Author Topic: Day 2.....Bring on the pain!  (Read 2853 times)

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Offline Ifritiri

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Re: Day 2.....Bring on the pain!
« Reply #21 on: July 13, 2011, 04:32:00 PM »
Quote from: Souliman
I'm detecting significant amounts of fail in this sector.
Well how about all of you lovely folks check this post 97 days from now and we will check the status on the fail. I'm not giving into my addiction for anything. But I appreciate all the doubt and negativity from people who are/ were in my position. The hypocrisy is mind-blowing.
For a wounded man shall say to his assailant, " If I die, you are forgiven. If I live, I will kill you". Such is the rule of honor.

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Re: Day 2.....Bring on the pain!
« Reply #20 on: July 13, 2011, 04:21:00 PM »
I'm detecting significant amounts of fail in this sector.

Offline Ifritiri

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Re: Day 2.....Bring on the pain!
« Reply #19 on: July 13, 2011, 04:16:00 PM »
Quote from: MikeA
Quote from: Ifritiri
Quote from: MikeA
Oh...this dude is a real winner.  All I see here is help for an addicted mind.  I see the nic bitch is still controlling you...she will for quite a while.  Sucks knowing that a little can of shit is controlling your every move even after you say you have quit.
Real winner for sure. Three days into it and despite wanting to dip or use tobacco, I'm not going to because I am not a slave to nicotine anymore. I have the deepest support for anyone trying to quit but for anyone who goes on here and just bad mouths people for trying to get involved with this site, then you can take a long walk off a short pier. But for those of you who want someone not abusing their internet power and has an open mind to talk about something we are both going through, send me a message.

Best Wishes.
dude...I saw no bad mouthing whatsoever.

Chill out. Dip rage at day 3 rocks!!
Day 3 Dip Rage sucks balls, man.
For a wounded man shall say to his assailant, " If I die, you are forgiven. If I live, I will kill you". Such is the rule of honor.

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Re: Day 2.....Bring on the pain!
« Reply #18 on: July 13, 2011, 04:16:00 PM »
Quote from: Ifritiri
When I first joined this site, I wanted to make my bro happy and I thought I would need all the help in the world to quit from helpful people. But after reading the worthless replies on my post, I realize I don't need any help. Nobody needs any help, just grow some nuts and get control of your life. So for all the people who get off on baggin on people over the internet, enjoy your innappropriate authority, because this is probably the limit of your power in this world.

And for all the other people trying to quit, you don't need these people, just do it for yourself. Don't buy the shit and don't hang around people that do it. And when the craving hits, just get over it. Life's a bitch.
Be sure to tell your oncologist that you tried quitting on your own......he or she will pat you on the back before they schedule you for that jaw (osteotomy) and tongue (glossectomy) removal surgery.....I am sure they will be proud that you TRIED to quit all on your own.
Chew is for the weak, the ignorant, the stupid.....don't be stupid. Not stupid as of 11/28/10
Before you cave read this
Acting with almost as much speed as cyanide, nicotine is well
established as one of the most toxic drugs known. In humans,
60mg (a drop) is a lethal dose, and death follows intake within a few minutes. Dr. Charles Ksir

Mouth cancer kills
one American every hour.

Stay's life or death.....
Don't Cave

Offline MikeA

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Re: Day 2.....Bring on the pain!
« Reply #17 on: July 13, 2011, 04:14:00 PM »
Quote from: Ifritiri
Quote from: MikeA
Oh...this dude is a real winner.  All I see here is help for an addicted mind.  I see the nic bitch is still controlling you...she will for quite a while.  Sucks knowing that a little can of shit is controlling your every move even after you say you have quit.
Real winner for sure. Three days into it and despite wanting to dip or use tobacco, I'm not going to because I am not a slave to nicotine anymore. I have the deepest support for anyone trying to quit but for anyone who goes on here and just bad mouths people for trying to get involved with this site, then you can take a long walk off a short pier. But for those of you who want someone not abusing their internet power and has an open mind to talk about something we are both going through, send me a message.

