends while they chewed their heads off. These same guys taught and learned with me how to chew. Hell, the guy that passed used to be "that guy" that always was there when in need of a plug.
When he passed, all my buddies called and said that they wanted to get together for some drinks. I immediately sat down with my wife, and burst into tears about how I couldn't go because it would ruin my quit. It was at this very moment that I had an epiphony: I can only control my actions in this world, and nobody was making me quit or use except for me.
I went to the bar. I stayed in control. Hell, I even talked about my quit to them, and now one of them is quit just like me. The rest shrugged it off, but have mentioned how they "want to" occasionally. I made it through that night, his funeral, and beyond.
I did all of this because I wanted to quit more than anything else in this world. Fuck. I compiled so many fucking numbers of badass quitters I'd have to change my number if I faded away. I threw so many words of encouragement and support out they have buttressed my quit in times of distress. I have been there for so many quitters to know that I never, ever want to let them down under any circumstances.
Yeah, you made it through today.
But you don't "want this" until you acknowledge that "slipping" is failure. You don't want this until you realize that failure is only possible through your own actions. You don't want this until quitting is as important to you as living.
You'll never be successful until you realize you don't "got this". That's why we're here. When left to our own devices, we have all been unsuccessful. When left to our brothers' accountability, we have success. It's that simple.