Hello everyone. I just started today. It has been hell, but I am just trying to make it to bed without taking a chew. I am using 4mg nicorete gum, because I just needed to. Not sure if that makes me weaker or looked down upon. Either way, I do feel like today is the first day of the rest of my life. I have been chewing 2 cans a day for 19 years now. Just typing that makes me embarrased and sick to my stomach. I hope someone reads this and can offer me some encouragement. Thank you.
This is a non-nicotine site. Here, we quit cold turkey. The fast that you are using gum or patches just elongates the amount of time that you will go through withdrawl. It's going to take 72 hours to eliminate all nicotine from your system whether is from a dip, chew, gum, or patch.
If you want to quit with us, you will toss the gum, and flush any remaining cans or pouches that you have lying around. And I do mean flush them down the toilet and trash the can. Do not toss them out full as you will be tempted to just go dig them out.
You can do this cold turkey. Everyone on this site, everyone who you see in posting a number in a quit group, has done it. You have 3 days of suck where your body will wreak havoc on you. Then some mind games for a week or so, then you start to normalize out. I'm not going to sugar coat it. It is not easy.
However, it is simple. When you decide to dump the gum and go zero nicotine, you are welcome to join the July '14 quit group. You are in that group because you are considered a hall of famer at 100 days. Sometime in July you will hit that 100 day mark. YOU WILL NOT BE CURED. THERE IS NO CURE FOR ADDICTION.
However, here, we quit one day at a time, or ODAAT. Do not worry about watching basketball tomorrow w/o a dip, or mowing the lawn or doing landscaping this weekend w/o a dip or chew. Worry about the day that you are living today. That is all you can control and that is all YOU WILL CONTROL.
You will have the full support of this site as soon as you spit the gum out. We cannot not will we help or support you with nicotine in your system.
When you make that choice to go cold turkey and get the symptoms of withdrawl over with sooner than later, I suggest you read a few things. Read them slowly. Let them digest as you won't be thinking clearly. Take your time, ask questions.
index.php?showtopic=7140index.php?showforum=13As i'm the first person (at least I think i'm the first) to offer you some encouragement, I can tell you the only think we encourage is for you to spit the gum out and do not use it anymore. Once you do that, you will get more support quitting cold turkey than anything you have done in your life. 717 days ago, I was in your position. I was dipping 1.5 cans of Copenhagen a day, slowly committing suicide, one day at time. Finally I wised up, and I hope you do the same.
Once you've done that, read the links I've included, find your way to July 2014, and post your day 1.
Do not continue to allow yourself to be enslaved by a plant. Your life revolves around what a company in North Carolina puts in a pouch or a can. Free yourself, put your name on the list as a quitter (of all nicotine, including the gum) and start fresh.
My name is Mark and i'm quit with you today, the second you spit the gum out for the last time.