Author Topic: Day 1...again  (Read 3822 times)

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Offline Menace

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Re: Day 1...again
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2014, 11:07:00 AM »

You are on the right path by getting involved with KTC and you have come to one of the most important conclusions, one that many of us avoided for some time. WE ARE ADDICTS. That conclusion is a huge leap forward in my opinion to a successful quit.

As for the part about not telling many people, I think you should tell everyone as this adds a level of accountability. We will hold you accountable here but having a SO/Spouse or good friend do the same helps because you see them in person everyday or often anyway.

Drink the KTC koolaid, post roll and be a man of your word and we will win this battle together. And remember you quit one day at a time, not 3 months or a year or a week, just one day at a time. (ODAAT)

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Offline CBus50

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Re: Day 1...again
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2014, 10:49:00 AM »
Hello all. I sit here today both angry but more hopeful than ever. Last fall I quit...on my own. It was a brutal experience but I never had more pride than when I took a flight across the country and went on a week's vacation and I didn't have to worry about how I'll dip on the plane or how many can I will need to pack so I don't run out when I'm there. It was truly one of the most conquering times of my life. I was quit for 3 months and feeling great.

I went out of some drinks with some friends and they had a pouch and I thought, "hey, I control this can't hurt". It came ALL back again. Like I never quit. I'm ashamed of myself, I've hid it out of embarrassment and I'm so angry I slayed the beast and let it back in my life.

I cannot tell many people...yet. Therefore, I'm here looking for support from all of you. I need someone to be accountable to. It is the only way it works for me. The bad news is I'm back to square one. The good news is I learned that there is no "just one" anymore and I have all the tools to slay this monster once and for all!

Offline CBus50

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Day 1...again
« on: March 10, 2014, 10:49:00 AM »