Author Topic: I quit  (Read 8616 times)

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Offline 2mch2lv4

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Re: I quit
« Reply #65 on: June 26, 2014, 07:55:00 PM »
I've had a lot of people express their discontent for my choices and call me awful things.

First off, I never said I was leaving KTC. I simply turned in my chat mod badge because I felt it would be disrespectful to KTC to be a mod here and support another quit site. There are plenty of old timers here that support lite and vice verse. I am not a bad person for doing this.

Here is my analogy-

Mom (KTC admins) and Dad (L00T) got a divorce.I am caught in the middle with the rest of my brothers and sisters. Because I love them both (KTC and the folks that left KTC) I decide to continue my relationship with them both. I am simply sharing my time between them.... Not choosing sides. I am not calling anyone names or being hateful in any way. I will continue to do what I have always done here on KTC and that is QUIT and quit HARD! I will support any quitter that needs my support and I will be loyal to the individuals that have shown their loyalty to me. Dad is being nice and doing what he does best, helping people quit. Mom on the other hand is mad that I'm not choosing her side (or any for that matter) and is probably going to 'ground' me.

Seriously J2B, if you were one of the many that truly knows me and has my back, you would understand my position and not need to stoop to name calling.

If you have issue with my attempt to be fair and loyal then you just have issues, don't you?!

Here are my words given to admin regarding my resignation this morning. I was not looking for a fight.

I am turning in my color.

After a year of serving KTC as a chat moderator, I am resigning my position. I feel it only right since I will be participating in the site that some of my fellow brothers in quit have built. Its a sad day when friends part ways and the folks that left were a huge asset to KTC. They are also a huge part of my quit along with many of you here. That is why I choose to continue my relationship with them by joining their new web site. Everyone here has a common goal and that is to help others quit. For some reason, that got lost in all of the drama.
Thank you original 7 for building this house to help others. As long as I am allowed, I will continue to support the common goal here as well as the other site. I will just be doing it as a member instead of a mod. Thanks to those that have and will continue to support my quit. You are the reason I am here.
No hard feeling on my end. I love my quit family!


Offline JayDubya

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Re: I quit
« Reply #64 on: June 26, 2014, 07:55:00 PM »
Quote from: jost2brown
Quote from: 2mch2lv4
Quote from: Raider
Quote from: mich
Quote from: 2mch2lv4
Quote from: Instigator
Quote from: sh4string
Quote from: 2mch2lv4
Pulling up dusty intros seems to be the trend these days so here's mine.

I quit smoking on July 7, 2012...almost 2 years ago. Without the accountability and brotherhood I found at KTC, I would not be nic free today. I'm not free because of the website KTC, I am free because of posting my promise EVERY DAMN DAY and the friendships I've formed with good people who hold me to my word!

I am free because of Bruce. I am free because of Vadge. I am free because of Racetrackcowgirl, Applejack, Mich34, BigBrotherJack, Sox2012, Winter Green, SamCat, Cbird, Chewie, CDaniels, Union34, Cmark, Newcal,Mj, Pinched, LionHeartedGirl, D2Maine, Mookie, DennyX, SirDerek, Diesel, Dr Jones, TeachTy, Ffmoofus, FranPro, Greg5280, GrizzlyHasClaws, Hipster, Iizphilister, Instigator, Evil_Won, JayDubya, Jbradley, Jlud007, Knockout, Sixer, DocSardonic, Luby, Keddy, Kdip, Lancesd, Arfy, MrsCDaniels, LCWB, Marcusaurelius, Mthomas, Wedge, CoopBeansMom, MCSLB, Roamcountry, Amgdenny, DiplessinJax, Mcarmo, Suds, Mn_Ben, Bronc, Aglawyer, Dave1903, P23, Tarpon, Penguin, Ziesmer, Rocketman, ItsGotToHappen, Sage, Sporticus, Sportsfan, Hoffie, ToeTag, 4String, Syndrome, Timeless, Trauma, Yemtig, Raider, Conbud, Bigwhitebeast, L00T, SpartanRon, Boelker64, Mogul, 30yearaddict, Divine, Jag, Eric, Ensor, Bobertd, J2B, kkljinc, Seth, Slug, Nicald, ALL of Oct '12, ALL of May '11, ALL the CHAT LOCALS, and anyone that has held me accountable and strengthened my quit.

All of these people are KTC to me, they are my quit! Not 'Admin', not the 'Mod Team', but the individuals that were there for me and will continue to be there for me to battle the storm. I will continue to post roll here at KTC as long as KTC will have me and I continue to be supported. I am, however, turning in my 'color' as a chat moderator. I was asked to be a chat mod just over a year ago. I was not going to accept but then I was told the reason I was being chosen. We had an increase in female quitters joining KTC and utilizing chat. I hang out there a lot and am always helpful with new quitters. I love me some sister quit and agreed to be there for the ladies. I don't regret my time at all. I feel privileged to have been considered an asset to our community. I now feel it's time to turn in my chat cop badge and be the best quitter I can. I feel it is important for me to continue to stay close with my quit brothers here and at the super new house of quit that my friend L00T built. For that reason I feel it a conflict of interest to continue as a Chat Moderator at KTC. I love all of my quit family! My decision changes nothing as far as I'm concerned. I'm still "The Queen of Quit" I just won't be able to crack the whip in chat anymore 'winker'
If you need to contact me and cannot reach me via PM, feel free to ask any of the above mentioned quitters for my contact info. QUIT ON!!
You will always be my "queen of quit""
Girl, that list of names is a who's who that brings back memories...

Well except for that instigator prick.
Sing it with me now!!!! We. Are. Fam il yyyyy I got all my brothers with me!! :)
We all love you 224 (I don't think evil thinks of you as his sister though, I remember when he first saw your pic! lol) For real though - thanks for your year of official service and for all you've done for me and for the site Cindy - I've been more post and run as of late but the names on Oct. 12 roll mean a LOT to me and my quit, thank you.
Great post 224. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
OMG! Mich! I was just telling L00T and AJ that story today on the phone! HILARIOUS! He apologized over and over for that one....and so was the beginning of an awesome friendship. Hahaha!
Good Times are important.
Such bullshit.

Hypocrisy I believe is the word of the day?
I had to see this one for myself. 'roflmao'

Remshot/Loot/cancer/...go back and re-read the ACTUAL WORDS where YOU called someone out and told them NOT to call another a cancer yet you couldn't back up YOUR OWN WORDS and now you are calling 224 a hypocrite. That's called PROJECTION. You are truly dumber than I gave you credit for...and I made quite the allowance considering what you had to work with at best....

Mule...let's go ahead get this done...terrorist? People who confront you with the truth and you call them TERRORIST? You also contradicted yourself in your little "speech"....don't want anyone asking others here for additional accountability but y'all have no problem with them posting on another site and never have. -- Re read that and let that work ethic actually do some work for you cause your brain is well...see above to J2B. Mules aren't known for their maybe you can somehow work through your contradictions. No damn wonder your old halls are empty.

Please, delete my account. Permanently. I do not want anyone ever knowing I was associated with this Admin/Mod team. I'm embarrassed to have ever believed your bullshit, and Im ashamed that my name appears amongst your incompetence and hypocrisy.

