My name is kory and I've been dipping Grizzley WG for about 8 years. It started back when I joined the military. Everyone around me was either smoking or dipping as their method for managing the stress and staying alert. I chose dipping as lesser of two evils, so I thought...I told myself and my wife that it was just an army thing and that as soon as I was out I'd quit but obviously that was a lie and knew it. I ended my contract back in January of last year and dipping had morphed into my method for managing all stressors.
I told my wife when got married about the dipping not wanting hide anything from her and she expressed her dislike of my "habit" unaware of the severity of my addiction. It seemed so easy for her to write it off as just that, a habit, but I immediately felt angry and frustrated at her lack of understanding. This added to the stress and frustration triggers so I continued to dip hoping she would just give up and accept my "habit". Well she didn' I just tried to hide it from her. This worked the majority of the time. There have been a couple moments where she'd find a spot bottle or I'd forget that I left a can out in plane site. An argument would stir up and once again I'd be in the wrong for being so deceptive. Which I was but again I'd leave so frustrated at her and myself.
My motivation for quitting is for our marriage's sake. I can't keep lying to her. And now we've got a two month old son that I don't want growing up seeing his dad putting this crap in his mouth and running the risk of him finding it and wanting to try it. I'm also tired of being ruled by something so stupid. I always felt that this added to my manliness but now I feel weak and conquered all the time.
I'm tired of feeling like this my wife and son deserve a man that is self-controlled and willing to fight for what he cares about. That is why I'm DONE! I'm ready to quit.