Hey guys I'm on day 5 now and I'm just super frustrated. I didn't sleep at all last night and I took some Advil pm and melatonin. I feel like shit today now and I'm just pretty upset about it. Any advice would be greatly appreciated thank you!
Embrace the pain. You are getting better. It will get better slowly. Power through with all your might. Read KTC as much as you can. Read it all.
I'm at 19 days and I still don't sleep as well as I used to. I'm not going to lie to you, it sucks. A lot. But, this IS worth it and it WILL get better. Hang in there!
It takes a while for you to start sleeping better. I woke up every half hour for a couple weeks. Now I sleep until 4:30 every morning. I don't have to get up until 6:00 so it is still a little frustrating, but I"m also going to bed a little earlier. It gets better. Just hang in there. Your freedom is worth a little sleep trouble :)
The worst of it is just about over, Dude. Hang in there. Quitting with you today.
Everyone is telling you it gets better because it does. It will take a little time but it is so worth it. 5 days of freedom is 5 days too many to piss away over feeling shitty. What helped me was reading KTC, loud music and exercise, getting laid seemed to help a bit with sleep too. The biggest thing was knowing that failure would mean I just went through x number of days for nothing. I came here to quit not to give quitting a shot.
You have this, it's going to take work but it can be done. Everyone who has posted a number larger than 5 today has been where you are right now. No one will tell you it was fun but I think we would all tell you it was so worth it.
Not much to add but more encouragement.
A wound doesn't heal overnight and you've wounded your body and mind for years with nicotine. Celebrate every day because... it's freedom and... it's pretty damn cool.
Ask yourself this question. AM i WORTH IT? Am I worth a few nights without as much sleep as I think I need. Am I worth the craves that come daily. Am I worth all the crap I will go through initially during this quit. Ask your family the same question. Am I worth it?
The answer is YES my friend. Your worth it. It get's better quick. Believe it. It may not feel like it, but days drag for a while. This has been one of the best decision in my life and it is yours too. Stick with the plan. YOUR WORTH IT!! Glad to be quit with you.
Thank you all so much for all of your input and words of encouragement. I had dealt with anxiety and depression in the past and have been on anti-depressants but wouldnt want to ever take those again. Today is day 6, the past 48 hours i have gotten little to no sleep. But overall craving wise i feel so much better. Today i barely have been craving at all, and despite the negative of me not getting any sleep, that is one positive that puts a smile on my face. Anxiety is my issue, i keep thinking that i am not going to get to bed and just worrying all this dumb crap and that actually makes me not sleep, even with benadryl. Laying there thinking wow i want to go to sleep but i cant isnt getting anything accomplished. It is hard but, i need to change the way i think! My body is relaxed, im relaxed, now i just need to get my mind to shut down at night. I am happy to be quitting with all of you, i understand i am an addict, and im ready to move past the suck of getting no sleep, and enter the world of freedom whenever that comes. Thank you friends.