I posted this on your intro but wanted to PM it to you too just in case you don't check that page.
On 12/21/2011 you posted your HOF speach.  Today you posted roll for "Day 2". You have over 700 posts to your name but almost no information on your intro page. As someone that is on day 104 I don't know who you are or what your story is but instead of making me hunt your old group down and figure it out on my own, why don't you spell it out for everyone. (And post roll in the right group while you are at it. November is for people reaching their 100th day in November. You belong in February '13.)
Sorry about that I will start posting on that one from now on.
What went wrong?
How did it happen?
What are you going to do differently to prevent it from happening again?
These 3 questions are the cost of coming back to the group. You reached HOF before so this shouldn't be any surprise to you. Come on man. Show us your balls. (figuratively)
What went wrong? Honestly the nic bitch got the best of me.
How did it happen? My father passed way just recently. I know that's not a good excuse but I was under a lot off stress I shouldn't of given into it.
What are you going to do differently to prevent it from happening again? I'm going to be a bigger man not give into it next time. I only did it for 3 weeks but I know that isn't a very good excuse either but I've put myself back on track. Also it wasn't as hard to quit this time around because of the short period I used but again I really shouldn't have.
This was his reply to my first message. I'm fairly sure that he doesn't even remember that this page exists.
Dude, about your quit being easy, thats bull shit. The last few days may have been easier than the last time you stopped for a while but you should really try to realize something. Last time, you didn't quit, you just stopped for a while. You only quit ONCE. The reason I point this out is important. If you actually quit last time, nothing could have caused you to shove that weed back into your lip. I never make light of loosing anyone so please know that my heart goes out to you and your family for the loss of your father. That being said, you knew then and know now that nicotine didn't fix anything or make it better. The grief was the same. It was a distraction. Next time. Taking a hammer to your big toe would also be a distraction but much less addictive.
You are an addict plain and simple. You need to recognize that the nic bitch is about to put a whole bunch of ideas in your head to get you to crave again. When the physical withdrawal isn't that bad. Expect her to whisper in your ear instead if shouting in your face. You need to give and get phone numbers from the people in your group especially but my number will be in your in-box as soon as I finish this. If you are actually serious about quitting, make sure I get your number.
Uh ya, those answers do not strike me as having the air of self examination that would lead to true understanding of how it happened or a confidence that it won't happen again. Those answers sound like a newbie, not a guy with 2 years of quit behind him.
--A terrible thing happened,
-- so I picked up chew because I was weak
-- I will be stronger next time.
When people aren't involved in this site, they miss out on true quit understanding, which eventually leads to a cave.
Life is going to throw some terrible shit at all of us. We have tools here at KTC to keep us quit; chat rooms, intro threads, quit groups, phone numbers, stories, HOF speeches... sheesh-- its a big freaking toolbox.
We fail on our own.
Promising to be stronger does not make one stronger.
Get involved friend... PM me and I will give you my number. After 2 years, if people here don't know who you are, you have been stalking the sidelines, it's time to man up and march on to the field, humbled by your cave and ready, but ready to play.