Offline AppleJack

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Re: I quit
« Reply #63 on: June 26, 2014, 07:38:00 PM »
Quote from: jost2brown
Quote from: 2mch2lv4
Quote from: Raider
Quote from: mich
Quote from: 2mch2lv4
Quote from: Instigator
Quote from: sh4string
Quote from: 2mch2lv4
Pulling up dusty intros seems to be the trend these days so here's mine.

I quit smoking on July 7, 2012...almost 2 years ago. Without the accountability and brotherhood I found at KTC, I would not be nic free today. I'm not free because of the website KTC, I am free because of posting my promise EVERY DAMN DAY and the friendships I've formed with good people who hold me to my word!

I am free because of Bruce. I am free because of Vadge. I am free because of Racetrackcowgirl, Applejack, Mich34, BigBrotherJack, Sox2012, Winter Green, SamCat, Cbird, Chewie, CDaniels, Union34, Cmark, Newcal,Mj, Pinched, LionHeartedGirl, D2Maine, Mookie, DennyX, SirDerek, Diesel, Dr Jones, TeachTy, Ffmoofus, FranPro, Greg5280, GrizzlyHasClaws, Hipster, Iizphilister, Instigator, Evil_Won, JayDubya, Jbradley, Jlud007, Knockout, Sixer, DocSardonic, Luby, Keddy, Kdip, Lancesd, Arfy, MrsCDaniels, LCWB, Marcusaurelius, Mthomas, Wedge, CoopBeansMom, MCSLB, Roamcountry, Amgdenny, DiplessinJax, Mcarmo, Suds, Mn_Ben, Bronc, Aglawyer, Dave1903, P23, Tarpon, Penguin, Ziesmer, Rocketman, ItsGotToHappen, Sage, Sporticus, Sportsfan, Hoffie, ToeTag, 4String, Syndrome, Timeless, Trauma, Yemtig, Raider, Conbud, Bigwhitebeast, L00T, SpartanRon, Boelker64, Mogul, 30yearaddict, Divine, Jag, Eric, Ensor, Bobertd, J2B, kkljinc, Seth, Slug, Nicald, ALL of Oct '12, ALL of May '11, ALL the CHAT LOCALS, and anyone that has held me accountable and strengthened my quit.

All of these people are KTC to me, they are my quit! Not 'Admin', not the 'Mod Team', but the individuals that were there for me and will continue to be there for me to battle the storm. I will continue to post roll here at KTC as long as KTC will have me and I continue to be supported. I am, however, turning in my 'color' as a chat moderator. I was asked to be a chat mod just over a year ago. I was not going to accept but then I was told the reason I was being chosen. We had an increase in female quitters joining KTC and utilizing chat. I hang out there a lot and am always helpful with new quitters. I love me some sister quit and agreed to be there for the ladies. I don't regret my time at all. I feel privileged to have been considered an asset to our community. I now feel it's time to turn in my chat cop badge and be the best quitter I can. I feel it is important for me to continue to stay close with my quit brothers here and at the super new house of quit that my friend L00T built. For that reason I feel it a conflict of interest to continue as a Chat Moderator at KTC. I love all of my quit family! My decision changes nothing as far as I'm concerned. I'm still "The Queen of Quit" I just won't be able to crack the whip in chat anymore 'winker'
If you need to contact me and cannot reach me via PM, feel free to ask any of the above mentioned quitters for my contact info. QUIT ON!!
You will always be my "queen of quit""
Girl, that list of names is a who's who that brings back memories...

Well except for that instigator prick.
Sing it with me now!!!! We. Are. Fam il yyyyy I got all my brothers with me!! :)
We all love you 224 (I don't think evil thinks of you as his sister though, I remember when he first saw your pic! lol) For real though - thanks for your year of official service and for all you've done for me and for the site Cindy - I've been more post and run as of late but the names on Oct. 12 roll mean a LOT to me and my quit, thank you.
Great post 224. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
OMG! Mich! I was just telling L00T and AJ that story today on the phone! HILARIOUS! He apologized over and over for that one....and so was the beginning of an awesome friendship. Hahaha!
Good Times are important.
Such bullshit.

Hypocrisy I believe is the word of the day?
This from a "leader" who doesn't think posting roll is a responsibility!?

Look in the mirror dude...

You, m'man, are unfit to be a leader in any way.
Well, it’s one louder, isn’t it? It’s not ten.

Offline Instigator

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Re: I quit
« Reply #62 on: June 26, 2014, 07:37:00 PM »
Quote from: jost2brown
Quote from: 2mch2lv4
Quote from: Raider
Quote from: mich
Quote from: 2mch2lv4
Quote from: Instigator
Quote from: sh4string
Quote from: 2mch2lv4
Pulling up dusty intros seems to be the trend these days so here's mine.

I quit smoking on July 7, 2012...almost 2 years ago. Without the accountability and brotherhood I found at KTC, I would not be nic free today. I'm not free because of the website KTC, I am free because of posting my promise EVERY DAMN DAY and the friendships I've formed with good people who hold me to my word!

I am free because of Bruce. I am free because of Vadge. I am free because of Racetrackcowgirl, Applejack, Mich34, BigBrotherJack, Sox2012, Winter Green, SamCat, Cbird, Chewie, CDaniels, Union34, Cmark, Newcal,Mj, Pinched, LionHeartedGirl, D2Maine, Mookie, DennyX, SirDerek, Diesel, Dr Jones, TeachTy, Ffmoofus, FranPro, Greg5280, GrizzlyHasClaws, Hipster, Iizphilister, Instigator, Evil_Won, JayDubya, Jbradley, Jlud007, Knockout, Sixer, DocSardonic, Luby, Keddy, Kdip, Lancesd, Arfy, MrsCDaniels, LCWB, Marcusaurelius, Mthomas, Wedge, CoopBeansMom, MCSLB, Roamcountry, Amgdenny, DiplessinJax, Mcarmo, Suds, Mn_Ben, Bronc, Aglawyer, Dave1903, P23, Tarpon, Penguin, Ziesmer, Rocketman, ItsGotToHappen, Sage, Sporticus, Sportsfan, Hoffie, ToeTag, 4String, Syndrome, Timeless, Trauma, Yemtig, Raider, Conbud, Bigwhitebeast, L00T, SpartanRon, Boelker64, Mogul, 30yearaddict, Divine, Jag, Eric, Ensor, Bobertd, J2B, kkljinc, Seth, Slug, Nicald, ALL of Oct '12, ALL of May '11, ALL the CHAT LOCALS, and anyone that has held me accountable and strengthened my quit.

All of these people are KTC to me, they are my quit! Not 'Admin', not the 'Mod Team', but the individuals that were there for me and will continue to be there for me to battle the storm. I will continue to post roll here at KTC as long as KTC will have me and I continue to be supported. I am, however, turning in my 'color' as a chat moderator. I was asked to be a chat mod just over a year ago. I was not going to accept but then I was told the reason I was being chosen. We had an increase in female quitters joining KTC and utilizing chat. I hang out there a lot and am always helpful with new quitters. I love me some sister quit and agreed to be there for the ladies. I don't regret my time at all. I feel privileged to have been considered an asset to our community. I now feel it's time to turn in my chat cop badge and be the best quitter I can. I feel it is important for me to continue to stay close with my quit brothers here and at the super new house of quit that my friend L00T built. For that reason I feel it a conflict of interest to continue as a Chat Moderator at KTC. I love all of my quit family! My decision changes nothing as far as I'm concerned. I'm still "The Queen of Quit" I just won't be able to crack the whip in chat anymore 'winker'
If you need to contact me and cannot reach me via PM, feel free to ask any of the above mentioned quitters for my contact info. QUIT ON!!
You will always be my "queen of quit""
Girl, that list of names is a who's who that brings back memories...

