I thought I could log in this morning and post roll like I have for the last 13 days and carry on like I was still quit, still fighting tooth and nail with my addiction to nicotine and alcohol to stay clean....But the truth is I'm nothing but a fraud. A pathetic Caver. I'm not the man I thought I was, the fighter I thought I was. Just a weak ass slave to the addiction. I've read, I've exchanged digits (which I never used), I posted roll everyday, congratulated fellow quit brothers on some milestones, but it wasn't enough for me. I planed this quit for over a week before I felt like I was strong enough to make a daily commitment to a thousand people I never met, to my wife and kids, and most importantly myself. I would apologize to every single one of you in person if I could, but I know you wouldn't give a shit, but my deepest apologies anyway. Yes, you have wasted your time with an addict. Will I be back? Will I beg you all for another chance? No. I'm embarrassed and ashamed of who I am. I've talked a lot of shit pumping myself up for this quit. I joined a gym and worked out everyday. I bought all the recommended vitamins. I consumed over a gallon of water everyday. For the past week I've read the Curt Shilling story, Tony Gwenn story, the kern story over and over again and thought "Wow I can't believe I was doing that to myself and my family", but yet, here I am. I've read the three questions we ask over and over to cavers and now that I'm in their shoes I know deep inside, that I can't answer those questions. I just don't know, don't have a single answer. Why did I cave? I'm an addict who gave in. Did I think I could just have one? NO, but I posted roll anyway hoping someway, somehow a greater power would take over and put me back on track. But you know as well as I do that I have a big fatty in right now as I sit here writing this. Am I looking for sympathy? Fuck no. In fact, I know by informing you of my cave, there will nothing but negativity thrown my way and what a piece of shit I am. My intention was to just log off and never show my face in here again. BUT, I want to help just that one person. I hope this intro will help that one guy, who's thinking about caving, think twice. Don't be a pussy like me. Don't let the addiction control your life. Fight, scrap, claw your way out. My 12 1/2 days were tough, but awesome at the same time. I wish I had more fight in me, but we all know I'm done. I said I'd be done if I caved and I can't see any light at the end of the tunnel. If there is just one guy out there willing to pray for me I ask to do so. God is my only hope now. Again, I apologize and wish you all nothing but the best in your quit.