I'm pretty happy to have found this site. I've had a lot of strange stuff going on the past couple weeks since I quit, and literally thought I was dying of cancer or god knows what. It seems alot of us share the same withdrawals and issues when we first quit for a few months. I quit about 5 yrs ago for a yr or 2, then like a fool went back to it. Last time I quit it was a piece of cake, this time not so much. I actually believe there should be a sticky thread with nothing but people's symptoms during their quit. By this, I mean literally nothing but symptoms. Some things I've had happen are quite interesting. The first day, I didn't worry too much, I actually was playing Battlefield thinking of my son, 7 months old, and tossed my can in the trash. Went to bed thinking nothing of it. Next day wasn't even that bad. By night 3, I had some really funky stuff going. From stomach cramps, to my mouth feeling tingly and the proverbial "fog". Dizzy, nauseous, the side of my face has been feeling like it's either crawling or hot and flush, then it just goes away and nothing more. My gums never bothered me, but the insides of my cheeks are sore off and on now. I've had the sore jaw off and on. Night sweats for quite a few nights during my first and start of my second week. About night 4, I got the sore/swollen throat going, which as of now has mostly passed but once in a while I'll notice it then it's gone. I also feel like I have a cramp once in a while in my gut. I started week 3, my quit date was 11/30, and it seems like everything should be better already. But it's not... It's just plain not. Anxiety is super intermittent, from one second feeling like nothing is going on to the next second worrying about anything and everything possible. My mind has been scattered everywhere the past couple weeks. I lift, and started eating super clean. By this I mean mostly fruits and veggies, no fried foods at all and absolutely no junk food or soda pops. I've lost maybe 6 or 7 lbs, which isn't bad since I work at a desk. The lifting and exercise takes my mind off it for a bit, but I seem to worry alot about things like the soreness in my mouth I get sometimes. As a background, I started chewing when I was 18, I'm now 42. Minus those couple years, that's a long time to do anything. The associations are the worst to break I believe. If I fire up my chainsaw, a dip goes in, if I hop on my dirtbike or MC or quad a dip goes in, when I jump in my Jeep a dip goes in. You get the picture... No matter what we do we always do it with a big fatty. I'm curious as to what other symptoms everyone has had. i.e. not just the ones listed as most common in the list, but personal ones. How long did they last for you? What new funky things do you have going on?
I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and you and your families are safe and healthy. :)