Day 3 so far has been the hardest other than skipping my first dip outta my routine. Yesterday wasn't too bad. My eyes keep wandering to where my Copenhagen usually sits. I'm working a solid 60 hour week right now which keeps my mind off it (sort of). But I had to start looking around for support. My method of Cold Fucking Turkey looks like a dumb fucking idea right now. Dark Chocolate is the only thing keeping me slightly sane.
My wife never has been addicted to anything in her life and has no idea what this is like. She is the only reason I am quitting. Haven't exploded on her yet though.
My name is JesusChristThisSucks and after 10+ years; I am going to beat this.
You already are beating it my friend.
Water, water, and exercise. The nicotine is on it's way out, and your addicted body is flailing. Once all the nicotine is gone, you will start healing. What you are doing is not dumb. It's fucking genius. You can't quit a drug UNLESS YOU STOP TAKING THAT DRUG. Seems like a simple enough concept, but as addicts, we like to look for the magic potions and elixirs out there that promise us heaven on earth.
I see this is your first post. Head on over to the quit group
January 2015. You'll find quite a few guys in the same boat as you. Post roll (your promise to not use nicotine today), and buckle up. It's a helluva ride man.