Well except for that instigator prick.
Sing it with me now!!!! We. Are. Fam il yyyyy I got all my brothers with me!! :)
We all love you 224 (I don't think evil thinks of you as his sister though, I remember when he first saw your pic! lol) For real though - thanks for your year of official service and for all you've done for me and for the site Cindy - I've been more post and run as of late but the names on Oct. 12 roll mean a LOT to me and my quit, thank you.
Great post 224. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
OMG! Mich! I was just telling L00T and AJ that story today on the phone! HILARIOUS! He apologized over and over for that one....and so was the beginning of an awesome friendship. Hahaha!
Good Times are important.
Such bullshit.

Hypocrisy I believe is the word of the day?
Hold the phone. You people can fight about whatever. I've been quiet. I don't need involved unless I need involved.

But you are out of line here bubba. The time I have know this lady on here, she has worked hard to help many. She's as solid as any person on here regardless of days. I'd trust her with my quit anytime.

And she's straight up. She's made her choices. You don't have to like them but you should respect the honesty and forthrightness she has demonstrated.

Otherwise, STFU.

Edit---and please retort...I haven't went 'gator' since I been back.
The Rozzers--Catching crims and locking them your community

Offline 2mch2lv4

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Re: I quit
« Reply #61 on: June 26, 2014, 07:28:00 PM »
Quote from: jost2brown
Quote from: 2mch2lv4
Quote from: Raider
Quote from: mich
Quote from: 2mch2lv4
Quote from: Instigator
Quote from: sh4string
Quote from: 2mch2lv4
Pulling up dusty intros seems to be the trend these days so here's mine.

I quit smoking on July 7, 2012...almost 2 years ago. Without the accountability and brotherhood I found at KTC, I would not be nic free today. I'm not free because of the website KTC, I am free because of posting my promise EVERY DAMN DAY and the friendships I've formed with good people who hold me to my word!

I am free because of Bruce. I am free because of Vadge. I am free because of Racetrackcowgirl, Applejack, Mich34, BigBrotherJack, Sox2012, Winter Green, SamCat, Cbird, Chewie, CDaniels, Union34, Cmark, Newcal,Mj, Pinched, LionHeartedGirl, D2Maine, Mookie, DennyX, SirDerek, Diesel, Dr Jones, TeachTy, Ffmoofus, FranPro, Greg5280, GrizzlyHasClaws, Hipster, Iizphilister, Instigator, Evil_Won, JayDubya, Jbradley, Jlud007, Knockout, Sixer, DocSardonic, Luby, Keddy, Kdip, Lancesd, Arfy, MrsCDaniels, LCWB, Marcusaurelius, Mthomas, Wedge, CoopBeansMom, MCSLB, Roamcountry, Amgdenny, DiplessinJax, Mcarmo, Suds, Mn_Ben, Bronc, Aglawyer, Dave1903, P23, Tarpon, Penguin, Ziesmer, Rocketman, ItsGotToHappen, Sage, Sporticus, Sportsfan, Hoffie, ToeTag, 4String, Syndrome, Timeless, Trauma, Yemtig, Raider, Conbud, Bigwhitebeast, L00T, SpartanRon, Boelker64, Mogul, 30yearaddict, Divine, Jag, Eric, Ensor, Bobertd, J2B, kkljinc, Seth, Slug, Nicald, ALL of Oct '12, ALL of May '11, ALL the CHAT LOCALS, and anyone that has held me accountable and strengthened my quit.

All of these people are KTC to me, they are my quit! Not 'Admin', not the 'Mod Team', but the individuals that were there for me and will continue to be there for me to battle the storm. I will continue to post roll here at KTC as long as KTC will have me and I continue to be supported. I am, however, turning in my 'color' as a chat moderator. I was asked to be a chat mod just over a year ago. I was not going to accept but then I was told the reason I was being chosen. We had an increase in female quitters joining KTC and utilizing chat. I hang out there a lot and am always helpful with new quitters. I love me some sister quit and agreed to be there for the ladies. I don't regret my time at all. I feel privileged to have been considered an asset to our community. I now feel it's time to turn in my chat cop badge and be the best quitter I can. I feel it is important for me to continue to stay close with my quit brothers here and at the super new house of quit that my friend L00T built. For that reason I feel it a conflict of interest to continue as a Chat Moderator at KTC. I love all of my quit family! My decision changes nothing as far as I'm concerned. I'm still "The Queen of Quit" I just won't be able to crack the whip in chat anymore 'winker'
If you need to contact me and cannot reach me via PM, feel free to ask any of the above mentioned quitters for my contact info. QUIT ON!!
You will always be my "queen of quit""
Girl, that list of names is a who's who that brings back memories...

Well except for that instigator prick.
Sing it with me now!!!! We. Are. Fam il yyyyy I got all my brothers with me!! :)
We all love you 224 (I don't think evil thinks of you as his sister though, I remember when he first saw your pic! lol) For real though - thanks for your year of official service and for all you've done for me and for the site Cindy - I've been more post and run as of late but the names on Oct. 12 roll mean a LOT to me and my quit, thank you.
Great post 224. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
OMG! Mich! I was just telling L00T and AJ that story today on the phone! HILARIOUS! He apologized over and over for that one....and so was the beginning of an awesome friendship. Hahaha!
Good Times are important.
Such bullshit.

Hypocrisy I believe is the word of the day?
Did I miss something Josh?

Offline J2b

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Re: I quit
« Reply #60 on: June 26, 2014, 07:25:00 PM »
Quote from: 2mch2lv4
Quote from: Raider
Quote from: mich
Quote from: 2mch2lv4
Quote from: Instigator
Quote from: sh4string
Quote from: 2mch2lv4
Pulling up dusty intros seems to be the trend these days so here's mine.

I quit smoking on July 7, 2012...almost 2 years ago. Without the accountability and brotherhood I found at KTC, I would not be nic free today. I'm not free because of the website KTC, I am free because of posting my promise EVERY DAMN DAY and the friendships I've formed with good people who hold me to my word!

