So LOOT posted a notice about some of the actions behind the scenes the other day and pulled back the curtain....
I was geniunely shocked and initially told myself I wasn't going to post anything as I didn't want to add to the distractions and interfere with some massive quits that are going on, especially with my beloved Sultans. But the more I think about it, the more LOOT is absolutely correct. Accountability is a two-way street, and the admins/mods of this site have to understand that if posting roll, the bedrock foundation of KTC, is required of quitters, it is MORE than required of them. As I stated in a response to UH60Chief's note.... never tell a Soldier to do something you aren't personally willing to do yourself.
So notice to admins/moderators...
I have decided to monitor the monitors...pretty easy to do using the member search function to zero in on the two groups and see who's been active during the past 24 hours (I did that just a few minutes ago). Besides, gives me something to do....
No disrespect intended razd611, but you win today's door prize.....last activity 20 June, 2014....to a newbie, that's a LIFETIME....
I'll be monitoring daily and providing updates....so if you don't want to be the recipient of tomorrow's prize, you know what to do.....