Author Topic: busted bad by wife, shit aint worth it  (Read 9977 times)

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Offline kevinsravens

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Re: busted bad by wife, shit aint worth it
« Reply #9 on: March 08, 2009, 01:14:00 PM »
Quote from: bearattack
Cleaned out my main work van today,,,,
A five gallon bucket full of tins... That's a lot of money man...
Definately a good idea to clean this shit out now . . . I found an empty tine at like day 145 . . . .shows how clean my car is kept?

anyway I think this is a great idea to keep a journal here . . . just check out the one by Ready . . . .good way to track your quit.
The greatest accomplishment is not in never falling, but in rising again after you fall.
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Offline bearattack

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Re: busted bad by wife, shit aint worth it
« Reply #8 on: March 08, 2009, 01:09:00 PM »
Cleaned out my main work van today,,,,
A five gallon bucket full of tins... That's a lot of money man...
I've dipped enough to be satisfied for a life time, done with it... I killed the bear... hate that scumbag. 02/27/09@ 10pm was my last taste!!!!

Offline bearattack

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Re: busted bad by wife, shit aint worth it
« Reply #7 on: March 07, 2009, 07:02:00 PM »
Well I guess I'm introduced..... But I think ill keep posting to this thread when I want to talk shit about dip....
I'd also like to say in my wasted dipping yrs, I never had the ball to even peek at cancer pics.... Well it took over a week into quit to finally look... Holy fuck no wonder I never looked... Well I studied one, of a guy sliced almost to his eye and to his shoulder, jaw exposed..... Its now my desktop image and my blackberry home screen pic,,, had some craves today and forced myself to study thi pic... Crave gone...

I usually don't give a fuck about anybody I see killed on the news or injured etc...
But I can truelly say "that poor guy and his family", and actually mean it... W my track record it could be me chopped up.... And the surgery pics, the poor guy looked like a bear bit his face.....

Killin that fuckin bear...

Racking up my days and saving my loot.

I've dipped enough to be satisfied for a life time, done with it... I killed the bear... hate that scumbag. 02/27/09@ 10pm was my last taste!!!!

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Re: busted bad by wife, shit aint worth it
« Reply #6 on: March 07, 2009, 03:51:00 PM »
I've got to admit I laughed my ass off at your story. It's funny, so easy to visualize. I played hide the dip, sneak a dip, hide the spitters for years with my wife. I'm on my 11th day quit today and this website has been a huge help so far.
"Making and keeping promises to yourself is the foundation for developing character and integrity"

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Offline bearattack

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Re: busted bad by wife, shit aint worth it
« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2009, 12:23:00 PM »
Wow, that plane story guy is a total asshole!!! Never steal a mans spitter....
I've dipped enough to be satisfied for a life time, done with it... I killed the bear... hate that scumbag. 02/27/09@ 10pm was my last taste!!!!

Offline CopeFiend

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Re: busted bad by wife, shit aint worth it
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2009, 12:16:00 PM »
Your story isn't that much different from my own. You can do this quit thing. Man, bearattack, that's the best laugh I had since LC's story of dipping on a plane. See below:
Quote from: CopeFiend
Quote from: LastChance

This reminds me of a plane ride - dipping incident I had once...

On a long flight from Phoenix to Cleveland, I was sitting in a window seat, wearing headphones and watching an in-flight movie.  I had just selected a full can of coke from the hostitute/flight attendant with the drink cart, and immediately pounded it in record time with the intention of using it as a spitter for a chew I had been looking forward to for a while. 

So, I go through the routine of an embarrassed dipper, looking around to see if anyone was paying attention.  The old man in the middle seat is asleep, and the lady in the isle seat was engrossed in her boring ass Danielle Steel novel.  I then smuggle the can of Skoal Mint from its top secret hiding spot (the inside of my right knee high sock), grab a good wad and strategically place it in the lower right half of my eager mouth, thereby hiding the bulge from any possible onlookers.  Happily engrossed in my dipful bliss, I sat back, relaxed and began watching the movie.  Of course, every 30 seconds or so, I would grab the empty coke can, resting on the open trey table in front of me, and spit out the juice. 

This went on and on for the next 30 minutes... watching the movie, grabbing the coke can, spitting, setting it down, watching, grabbing, spitting, setting, etc...  I was so good at doing this that it did not break my concentration from the movie.  That is, until I casually looked down and realized that my spitter had turned into a DIET coke can. 

I then realized that I had accidentally grabbed the middle seat guy's can of pop and had been spitting in it for an unknown amount of time.  Well, needless to say, a decision had to be made. 

Here were the facts:  Middle Seat guy was still asleep.  Isle seat chick was still attentive to her boring ass book.  Diet Coke can was only 1/8th full (or 7/8th empty depending on your view of the world).  I was pinned in the window seat.  My options were limited.

Here were my choices:
Option A) Stash the Diet Coke can in the magazine pocket, wait for the Hostitute/Flight Attendant to come by with a trash bag, get rid of the evidence.