Best Wishes.
dude...I saw no bad mouthing whatsoever.

Chill out. Dip rage at day 3 rocks!!

Offline Ifritiri

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Re: Day 2.....Bring on the pain!
« Reply #16 on: July 13, 2011, 04:11:00 PM »
Quote from: MikeA
Oh...this dude is a real winner. All I see here is help for an addicted mind. I see the nic bitch is still controlling you...she will for quite a while. Sucks knowing that a little can of shit is controlling your every move even after you say you have quit.
Real winner for sure. Three days into it and despite wanting to dip or use tobacco, I'm not going to because I am not a slave to nicotine anymore. I have the deepest support for anyone trying to quit but for anyone who goes on here and just bad mouths people for trying to get involved with this site, then you can take a long walk off a short pier. But for those of you who want someone not abusing their internet power and has an open mind to talk about something we are both going through, send me a message.

Best Wishes.
For a wounded man shall say to his assailant, " If I die, you are forgiven. If I live, I will kill you". Such is the rule of honor.

Offline Ifritiri

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Re: Day 2.....Bring on the pain!
« Reply #15 on: July 13, 2011, 04:04:00 PM »
And for all the people who said that me "not WANTING to quit but NEEDS to" is a shitty excuse, I beg to differ. Tons of people go into quitting saying they "want" to quit, but wait, 6 beers down and look whose drunken-self has convinced themselves that they really DON'T want to quit.

This has nothing to do with wanting and not wanting to quit, because every day there is going to be some factor, somewhere that changes your mind about wanting to quit. Just tell yourself that you need to quit and there is no other option.

Best wishes to all quitters.
For a wounded man shall say to his assailant, " If I die, you are forgiven. If I live, I will kill you". Such is the rule of honor.

Offline MikeA

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Re: Day 2.....Bring on the pain!
« Reply #14 on: July 13, 2011, 04:02:00 PM »
Oh...this dude is a real winner. All I see here is help for an addicted mind. I see the nic bitch is still controlling you...she will for quite a while. Sucks knowing that a little can of shit is controlling your every move even after you say you have quit.

Offline Ifritiri

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Re: Day 2.....Bring on the pain!
« Reply #13 on: July 13, 2011, 03:56:00 PM »
When I first joined this site, I wanted to make my bro happy and I thought I would need all the help in the world to quit from helpful people. But after reading the worthless replies on my post, I realize I don't need any help. Nobody needs any help, just grow some nuts and get control of your life. So for all the people who get off on baggin on people over the internet, enjoy your innappropriate authority, because this is probably the limit of your power in this world.

And for all the other people trying to quit, you don't need these people, just do it for yourself. Don't buy the shit and don't hang around people that do it. And when the craving hits, just get over it. Life's a bitch.
For a wounded man shall say to his assailant, " If I die, you are forgiven. If I live, I will kill you". Such is the rule of honor.

Offline dchogs

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Re: Day 2.....Bring on the pain!
« Reply #12 on: July 13, 2011, 03:45:00 PM »
Quote from: Skoal
Quote from: Ifritiri
Well, here I am, going balls deep into day two of the hardest decision of my young life. Through the constant pressure of my oldest brother Zach (KTC Member), I finally gave in and decided to go on the long journey of quitting one of my most cherished past times.

The fact is that I do not WANT to quit, but, of course I need to.  Granted I have only been dipping for 4 years, that can to can and a half a day was a sure fire way to mellow me out through whatever I was going through i.e. boring job, being broke, my NY Giants blowing it.

But, as the saying goes, all good things must come to an end. So here I am, Day 2, and getting ready for the long haul. I know in the end my jaw will thank me, and so will my wallet.

Doin' this one for me.
You don't need to quit now sweet pea. You'll stop when the oncologist calls you and tells you that pencil eraser sized bump on your lip is stage four cancer. I think the survival rate is pretty good for that, maybe like 10%. Ignore your bro and keep dipping. _

Cherished pastime? HA!! suicide on the installment plan is a better description. What exactly do you think you love about this "pass time" of yours?

