This is not an introduction but a statment. The introduction site is the only place where I can post this. I tried in my Quit Group section but I am blocked for some reason. (help on this would be great, thanks)
Friday night full of triggers and confrontation. Still quit and still going strong.
Day 4 was worse than day 3 probably because I exposed my self to to much being so "young" in my quit. No matter, I fought through it and prevailed.
If you think there is no exposure or temptation when picking bluegrass music, in a fishing store in West Virginia then you must be crazy. Just walking down the road in WV has way to much exposure for a newbie. Anyway nothing but a thing due to the accountability of my bros. here on KTC. I wounldn't have lasted two seconds in there without the backing and accountability from here.
After running the dip guantlet and making it home I confronted my wife and told her how much of a shitbag I have been by lying to her over the years about my addiction. Showed her the site and all the support here and she was really cool. Now I have one more person in my ring of support.
Now I am on Day 5 and feel I can take on the world after what I went through last night. By the way a low grade head ache all night and very very little sleep. I know I will run into other hardships down the road, some maybe worse and some may be easier but as of now it is the small victories that make this all so worthwhile.
Without people like thesavage, rightofangle, bbulldog and now my wife I would be right back to day 0. Thanks.
Staying quit and see you in November.