Option B ) Pour the contents of the Diet Coke can into the "real" spitter then put the empty can back on his tray table and pretend this never happened. 

Option C) Put the can back on his tray table and pretend this never happened.

Here was my decision:
I brilliantly chose Option A.  No, wait... Option C.  Ya, I brilliantly chose Option C.

A few minutes later, we ran into a bit of turbulence which awoke my middle seat neighbor.  This alarmed me, but I remained cool as I remembered that the Diet Coke can was almost empty, and therefore probably abandoned.  Then, as if in slow motion, I witnessed the following events:

- Middle Seat Guy licks his dry lips, looks around for the hostitute/flight attendent to no avail, then spots the Diet Coke.
    * I start to get a little nervous

- Middle Seat Guy reaches for Diet Coke can
    * I freeze, sweat matriculates from my scalp. Knees get week.  Palms get clamy. 

  - Middle Seat Guy swishes contents of Diet Coke can around, determining if there is proper liquid content sufficient enough to quench his thirst.
    * I begin to panic, consider offering a warning, but chicken out, hoping he will be uninterested in the minimal contents remaining in the Diet Coke can.

  - Middle Seat Guy bends his elbow, tips his head back and brings the Diet Coke can towards his, now, slightly parted lips.
    * Full panic mode.  Instinctfully, I look for an exit, but, to my horror, realize that I am on a plane.  I consider jumping out the window at 35,000 feet.  I remember a story of a pregnant lady, a few years back, who went sky diving.  Tragically, her shoot did not open as she ascended to her almost certain death.  Miraculously, she ended up bouncing off a big ole’ wad Texas sage brush and survived, breaking something like 30 bones in her body.  Somehow, her baby survived, too.  I'm sure this lady now drinks her dinner through a straw and has the physical composition of Gumby,  and her baby probably makes Corky from "Life goes on" seem like the second coming of Albert Einstein, but that's not the point.  I decide, however, against this figuring that we were probably not flying over Texas at our present position.

  - Middle Seat Guy empties contents inside the Diet Coke can into his mouth.  I see a string of brownish-clear mucusy liquid stretch from the corner of the open lid of the can to his lower lip as he pulls the, now, completely empty container away from his face.  I see his Adam's apple move up, in, then back down as he swallowed the contents.

As I witnessed the progression of emotions Middle Seat Guy went through over the next 15 seconds, I couldn’t help but be fascinated by the physical mannerisms that were associated with each, new reaction.  It went from surprise to disgust to curiosity to disgust to confusion to anger to confusion and back to disgust.  Then he just looked ill. 

Middle Seat Guy excused himself past isle seat chick and retreated to the rear plane bathroom, where he remained in there for what seemed to be the greater part of eternity.  I was somewhat relieved that I was not currently engaged in hand to hand combat at 35,000 feet, as my plastic dinner spork, provided by the airline for the inevitably unedible meal to come, would certainly not make that great of a weapon.
I then heard the sound of the rear plane bathroom door opening.  I expected to hear Middle Seat Guy progressing his way down the isle, but instead I heard the grumblings of a conversation between a man and hostitute/flight attendant.  I look back, and sure enough Middle Seat Guy was jabbering away in an inaudible rant of some kind.  He then retreated back to his seat, apparently settling down.

And this next part I will never, ever forget.  Middle Seat Guy looks at me, looks at my Coke can, then looks at me again.  He then says, “Hey buddy, I wouldn’t drink that Coke if I were you.  Mine tasted a little funny”.
It really sucks to be on the other end of it too. Before I dipped, I was at a card game and we were all drinking. My beer bottle was next to my roommate's. What I didn't realize was that I mistakenly picked up my roommate's "converted" beer bottle. What happened? Well, I received a mouth full of his skoal+spit instead of the delicious beer. I gagged my head off. Totally grossed out. Pissed off. YUCK!

And what did I turn around and start doing myself about 4 years after that incident? Copenhagen.

Offline bearattack

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Re: busted bad by wife, shit aint worth it
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2009, 11:00:00 AM »
From a 3rd person perspective, I d laugh my balls of at the dolt who seasoned dinner with kodiak... But if I didn't I'd have a fatty in right now bc, she is out shopping for clothes purses or some other shit with her friend...

Btw what's red saying in ur avator?

I've dipped enough to be satisfied for a life time, done with it... I killed the bear... hate that scumbag. 02/27/09@ 10pm was my last taste!!!!

Offline kevinsravens

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Re: busted bad by wife, shit aint worth it
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2009, 10:52:00 AM »
Quote from: bearattack
Hi I'm ray I'm a 35 year old junky, been messed up on junk for over half my life. My junk isn't coke, h, ganja, or the bottle. My junk is kodiak premium wintergreen made by conwood corp. I think I've been dipping for 17 or 18 yrs, as there is a kody reference in my hs yearbook... Anyway I dipped like, I don't know, perhaps you guys!!!! In fact I really dont remember stages in life without clasping a tin. Anyway fast forward through college, young adulthood whatever.

