You're not alone man. We know exactly what you're going through and going to go through. Some things will be tough, some things will be hell, some things will be a piece of cake. One things for sure... You are DONE! 6 days is pretty badass man. The nicotine is gone from your body... You're fight right now is the mind games. See... You're pro'ly like me (all of us really!), there was nothing you didn't do with a dip in. Right? Shower... Shitting... Food... "Relaxing"... Driving... Pre/post sex. The list goes on and I bet you've thought to yourself... How'm I gonna do all this stuff without chew, it made all these things better!? Right?
It made nothing better!! It stole every one of those moments from you by making sure IT was the priority. Got my can!? My teeth clean!? My spitter hidden!? Whatever... You are quit now! We're here to help bro... Lean on us, rage at us, vent at us... We can handle it and, perversely, we dig it. Pm me if you need anything or would like a number.