Is it, your love of spitting toxic brown snot into week old gatorade bottles that smell like a hobo's taint in the middle of August?

Is it your collection of those water bottles that have since turned into putrid petri dishes of hot sludge that have been rolling around in your car for weeks.

Spitting Peach flavored cancerhagen on your junk while you pretend to take a hour long dump?

Wasting thousands of hard earned dollars on a ridiculous pesticidal weed because you naively think it "mellows you out"?

You don't want to quit, so you won't. You'll fail. Fucking giants fan so go figure, The Rockettes have a better chance of winning the super bowl.

Your so called hard decision " and young life" is lame. Sean Marsee was dead at 18 from this shit. How old are you Spanky? Cancer doesn't give a rats ass about how long you dip or how old you are. The next dip you have could be the one that kills your silly ass.

Let me tell you somethin you need to know- That shit never did a damn thing for you. It doesn't mellow you , or help you power thru. It doesn't make your job less boring, make you money, or help the NY fucking giants blow tranny cock behind the news stand im Times Square. All that stuff does is relieve the anxiety you feel from being in nicotine withdrawl. IT ONLY RELIEVES THE SYMPTOMS THAT IT CREATED IN THE FIRST PLACE. all your misguided romantic bs about the benefits of dip are imaginary. They are lies from a addict.

Let me tell you something else, when the cancer dart falls on your head, it fucking hurts. All the far away thoughts about it being somebody else's disease will come crashing in on you like a fucking train full of unescapeable despair. It is a nightmare you don't get to wake up from. Mommy can't put a bandaid on sessions of Chemo and radiation, and you don't get a fucking time out. Anybody that rolls those dice is a damn fool. I'll tell you straight, it ain't worth it. You best get your head together in a NY minute or your going to be in trouble at some point in the future. This shit is no joke, and your only 4 years of dipping don't buy you any safety.

For your sake I hope day three stings like a mother fucker and you NEVER FORGET what it is like to withdraw from that killing can of minty flavored cancer. Remembering the suck will keep you quit.

Grab your balls Ifruity , or start searching groupon for specials on tongue surgery.

oh shit. i just got quitwood. thanks for that, sM.
Quit- 5/16/2011. One day at a time.
HoF- 8/23/2011; 2nd Floor- 12/1/2011; 3rd Floor- 3/10/2012; 4th Floor- 6/18/2012; 5th Floor- 9/27/2012; 6th Floor- 1/4/2013; 7th Floor- 4/14/2013; 8th Floor- 7/23/2013; 9th Floor- 10/31/2013; 10th Floor- 2/8/2014; 11th Floor- 5/19/2014; 12th Floor- 8/27/2014; 13th Floor- 12/5/14; 14th floor- 3/15/15; 15th floor- 6/23/15; 16th floor- 10/1/15; 17th floor- 1/9/16; 18th floor- 4/18/16; 19th floor- 7/26/16; 20th floor- 11/4/16; 21st floor- 2/12/17; 22nd Floor- 5/23/17; 23rd Floor- 8/31/17; 24th Floor- 12/9/17; 25th floor- 3/19/18; 26th floor- 6/27/18; 27th floor- 10/5/18; 28th floor- 1/13/19; 29th foor- 4/22/19; 30th floor- 7/31/19; 31st floor- 11/8/19; 32nd floor- 2/17/20; 33rd floor- 5/27/20; 34th floor- 9/4/20; 35th floor- 12/13/20; 36th floor- 3/23/21; 37th floor- 7/1/21; 38th floor- 10/9/21; 39th floor- 1/17/22; 40th floor- 4/27/22; 41st floor- 8/5/22; 42nd floor- 11/12/22; 43rd floor- 2/20/23; 44th floor- 6/1/23; 45th floor- 9/9/23; 46th floor- 12/18/23; 47th floor- 3/27/24.

"He which hath no stomach to this fight let him depart. But we in it shall be remembered. We few, we happy few, we band of brothers! For he today, that sheds his blood with me, shall always be my brother." (Wm. Shakespeare). For August '11.