I am free because of Bruce. I am free because of Vadge. I am free because of Racetrackcowgirl, Applejack, Mich34, BigBrotherJack, Sox2012, Winter Green, SamCat, Cbird, Chewie, CDaniels, Union34, Cmark, Newcal,Mj, Pinched, LionHeartedGirl, D2Maine, Mookie, DennyX, SirDerek, Diesel, Dr Jones, TeachTy, Ffmoofus, FranPro, Greg5280, GrizzlyHasClaws, Hipster, Iizphilister, Instigator, Evil_Won, JayDubya, Jbradley, Jlud007, Knockout, Sixer, DocSardonic, Luby, Keddy, Kdip, Lancesd, Arfy, MrsCDaniels, LCWB, Marcusaurelius, Mthomas, Wedge, CoopBeansMom, MCSLB, Roamcountry, Amgdenny, DiplessinJax, Mcarmo, Suds, Mn_Ben, Bronc, Aglawyer, Dave1903, P23, Tarpon, Penguin, Ziesmer, Rocketman, ItsGotToHappen, Sage, Sporticus, Sportsfan, Hoffie, ToeTag, 4String, Syndrome, Timeless, Trauma, Yemtig, Raider, Conbud, Bigwhitebeast, L00T, SpartanRon, Boelker64, Mogul, 30yearaddict, Divine, Jag, Eric, Ensor, Bobertd, J2B, kkljinc, Seth, Slug, Nicald, ALL of Oct '12, ALL of May '11, ALL the CHAT LOCALS, and anyone that has held me accountable and strengthened my quit.

All of these people are KTC to me, they are my quit! Not 'Admin', not the 'Mod Team', but the individuals that were there for me and will continue to be there for me to battle the storm. I will continue to post roll here at KTC as long as KTC will have me and I continue to be supported. I am, however, turning in my 'color' as a chat moderator. I was asked to be a chat mod just over a year ago. I was not going to accept but then I was told the reason I was being chosen. We had an increase in female quitters joining KTC and utilizing chat. I hang out there a lot and am always helpful with new quitters. I love me some sister quit and agreed to be there for the ladies. I don't regret my time at all. I feel privileged to have been considered an asset to our community. I now feel it's time to turn in my chat cop badge and be the best quitter I can. I feel it is important for me to continue to stay close with my quit brothers here and at the super new house of quit that my friend L00T built. For that reason I feel it a conflict of interest to continue as a Chat Moderator at KTC. I love all of my quit family! My decision changes nothing as far as I'm concerned. I'm still "The Queen of Quit" I just won't be able to crack the whip in chat anymore 'winker'
If you need to contact me and cannot reach me via PM, feel free to ask any of the above mentioned quitters for my contact info. QUIT ON!!
You will always be my "queen of quit""
Girl, that list of names is a who's who that brings back memories...

Well except for that instigator prick.
Sing it with me now!!!! We. Are. Fam il yyyyy I got all my brothers with me!! :)
We all love you 224 (I don't think evil thinks of you as his sister though, I remember when he first saw your pic! lol) For real though - thanks for your year of official service and for all you've done for me and for the site Cindy - I've been more post and run as of late but the names on Oct. 12 roll mean a LOT to me and my quit, thank you.
Great post 224. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
OMG! Mich! I was just telling L00T and AJ that story today on the phone! HILARIOUS! He apologized over and over for that one....and so was the beginning of an awesome friendship. Hahaha!
Good Times are important.
Such bullshit.

Hypocrisy I believe is the word of the day?
The problem is not the problem.  The problem is your attitude about the problem.  Do you understand?

Draw Fire

If its too much trouble to post roll call, you could always fuck off.

Quit Group: May 11 3 Balled Quitters

  • Quit: 01/23/11

Offline 2mch2lv4

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Re: I quit
« Reply #59 on: June 26, 2014, 07:07:00 PM »
Quote from: Raider
Quote from: mich
Quote from: 2mch2lv4
Quote from: Instigator
Quote from: sh4string
Quote from: 2mch2lv4
Pulling up dusty intros seems to be the trend these days so here's mine.

I quit smoking on July 7, 2012...almost 2 years ago. Without the accountability and brotherhood I found at KTC, I would not be nic free today. I'm not free because of the website KTC, I am free because of posting my promise EVERY DAMN DAY and the friendships I've formed with good people who hold me to my word!

I am free because of Bruce. I am free because of Vadge. I am free because of Racetrackcowgirl, Applejack, Mich34, BigBrotherJack, Sox2012, Winter Green, SamCat, Cbird, Chewie, CDaniels, Union34, Cmark, Newcal,Mj, Pinched, LionHeartedGirl, D2Maine, Mookie, DennyX, SirDerek, Diesel, Dr Jones, TeachTy, Ffmoofus, FranPro, Greg5280, GrizzlyHasClaws, Hipster, Iizphilister, Instigator, Evil_Won, JayDubya, Jbradley, Jlud007, Knockout, Sixer, DocSardonic, Luby, Keddy, Kdip, Lancesd, Arfy, MrsCDaniels, LCWB, Marcusaurelius, Mthomas, Wedge, CoopBeansMom, MCSLB, Roamcountry, Amgdenny, DiplessinJax, Mcarmo, Suds, Mn_Ben, Bronc, Aglawyer, Dave1903, P23, Tarpon, Penguin, Ziesmer, Rocketman, ItsGotToHappen, Sage, Sporticus, Sportsfan, Hoffie, ToeTag, 4String, Syndrome, Timeless, Trauma, Yemtig, Raider, Conbud, Bigwhitebeast, L00T, SpartanRon, Boelker64, Mogul, 30yearaddict, Divine, Jag, Eric, Ensor, Bobertd, J2B, kkljinc, Seth, Slug, Nicald, ALL of Oct '12, ALL of May '11, ALL the CHAT LOCALS, and anyone that has held me accountable and strengthened my quit.

All of these people are KTC to me, they are my quit! Not 'Admin', not the 'Mod Team', but the individuals that were there for me and will continue to be there for me to battle the storm. I will continue to post roll here at KTC as long as KTC will have me and I continue to be supported. I am, however, turning in my 'color' as a chat moderator. I was asked to be a chat mod just over a year ago. I was not going to accept but then I was told the reason I was being chosen. We had an increase in female quitters joining KTC and utilizing chat. I hang out there a lot and am always helpful with new quitters. I love me some sister quit and agreed to be there for the ladies. I don't regret my time at all. I feel privileged to have been considered an asset to our community. I now feel it's time to turn in my chat cop badge and be the best quitter I can. I feel it is important for me to continue to stay close with my quit brothers here and at the super new house of quit that my friend L00T built. For that reason I feel it a conflict of interest to continue as a Chat Moderator at KTC. I love all of my quit family! My decision changes nothing as far as I'm concerned. I'm still "The Queen of Quit" I just won't be able to crack the whip in chat anymore 'winker'
If you need to contact me and cannot reach me via PM, feel free to ask any of the above mentioned quitters for my contact info. QUIT ON!!
You will always be my "queen of quit""
Girl, that list of names is a who's who that brings back memories...

Well except for that instigator prick.
Sing it with me now!!!! We. Are. Fam il yyyyy I got all my brothers with me!! :)
We all love you 224 (I don't think evil thinks of you as his sister though, I remember when he first saw your pic! lol) For real though - thanks for your year of official service and for all you've done for me and for the site Cindy - I've been more post and run as of late but the names on Oct. 12 roll mean a LOT to me and my quit, thank you.
Great post 224. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
OMG! Mich! I was just telling L00T and AJ that story today on the phone! HILARIOUS! He apologized over and over for that one....and so was the beginning of an awesome friendship. Hahaha!
Good Times are important.

