Hey Yall,
Im a 22 year old ex-Combat Medic for the Marine Corps. I served in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Korea. And the funniest thing was that the military kept sending us smokes and dip. But I dont know how I would have gotten through the training and patrols and 20-26 hour flights without that little round can in my pocket. Ive been dipping and chewing for almost 4 years now, and I've been wanting to quit for about 6 months, but the timing was never right.(Or so I kept telling myself) 'bang head' But now, I'm getting ready to move to Arizona, I'm a civilian again, and its time to start fresh, and I'd rather keep my jaw for that day when I finally get married and have kids. Something tells me that nobody will wanna marry a dude with half a face. But I'm going to quit this time around. The only thing that sucks is that I miss that wad between my cheek and gum... :( You'll see me on here som much, you're gonna get sick of me pretty soon. 'help'