Who dares, wins.

Stay quit... it is life or death and that is the undeniable truth.

"To be driven by our appetites alone is slavery, while to obey a law that we have imposed on ourselves is freedom." Rosseau

Offline nicofiend

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Re: Day 2.....Bring on the pain!
« Reply #11 on: July 13, 2011, 12:48:00 PM »
Quote from: Skoal
Quote from: Ifritiri
Well, here I am, going balls deep into day two of the hardest decision of my young life. Through the constant pressure of my oldest brother Zach (KTC Member), I finally gave in and decided to go on the long journey of quitting one of my most cherished past times.

The fact is that I do not WANT to quit, but, of course I need to.  Granted I have only been dipping for 4 years, that can to can and a half a day was a sure fire way to mellow me out through whatever I was going through i.e. boring job, being broke, my NY Giants blowing it.

But, as the saying goes, all good things must come to an end. So here I am, Day 2, and getting ready for the long haul. I know in the end my jaw will thank me, and so will my wallet.

Doin' this one for me.
You don't need to quit now sweet pea. You'll stop when the oncologist calls you and tells you that pencil eraser sized bump on your lip is stage four cancer. I think the survival rate is pretty good for that, maybe like 10%. Ignore your bro and keep dipping. _

Cherished pastime? HA!! suicide on the installment plan is a better description. What exactly do you think you love about this "pass time" of yours?

Is it, your love of spitting toxic brown snot into week old gatorade bottles that smell like a hobo's taint in the middle of August?

Is it your collection of those water bottles that have since turned into putrid petri dishes of hot sludge that have been rolling around in your car for weeks.

Spitting Peach flavored cancerhagen on your junk while you pretend to take a hour long dump?

Wasting thousands of hard earned dollars on a ridiculous pesticidal weed because you naively think it "mellows you out"?

You don't want to quit, so you won't. You'll fail. Fucking giants fan so go figure, The Rockettes have a better chance of winning the super bowl.

Your so called hard decision " and young life" is lame. Sean Marsee was dead at 18 from this shit. How old are you Spanky? Cancer doesn't give a rats ass about how long you dip or how old you are. The next dip you have could be the one that kills your silly ass.

Let me tell you somethin you need to know- That shit never did a damn thing for you. It doesn't mellow you , or help you power thru. It doesn't make your job less boring, make you money, or help the NY fucking giants blow tranny cock behind the news stand im Times Square. All that stuff does is relieve the anxiety you feel from being in nicotine withdrawl. IT ONLY RELIEVES THE SYMPTOMS THAT IT CREATED IN THE FIRST PLACE. all your misguided romantic bs about the benefits of dip are imaginary. They are lies from a addict.

Let me tell you something else, when the cancer dart falls on your head, it fucking hurts. All the far away thoughts about it being somebody else's disease will come crashing in on you like a fucking train full of unescapeable despair. It is a nightmare you don't get to wake up from. Mommy can't put a bandaid on sessions of Chemo and radiation, and you don't get a fucking time out. Anybody that rolls those dice is a damn fool. I'll tell you straight, it ain't worth it. You best get your head together in a NY minute or your going to be in trouble at some point in the future. This shit is no joke, and your only 4 years of dipping don't buy you any safety.

For your sake I hope day three stings like a mother fucker and you NEVER FORGET what it is like to withdraw from that killing can of minty flavored cancer. Remembering the suck will keep you quit.

Grab your balls Ifruity , or start searching groupon for specials on tongue surgery.

SM: GRIM BUT TRUE!! Great pep talk, man that even helps me! Youre so very right , the risks are way too high! Thanks proud to be quit with you. Nico

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Re: Day 2.....Bring on the pain!
« Reply #10 on: July 13, 2011, 10:33:00 AM »
Skoal Monster unleashed . Great pep-talk . I needed that quit around me a few years ago , but I'll take it now and fortify my quit with it .
Thanks Skoal Monster.