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Re: I quit
« Reply #58 on: June 26, 2014, 06:58:00 PM »
Quote from: mich
Quote from: 2mch2lv4
Quote from: Instigator
Quote from: sh4string
Quote from: 2mch2lv4
Pulling up dusty intros seems to be the trend these days so here's mine.

I quit smoking on July 7, 2012...almost 2 years ago. Without the accountability and brotherhood I found at KTC, I would not be nic free today. I'm not free because of the website KTC, I am free because of posting my promise EVERY DAMN DAY and the friendships I've formed with good people who hold me to my word!

I am free because of Bruce. I am free because of Vadge. I am free because of Racetrackcowgirl, Applejack, Mich34, BigBrotherJack, Sox2012, Winter Green, SamCat, Cbird, Chewie, CDaniels, Union34, Cmark, Newcal,Mj, Pinched, LionHeartedGirl, D2Maine, Mookie, DennyX, SirDerek, Diesel, Dr Jones, TeachTy, Ffmoofus, FranPro, Greg5280, GrizzlyHasClaws, Hipster, Iizphilister, Instigator, Evil_Won, JayDubya, Jbradley, Jlud007, Knockout, Sixer, DocSardonic, Luby, Keddy, Kdip, Lancesd, Arfy, MrsCDaniels, LCWB, Marcusaurelius, Mthomas, Wedge, CoopBeansMom, MCSLB, Roamcountry, Amgdenny, DiplessinJax, Mcarmo, Suds, Mn_Ben, Bronc, Aglawyer, Dave1903, P23, Tarpon, Penguin, Ziesmer, Rocketman, ItsGotToHappen, Sage, Sporticus, Sportsfan, Hoffie, ToeTag, 4String, Syndrome, Timeless, Trauma, Yemtig, Raider, Conbud, Bigwhitebeast, L00T, SpartanRon, Boelker64, Mogul, 30yearaddict, Divine, Jag, Eric, Ensor, Bobertd, J2B, kkljinc, Seth, Slug, Nicald, ALL of Oct '12, ALL of May '11, ALL the CHAT LOCALS, and anyone that has held me accountable and strengthened my quit.

All of these people are KTC to me, they are my quit! Not 'Admin', not the 'Mod Team', but the individuals that were there for me and will continue to be there for me to battle the storm. I will continue to post roll here at KTC as long as KTC will have me and I continue to be supported. I am, however, turning in my 'color' as a chat moderator. I was asked to be a chat mod just over a year ago. I was not going to accept but then I was told the reason I was being chosen. We had an increase in female quitters joining KTC and utilizing chat. I hang out there a lot and am always helpful with new quitters. I love me some sister quit and agreed to be there for the ladies. I don't regret my time at all. I feel privileged to have been considered an asset to our community. I now feel it's time to turn in my chat cop badge and be the best quitter I can. I feel it is important for me to continue to stay close with my quit brothers here and at the super new house of quit that my friend L00T built. For that reason I feel it a conflict of interest to continue as a Chat Moderator at KTC. I love all of my quit family! My decision changes nothing as far as I'm concerned. I'm still "The Queen of Quit" I just won't be able to crack the whip in chat anymore 'winker'
If you need to contact me and cannot reach me via PM, feel free to ask any of the above mentioned quitters for my contact info. QUIT ON!!
You will always be my "queen of quit""
Girl, that list of names is a who's who that brings back memories...

Well except for that instigator prick.
Sing it with me now!!!! We. Are. Fam il yyyyy I got all my brothers with me!! :)
We all love you 224 (I don't think evil thinks of you as his sister though, I remember when he first saw your pic! lol) For real though - thanks for your year of official service and for all you've done for me and for the site Cindy - I've been more post and run as of late but the names on Oct. 12 roll mean a LOT to me and my quit, thank you.
Great post 224. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Offline mich 34

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Re: I quit
« Reply #57 on: June 26, 2014, 06:36:00 PM »
Quote from: 2mch2lv4
Quote from: Instigator
Quote from: sh4string
Quote from: 2mch2lv4
Pulling up dusty intros seems to be the trend these days so here's mine.

I quit smoking on July 7, 2012...almost 2 years ago. Without the accountability and brotherhood I found at KTC, I would not be nic free today. I'm not free because of the website KTC, I am free because of posting my promise EVERY DAMN DAY and the friendships I've formed with good people who hold me to my word!

I am free because of Bruce. I am free because of Vadge. I am free because of Racetrackcowgirl, Applejack, Mich34, BigBrotherJack, Sox2012, Winter Green, SamCat, Cbird, Chewie, CDaniels, Union34, Cmark, Newcal,Mj, Pinched, LionHeartedGirl, D2Maine, Mookie, DennyX, SirDerek, Diesel, Dr Jones, TeachTy, Ffmoofus, FranPro, Greg5280, GrizzlyHasClaws, Hipster, Iizphilister, Instigator, Evil_Won, JayDubya, Jbradley, Jlud007, Knockout, Sixer, DocSardonic, Luby, Keddy, Kdip, Lancesd, Arfy, MrsCDaniels, LCWB, Marcusaurelius, Mthomas, Wedge, CoopBeansMom, MCSLB, Roamcountry, Amgdenny, DiplessinJax, Mcarmo, Suds, Mn_Ben, Bronc, Aglawyer, Dave1903, P23, Tarpon, Penguin, Ziesmer, Rocketman, ItsGotToHappen, Sage, Sporticus, Sportsfan, Hoffie, ToeTag, 4String, Syndrome, Timeless, Trauma, Yemtig, Raider, Conbud, Bigwhitebeast, L00T, SpartanRon, Boelker64, Mogul, 30yearaddict, Divine, Jag, Eric, Ensor, Bobertd, J2B, kkljinc, Seth, Slug, Nicald, ALL of Oct '12, ALL of May '11, ALL the CHAT LOCALS, and anyone that has held me accountable and strengthened my quit.

All of these people are KTC to me, they are my quit! Not 'Admin', not the 'Mod Team', but the individuals that were there for me and will continue to be there for me to battle the storm. I will continue to post roll here at KTC as long as KTC will have me and I continue to be supported. I am, however, turning in my 'color' as a chat moderator. I was asked to be a chat mod just over a year ago. I was not going to accept but then I was told the reason I was being chosen. We had an increase in female quitters joining KTC and utilizing chat. I hang out there a lot and am always helpful with new quitters. I love me some sister quit and agreed to be there for the ladies. I don't regret my time at all. I feel privileged to have been considered an asset to our community. I now feel it's time to turn in my chat cop badge and be the best quitter I can. I feel it is important for me to continue to stay close with my quit brothers here and at the super new house of quit that my friend L00T built. For that reason I feel it a conflict of interest to continue as a Chat Moderator at KTC. I love all of my quit family! My decision changes nothing as far as I'm concerned. I'm still "The Queen of Quit" I just won't be able to crack the whip in chat anymore 'winker'
If you need to contact me and cannot reach me via PM, feel free to ask any of the above mentioned quitters for my contact info. QUIT ON!!
You will always be my "queen of quit""
Girl, that list of names is a who's who that brings back memories...