My wife was forcing quits on me.... Imfuckingpossible to do, now I see that. I have told all the same lies you guys have, forgot spitters, around the house. Used good dinnerware for spit or to park a spent dip.

Well about 2 weeks ago I was busted bad. Oh yea, I own a swimming pool company in connecticut. So guess what I do all day at home through winter... Yup u got it...
Well 02/27/09 I was busted big time, a little sorry wasn't going to help.
Here's what happened, I had left over pizza for lunch. The pizza box was on the stove and I'd chow a piece throughout the day. At some point I parked an dip on the box, as I didn't want to get busted for forgerting it somewhere, you know the drill.
So fast forward to the next night. Wife is home and we are cooking dinner, all is cool.
As dinner is just about to be served, she finds a wad of dip on her plate and stirred into the macaroni. I was fucking shocked!!!!
I claimed it was dirt, as we just potted plants and could not believe this was happening. Holy fucking shit, now I was somebody that claimed to be a non dipper and my wifes dinner was filled with kodiak.... How else can you define fucked!!!
She storms out and went shopping, so what do I do.... Shit, this is a good time to pack a dip, got the house to myself. So I do...
She gets back around 930pm, I can tell she is super pissed. She takes a shower, so I fig, shit let's pack a dip... I do... But I senced this is super pissed off mode on her part.
I finished my dip at 10pm. Took a week of silent treatment.
Now how did that fucking dip get in her dinner. The dam pizza box!!! I must have opened the box with a parked dip on it, it fell to the top/back of the stove. The wad must have fallen as cooking.... I think it sat hidden on stoveback for 2 days, bc we ate out or at friends the prior to nights, so there was no call to be near the stove. Now how the hell did I miss that??? Dunno, I clean everyday and she is a neatfreak. I should, say I clean and search for dip remnants everyday. I was even checking any hair etc in shower drain for dip, cuz I knew she was looking to bust me bad.

Then it it occured to me, the shit aint worth it.....

Ray in connecticut
Btw I mostly post from my phone so I don't care about spelling or grammar
Welcome . . that is a fucking funny story . . . your gonna fit perfectly in here . . . just post often and stay involved.

PM me if you need anything.
The greatest accomplishment is not in never falling, but in rising again after you fall.
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Offline bearattack

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busted bad by wife, shit aint worth it
« on: March 07, 2009, 10:28:00 AM »
Hi I'm ray I'm a 35 year old junky, been messed up on junk for over half my life. My junk isn't coke, h, ganja, or the bottle. My junk is kodiak premium wintergreen made by conwood corp. I think I've been dipping for 17 or 18 yrs, as there is a kody reference in my hs yearbook... Anyway I dipped like, I don't know, perhaps you guys!!!! In fact I really dont remember stages in life without clasping a tin. Anyway fast forward through college, young adulthood whatever.

My wife was forcing quits on me.... Imfuckingpossible to do, now I see that. I have told all the same lies you guys have, forgot spitters, around the house. Used good dinnerware for spit or to park a spent dip.

Well about 2 weeks ago I was busted bad. Oh yea, I own a swimming pool company in connecticut. So guess what I do all day at home through winter... Yup u got it...
Well 02/27/09 I was busted big time, a little sorry wasn't going to help.
Here's what happened, I had left over pizza for lunch. The pizza box was on the stove and I'd chow a piece throughout the day. At some point I parked an dip on the box, as I didn't want to get busted for forgerting it somewhere, you know the drill.
So fast forward to the next night. Wife is home and we are cooking dinner, all is cool.
As dinner is just about to be served, she finds a wad of dip on her plate and stirred into the macaroni. I was fucking shocked!!!!
I claimed it was dirt, as we just potted plants and could not believe this was happening. Holy fucking shit, now I was somebody that claimed to be a non dipper and my wifes dinner was filled with kodiak.... How else can you define fucked!!!
She storms out and went shopping, so what do I do.... Shit, this is a good time to pack a dip, got the house to myself. So I do...
She gets back around 930pm, I can tell she is super pissed. She takes a shower, so I fig, shit let's pack a dip... I do... But I senced this is super pissed off mode on her part.
I finished my dip at 10pm. Took a week of silent treatment.
Now how did that fucking dip get in her dinner. The dam pizza box!!! I must have opened the box with a parked dip on it, it fell to the top/back of the stove. The wad must have fallen as cooking.... I think it sat hidden on stoveback for 2 days, bc we ate out or at friends the prior to nights, so there was no call to be near the stove. Now how the hell did I miss that??? Dunno, I clean everyday and she is a neatfreak. I should, say I clean and search for dip remnants everyday. I was even checking any hair etc in shower drain for dip, cuz I knew she was looking to bust me bad.

Then it it occured to me, the shit aint worth it.....

Ray in connecticut
Btw I mostly post from my phone so I don't care about spelling or grammar
I've dipped enough to be satisfied for a life time, done with it... I killed the bear... hate that scumbag. 02/27/09@ 10pm was my last taste!!!!