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Re: Day 2.....Bring on the pain!
« Reply #9 on: July 13, 2011, 05:31:00 AM »
Shit! I was excited to pick apart your post, but SM beat me to the punch. That guy's a real jerk, eh?

Quitting won't change those past painful Giants losses to the Seahawks. A missed field goal is the same with or without a dip in. Nib High Football Sucks!

Offline Skoal Monster

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Re: Day 2.....Bring on the pain!
« Reply #8 on: July 13, 2011, 01:47:00 AM »
Quote from: Ifritiri
Well, here I am, going balls deep into day two of the hardest decision of my young life. Through the constant pressure of my oldest brother Zach (KTC Member), I finally gave in and decided to go on the long journey of quitting one of my most cherished past times.

The fact is that I do not WANT to quit, but, of course I need to. Granted I have only been dipping for 4 years, that can to can and a half a day was a sure fire way to mellow me out through whatever I was going through i.e. boring job, being broke, my NY Giants blowing it.

But, as the saying goes, all good things must come to an end. So here I am, Day 2, and getting ready for the long haul. I know in the end my jaw will thank me, and so will my wallet.

Doin' this one for me.
You don't need to quit now sweet pea. You'll stop when the oncologist calls you and tells you that pencil eraser sized bump on your lip is stage four cancer. I think the survival rate is pretty good for that, maybe like 10%. Ignore your bro and keep dipping. _

Cherished pastime? HA!! suicide on the installment plan is a better description. What exactly do you think you love about this "pass time" of yours?

Is it, your love of spitting toxic brown snot into week old gatorade bottles that smell like a hobo's taint in the middle of August?

Is it your collection of those water bottles that have since turned into putrid petri dishes of hot sludge that have been rolling around in your car for weeks.

Spitting Peach flavored cancerhagen on your junk while you pretend to take a hour long dump?

Wasting thousands of hard earned dollars on a ridiculous pesticidal weed because you naively think it "mellows you out"?

You don't want to quit, so you won't. You'll fail. Fucking giants fan so go figure, The Rockettes have a better chance of winning the super bowl.

Your so called hard decision " and young life" is lame. Sean Marsee was dead at 18 from this shit. How old are you Spanky? Cancer doesn't give a rats ass about how long you dip or how old you are. The next dip you have could be the one that kills your silly ass.

Let me tell you somethin you need to know- That shit never did a damn thing for you. It doesn't mellow you , or help you power thru. It doesn't make your job less boring, make you money, or help the NY fucking giants blow tranny cock behind the news stand im Times Square. All that stuff does is relieve the anxiety you feel from being in nicotine withdrawl. IT ONLY RELIEVES THE SYMPTOMS THAT IT CREATED IN THE FIRST PLACE. all your misguided romantic bs about the benefits of dip are imaginary. They are lies from a addict.

Let me tell you something else, when the cancer dart falls on your head, it fucking hurts. All the far away thoughts about it being somebody else's disease will come crashing in on you like a fucking train full of unescapeable despair. It is a nightmare you don't get to wake up from. Mommy can't put a bandaid on sessions of Chemo and radiation, and you don't get a fucking time out. Anybody that rolls those dice is a damn fool. I'll tell you straight, it ain't worth it. You best get your head together in a NY minute or your going to be in trouble at some point in the future. This shit is no joke, and your only 4 years of dipping don't buy you any safety.

For your sake I hope day three stings like a mother fucker and you NEVER FORGET what it is like to withdraw from that killing can of minty flavored cancer. Remembering the suck will keep you quit.

Grab your balls Ifruity , or start searching groupon for specials on tongue surgery.

"CLOSE THE DOOR. In my opinion, it?s the single most important step in your final quit. There is one moment, THE moment, when you finally let go and surrender to the quit. After that moment, no temptation will be great enough, no lie persuasive enough to make you commit suicide by using tobacco."

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Re: Day 2.....Bring on the pain!
« Reply #7 on: July 13, 2011, 12:08:00 AM »
Go to your dentist, ask for an oral cancer screening. Sounds like you need a reality check, man.
Re-born on date: 06/09/2011