Well except for that instigator prick.
Sing it with me now!!!! We. Are. Fam il yyyyy I got all my brothers with me!! :)
We all love you 224 (I don't think evil thinks of you as his sister though, I remember when he first saw your pic! lol) For real though - thanks for your year of official service and for all you've done for me and for the site Cindy - I've been more post and run as of late but the names on Oct. 12 roll mean a LOT to me and my quit, thank you.
my intro
QD 07-19-2012
Group - Roctober Madmen Post with some Madmen (and women)
HOF 10-27-12 HOF Speech
2nd Floor 2-4-13, 3rd Floor 5-15-13
1 year of freedom - 7-19-2013. Thank you KTC
4th Floor 8-23-13, 5th Floor 12-1-13, 6th Floor 3-11-14, 7th Floor 6-19-14, 8th Floor 9-27-14, 9th Floor 1-5-15

Offline 2mch2lv4

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Re: I quit
« Reply #56 on: June 26, 2014, 06:23:00 PM »
Quote from: Instigator
Quote from: sh4string
Quote from: 2mch2lv4
Pulling up dusty intros seems to be the trend these days so here's mine.

I quit smoking on July 7, 2012...almost 2 years ago. Without the accountability and brotherhood I found at KTC, I would not be nic free today. I'm not free because of the website KTC, I am free because of posting my promise EVERY DAMN DAY and the friendships I've formed with good people who hold me to my word!

I am free because of Bruce. I am free because of Vadge. I am free because of Racetrackcowgirl, Applejack, Mich34, BigBrotherJack, Sox2012, Winter Green, SamCat, Cbird, Chewie, CDaniels, Union34, Cmark, Newcal,Mj, Pinched, LionHeartedGirl, D2Maine, Mookie, DennyX, SirDerek, Diesel, Dr Jones, TeachTy, Ffmoofus, FranPro, Greg5280, GrizzlyHasClaws, Hipster, Iizphilister, Instigator, Evil_Won, JayDubya, Jbradley, Jlud007, Knockout, Sixer, DocSardonic, Luby, Keddy, Kdip, Lancesd, Arfy, MrsCDaniels, LCWB, Marcusaurelius, Mthomas, Wedge, CoopBeansMom, MCSLB, Roamcountry, Amgdenny, DiplessinJax, Mcarmo, Suds, Mn_Ben, Bronc, Aglawyer, Dave1903, P23, Tarpon, Penguin, Ziesmer, Rocketman, ItsGotToHappen, Sage, Sporticus, Sportsfan, Hoffie, ToeTag, 4String, Syndrome, Timeless, Trauma, Yemtig, Raider, Conbud, Bigwhitebeast, L00T, SpartanRon, Boelker64, Mogul, 30yearaddict, Divine, Jag, Eric, Ensor, Bobertd, J2B, kkljinc, Seth, Slug, Nicald, ALL of Oct '12, ALL of May '11, ALL the CHAT LOCALS, and anyone that has held me accountable and strengthened my quit.

All of these people are KTC to me, they are my quit! Not 'Admin', not the 'Mod Team', but the individuals that were there for me and will continue to be there for me to battle the storm. I will continue to post roll here at KTC as long as KTC will have me and I continue to be supported. I am, however, turning in my 'color' as a chat moderator. I was asked to be a chat mod just over a year ago. I was not going to accept but then I was told the reason I was being chosen. We had an increase in female quitters joining KTC and utilizing chat. I hang out there a lot and am always helpful with new quitters. I love me some sister quit and agreed to be there for the ladies. I don't regret my time at all. I feel privileged to have been considered an asset to our community. I now feel it's time to turn in my chat cop badge and be the best quitter I can. I feel it is important for me to continue to stay close with my quit brothers here and at the super new house of quit that my friend L00T built. For that reason I feel it a conflict of interest to continue as a Chat Moderator at KTC. I love all of my quit family! My decision changes nothing as far as I'm concerned. I'm still "The Queen of Quit" I just won't be able to crack the whip in chat anymore 'winker'
If you need to contact me and cannot reach me via PM, feel free to ask any of the above mentioned quitters for my contact info. QUIT ON!!
You will always be my "queen of quit""
Girl, that list of names is a who's who that brings back memories...

Well except for that instigator prick.
Sing it with me now!!!! We. Are. Fam il yyyyy I got all my brothers with me!! :)

Offline G

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Re: I quit
« Reply #55 on: June 26, 2014, 06:03:00 PM »
Quote from: Instigator
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: Instigator
Quote from: sh4string
Quote from: 2mch2lv4
Pulling up dusty intros seems to be the trend these days so here's mine.

I quit smoking on July 7, 2012...almost 2 years ago. Without the accountability and brotherhood I found at KTC, I would not be nic free today. I'm not free because of the website KTC, I am free because of posting my promise EVERY DAMN DAY and the friendships I've formed with good people who hold me to my word!

I am free because of Bruce. I am free because of Vadge. I am free because of Racetrackcowgirl, Applejack, Mich34, BigBrotherJack, Sox2012, Winter Green, SamCat, Cbird, Chewie, CDaniels, Union34, Cmark, Newcal,Mj, Pinched, LionHeartedGirl, D2Maine, Mookie, DennyX, SirDerek, Diesel, Dr Jones, TeachTy, Ffmoofus, FranPro, Greg5280, GrizzlyHasClaws, Hipster, Iizphilister, Instigator, Evil_Won, JayDubya, Jbradley, Jlud007, Knockout, Sixer, DocSardonic, Luby, Keddy, Kdip, Lancesd, Arfy, MrsCDaniels, LCWB, Marcusaurelius, Mthomas, Wedge, CoopBeansMom, MCSLB, Roamcountry, Amgdenny, DiplessinJax, Mcarmo, Suds, Mn_Ben, Bronc, Aglawyer, Dave1903, P23, Tarpon, Penguin, Ziesmer, Rocketman, ItsGotToHappen, Sage, Sporticus, Sportsfan, Hoffie, ToeTag, 4String, Syndrome, Timeless, Trauma, Yemtig, Raider, Conbud, Bigwhitebeast, L00T, SpartanRon, Boelker64, Mogul, 30yearaddict, Divine, Jag, Eric, Ensor, Bobertd, J2B, kkljinc, Seth, Slug, Nicald, ALL of Oct '12, ALL of May '11, ALL the CHAT LOCALS, and anyone that has held me accountable and strengthened my quit.

All of these people are KTC to me, they are my quit! Not 'Admin', not the 'Mod Team', but the individuals that were there for me and will continue to be there for me to battle the storm. I will continue to post roll here at KTC as long as KTC will have me and I continue to be supported. I am, however, turning in my 'color' as a chat moderator. I was asked to be a chat mod just over a year ago. I was not going to accept but then I was told the reason I was being chosen. We had an increase in female quitters joining KTC and utilizing chat. I hang out there a lot and am always helpful with new quitters. I love me some sister quit and agreed to be there for the ladies. I don't regret my time at all. I feel privileged to have been considered an asset to our community. I now feel it's time to turn in my chat cop badge and be the best quitter I can. I feel it is important for me to continue to stay close with my quit brothers here and at the super new house of quit that my friend L00T built. For that reason I feel it a conflict of interest to continue as a Chat Moderator at KTC. I love all of my quit family! My decision changes nothing as far as I'm concerned. I'm still "The Queen of Quit" I just won't be able to crack the whip in chat anymore 'winker'
If you need to contact me and cannot reach me via PM, feel free to ask any of the above mentioned quitters for my contact info. QUIT ON!!
You will always be my "queen of quit""
Girl, that list of names is a who's who that brings back memories...

Well except for that instigator prick.
Gator, I haven't watched Top Gear in awhile. I need to record it. Those guys are great. The American version is fair, the original Brits kicks ass.
Hands down...can't even watch the US version.

Just my £2 worth.
Remember the one where they came to America and the whole show was about them trying not to get murdered?

Offline Instigator

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Re: I quit
« Reply #54 on: June 26, 2014, 05:59:00 PM »
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: Instigator
Quote from: sh4string
Quote from: 2mch2lv4
Pulling up dusty intros seems to be the trend these days so here's mine.

I quit smoking on July 7, 2012...almost 2 years ago. Without the accountability and brotherhood I found at KTC, I would not be nic free today. I'm not free because of the website KTC, I am free because of posting my promise EVERY DAMN DAY and the friendships I've formed with good people who hold me to my word!

I am free because of Bruce. I am free because of Vadge. I am free because of Racetrackcowgirl, Applejack, Mich34, BigBrotherJack, Sox2012, Winter Green, SamCat, Cbird, Chewie, CDaniels, Union34, Cmark, Newcal,Mj, Pinched, LionHeartedGirl, D2Maine, Mookie, DennyX, SirDerek, Diesel, Dr Jones, TeachTy, Ffmoofus, FranPro, Greg5280, GrizzlyHasClaws, Hipster, Iizphilister, Instigator, Evil_Won, JayDubya, Jbradley, Jlud007, Knockout, Sixer, DocSardonic, Luby, Keddy, Kdip, Lancesd, Arfy, MrsCDaniels, LCWB, Marcusaurelius, Mthomas, Wedge, CoopBeansMom, MCSLB, Roamcountry, Amgdenny, DiplessinJax, Mcarmo, Suds, Mn_Ben, Bronc, Aglawyer, Dave1903, P23, Tarpon, Penguin, Ziesmer, Rocketman, ItsGotToHappen, Sage, Sporticus, Sportsfan, Hoffie, ToeTag, 4String, Syndrome, Timeless, Trauma, Yemtig, Raider, Conbud, Bigwhitebeast, L00T, SpartanRon, Boelker64, Mogul, 30yearaddict, Divine, Jag, Eric, Ensor, Bobertd, J2B, kkljinc, Seth, Slug, Nicald, ALL of Oct '12, ALL of May '11, ALL the CHAT LOCALS, and anyone that has held me accountable and strengthened my quit.

All of these people are KTC to me, they are my quit! Not 'Admin', not the 'Mod Team', but the individuals that were there for me and will continue to be there for me to battle the storm. I will continue to post roll here at KTC as long as KTC will have me and I continue to be supported. I am, however, turning in my 'color' as a chat moderator. I was asked to be a chat mod just over a year ago. I was not going to accept but then I was told the reason I was being chosen. We had an increase in female quitters joining KTC and utilizing chat. I hang out there a lot and am always helpful with new quitters. I love me some sister quit and agreed to be there for the ladies. I don't regret my time at all. I feel privileged to have been considered an asset to our community. I now feel it's time to turn in my chat cop badge and be the best quitter I can. I feel it is important for me to continue to stay close with my quit brothers here and at the super new house of quit that my friend L00T built. For that reason I feel it a conflict of interest to continue as a Chat Moderator at KTC. I love all of my quit family! My decision changes nothing as far as I'm concerned. I'm still "The Queen of Quit" I just won't be able to crack the whip in chat anymore 'winker'
If you need to contact me and cannot reach me via PM, feel free to ask any of the above mentioned quitters for my contact info. QUIT ON!!
You will always be my "queen of quit""
Girl, that list of names is a who's who that brings back memories...

Well except for that instigator prick.
Gator, I haven't watched Top Gear in awhile. I need to record it. Those guys are great. The American version is fair, the original Brits kicks ass.
Hands down...can't even watch the US version.

Just my £2 worth.
The Rozzers--Catching crims and locking them your community

Offline G

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Re: I quit
« Reply #53 on: June 26, 2014, 05:56:00 PM »
Quote from: Instigator
Quote from: sh4string
Quote from: 2mch2lv4
Pulling up dusty intros seems to be the trend these days so here's mine.

I quit smoking on July 7, 2012...almost 2 years ago. Without the accountability and brotherhood I found at KTC, I would not be nic free today. I'm not free because of the website KTC, I am free because of posting my promise EVERY DAMN DAY and the friendships I've formed with good people who hold me to my word!

I am free because of Bruce. I am free because of Vadge. I am free because of Racetrackcowgirl, Applejack, Mich34, BigBrotherJack, Sox2012, Winter Green, SamCat, Cbird, Chewie, CDaniels, Union34, Cmark, Newcal,Mj, Pinched, LionHeartedGirl, D2Maine, Mookie, DennyX, SirDerek, Diesel, Dr Jones, TeachTy, Ffmoofus, FranPro, Greg5280, GrizzlyHasClaws, Hipster, Iizphilister, Instigator, Evil_Won, JayDubya, Jbradley, Jlud007, Knockout, Sixer, DocSardonic, Luby, Keddy, Kdip, Lancesd, Arfy, MrsCDaniels, LCWB, Marcusaurelius, Mthomas, Wedge, CoopBeansMom, MCSLB, Roamcountry, Amgdenny, DiplessinJax, Mcarmo, Suds, Mn_Ben, Bronc, Aglawyer, Dave1903, P23, Tarpon, Penguin, Ziesmer, Rocketman, ItsGotToHappen, Sage, Sporticus, Sportsfan, Hoffie, ToeTag, 4String, Syndrome, Timeless, Trauma, Yemtig, Raider, Conbud, Bigwhitebeast, L00T, SpartanRon, Boelker64, Mogul, 30yearaddict, Divine, Jag, Eric, Ensor, Bobertd, J2B, kkljinc, Seth, Slug, Nicald, ALL of Oct '12, ALL of May '11, ALL the CHAT LOCALS, and anyone that has held me accountable and strengthened my quit.

All of these people are KTC to me, they are my quit! Not 'Admin', not the 'Mod Team', but the individuals that were there for me and will continue to be there for me to battle the storm. I will continue to post roll here at KTC as long as KTC will have me and I continue to be supported. I am, however, turning in my 'color' as a chat moderator. I was asked to be a chat mod just over a year ago. I was not going to accept but then I was told the reason I was being chosen. We had an increase in female quitters joining KTC and utilizing chat. I hang out there a lot and am always helpful with new quitters. I love me some sister quit and agreed to be there for the ladies. I don't regret my time at all. I feel privileged to have been considered an asset to our community. I now feel it's time to turn in my chat cop badge and be the best quitter I can. I feel it is important for me to continue to stay close with my quit brothers here and at the super new house of quit that my friend L00T built. For that reason I feel it a conflict of interest to continue as a Chat Moderator at KTC. I love all of my quit family! My decision changes nothing as far as I'm concerned. I'm still "The Queen of Quit" I just won't be able to crack the whip in chat anymore 'winker'
If you need to contact me and cannot reach me via PM, feel free to ask any of the above mentioned quitters for my contact info. QUIT ON!!
You will always be my "queen of quit""
Girl, that list of names is a who's who that brings back memories...

Well except for that instigator prick.
Gator, I haven't watched Top Gear in awhile. I need to record it. Those guys are great. The American version is fair, the original Brits kicks ass.

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Re: I quit
« Reply #52 on: June 26, 2014, 05:55:00 PM »
Quote from: sh4string
Quote from: 2mch2lv4
Pulling up dusty intros seems to be the trend these days so here's mine.

I quit smoking on July 7, 2012...almost 2 years ago. Without the accountability and brotherhood I found at KTC, I would not be nic free today. I'm not free because of the website KTC, I am free because of posting my promise EVERY DAMN DAY and the friendships I've formed with good people who hold me to my word!

I am free because of Bruce. I am free because of Vadge. I am free because of Racetrackcowgirl, Applejack, Mich34, BigBrotherJack, Sox2012, Winter Green, SamCat, Cbird, Chewie, CDaniels, Union34, Cmark, Newcal,Mj, Pinched, LionHeartedGirl, D2Maine, Mookie, DennyX, SirDerek, Diesel, Dr Jones, TeachTy, Ffmoofus, FranPro, Greg5280, GrizzlyHasClaws, Hipster, Iizphilister, Instigator, Evil_Won, JayDubya, Jbradley, Jlud007, Knockout, Sixer, DocSardonic, Luby, Keddy, Kdip, Lancesd, Arfy, MrsCDaniels, LCWB, Marcusaurelius, Mthomas, Wedge, CoopBeansMom, MCSLB, Roamcountry, Amgdenny, DiplessinJax, Mcarmo, Suds, Mn_Ben, Bronc, Aglawyer, Dave1903, P23, Tarpon, Penguin, Ziesmer, Rocketman, ItsGotToHappen, Sage, Sporticus, Sportsfan, Hoffie, ToeTag, 4String, Syndrome, Timeless, Trauma, Yemtig, Raider, Conbud, Bigwhitebeast, L00T, SpartanRon, Boelker64, Mogul, 30yearaddict, Divine, Jag, Eric, Ensor, Bobertd, J2B, kkljinc, Seth, Slug, Nicald, ALL of Oct '12, ALL of May '11, ALL the CHAT LOCALS, and anyone that has held me accountable and strengthened my quit.

All of these people are KTC to me, they are my quit! Not 'Admin', not the 'Mod Team', but the individuals that were there for me and will continue to be there for me to battle the storm. I will continue to post roll here at KTC as long as KTC will have me and I continue to be supported. I am, however, turning in my 'color' as a chat moderator. I was asked to be a chat mod just over a year ago. I was not going to accept but then I was told the reason I was being chosen. We had an increase in female quitters joining KTC and utilizing chat. I hang out there a lot and am always helpful with new quitters. I love me some sister quit and agreed to be there for the ladies. I don't regret my time at all. I feel privileged to have been considered an asset to our community. I now feel it's time to turn in my chat cop badge and be the best quitter I can. I feel it is important for me to continue to stay close with my quit brothers here and at the super new house of quit that my friend L00T built. For that reason I feel it a conflict of interest to continue as a Chat Moderator at KTC. I love all of my quit family! My decision changes nothing as far as I'm concerned. I'm still "The Queen of Quit" I just won't be able to crack the whip in chat anymore 'winker'
If you need to contact me and cannot reach me via PM, feel free to ask any of the above mentioned quitters for my contact info. QUIT ON!!
You will always be my "queen of quit""
Girl, that list of names is a who's who that brings back memories...

Well except for that instigator prick.
The Rozzers--Catching crims and locking them your community

Offline Sh4string

  • Quitter
  • Master of Quit
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  • Posts: 54,623
  • Quit Date: 10/21/2013
  • Interests: Family, Hunting, fishing, outdoors, triathlon
  • Likes Given: 3
Re: I quit
« Reply #51 on: June 26, 2014, 03:06:00 PM »
Quote from: 2mch2lv4
Pulling up dusty intros seems to be the trend these days so here's mine.

I quit smoking on July 7, 2012...almost 2 years ago. Without the accountability and brotherhood I found at KTC, I would not be nic free today. I'm not free because of the website KTC, I am free because of posting my promise EVERY DAMN DAY and the friendships I've formed with good people who hold me to my word!

I am free because of Bruce. I am free because of Vadge. I am free because of Racetrackcowgirl, Applejack, Mich34, BigBrotherJack, Sox2012, Winter Green, SamCat, Cbird, Chewie, CDaniels, Union34, Cmark, Newcal,Mj, Pinched, LionHeartedGirl, D2Maine, Mookie, DennyX, SirDerek, Diesel, Dr Jones, TeachTy, Ffmoofus, FranPro, Greg5280, GrizzlyHasClaws, Hipster, Iizphilister, Instigator, Evil_Won, JayDubya, Jbradley, Jlud007, Knockout, Sixer, DocSardonic, Luby, Keddy, Kdip, Lancesd, Arfy, MrsCDaniels, LCWB, Marcusaurelius, Mthomas, Wedge, CoopBeansMom, MCSLB, Roamcountry, Amgdenny, DiplessinJax, Mcarmo, Suds, Mn_Ben, Bronc, Aglawyer, Dave1903, P23, Tarpon, Penguin, Ziesmer, Rocketman, ItsGotToHappen, Sage, Sporticus, Sportsfan, Hoffie, ToeTag, 4String, Syndrome, Timeless, Trauma, Yemtig, Raider, Conbud, Bigwhitebeast, L00T, SpartanRon, Boelker64, Mogul, 30yearaddict, Divine, Jag, Eric, Ensor, Bobertd, J2B, kkljinc, Seth, Slug, Nicald, ALL of Oct '12, ALL of May '11, ALL the CHAT LOCALS, and anyone that has held me accountable and strengthened my quit.

All of these people are KTC to me, they are my quit! Not 'Admin', not the 'Mod Team', but the individuals that were there for me and will continue to be there for me to battle the storm. I will continue to post roll here at KTC as long as KTC will have me and I continue to be supported. I am, however, turning in my 'color' as a chat moderator. I was asked to be a chat mod just over a year ago. I was not going to accept but then I was told the reason I was being chosen. We had an increase in female quitters joining KTC and utilizing chat. I hang out there a lot and am always helpful with new quitters. I love me some sister quit and agreed to be there for the ladies. I don't regret my time at all. I feel privileged to have been considered an asset to our community. I now feel it's time to turn in my chat cop badge and be the best quitter I can. I feel it is important for me to continue to stay close with my quit brothers here and at the super new house of quit that my friend L00T built. For that reason I feel it a conflict of interest to continue as a Chat Moderator at KTC. I love all of my quit family! My decision changes nothing as far as I'm concerned. I'm still "The Queen of Quit" I just won't be able to crack the whip in chat anymore 'winker'
If you need to contact me and cannot reach me via PM, feel free to ask any of the above mentioned quitters for my contact info. QUIT ON!!
You will always be my "queen of quit""
Quitting every damn day since October 21, 2013