Author Topic: The Omega Moment - 365 Days Later  (Read 61770 times)

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Offline BluManChew

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Re: The Omega Moment - 365 Days Later
« Reply #35 on: November 22, 2019, 05:08:37 PM »

Offline BluManChew

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Re: The Omega Moment - 365 Days Later
« Reply #34 on: November 22, 2019, 05:02:04 PM »
Textual Chocolates:

~~~365 PTBQWYT ~~ Arrakisdq 4/29

~~~Keep your head on a swivel.  The bitch is a sneaky temptress and always there, lurking about the blur of the periphery.  An insationable Demoness, she is. ODAAT 6/3

~~~Fuck nicotine and her deceitful whispering nonsense. I'm quit today because of quitters who had my back when she was fucking with my head early in quit.  ~~ Croakenhagen 6/6

~~~The great thing abut KTC is that it exposes - raw and unapologetically - our weakness.  Addiction, the Bitch, the Poison, the Lipper, the Cat Turd. Call it what you will bc the devil goes by many names but is a devil still the same 4/16

~~~508. Onward and onward.  Day after damn day.  Pulled unceasingly by a single desire - to be and stay QUIT.  At all times, all damn day, every damn day. 2/27

~~~I'm to the point where I've nearly forgotten what it was really like to dip.  It's almost foreign and unrelatable to me.  Yet, the awareness and knowledge that I'm an addict and that I'm just a single choice away from reliving all of that shit is always present.  NAFAR.  PTBQWYT. 5/24

~~~532 and quit.  I've decided that I may be the only person in all if Idaho who has quit dip.  There was a dude in my group who was from here but he caved.  A long long time ago.   I wonder if he and other cavers count the days since they caved.  Like scratching line by side by line in the damp brick with their finger nails.  Day after day In the cell of there choosing, of their own creation.  I choose to quit.  I choose that for today and today only. 3/23

~~~ Quitting is winning.  Quitting is becoming a habit.  Quitting requires active participation.  Quitting is not a leisurley activity.  Quitters cannot be passive.  Congrats on quitting.  That's a big deal; that's badass.  Quitters are badass.  610 ~~  06/09

~~~ 256 fixin to eat with momma quit ~~ Boovie
467. What's on the menu?  Something stereotypically Southern, I hope.
~~Chicken pie and cornbread... ~~ Boovie
~~Outstanding!  I love Southern food.  I was raised on grits.
~~I'm baking a chocolate velvet bundt cake, as gay as that sounds.
~~Yes it sounds delicious....and gay.~~Boovie 01/17

~~~37 and ready to knock the day out without shit in my lip! ~~ CDA-rj 6/25

~~~Dude.  I can't tell you how great life is sans dip, brother.  You'll have to experience that for yourself, and you do that one day at a time.  628

~~~It's going to be a fucking great Saturday.  Why?  Because we are quit today and will make the day so. 616 ~~ 6/15

~~~86 and in a good place.  Not emotionally, I’m in line at a taco truck so I’m in a good place this morning. ~~ CDA-rj 8/13

~~~That fleeting idea that you could buy a tin and then you remember how nasty it was, all the spit bottles everywhere, the constant need to step away so you could throw one in,l because you’re ashamed, the smell of it, that ammonia smell that is filled with cancer causing chemicals including uranium and THEN you realize you’re NOT a slave anymore and how thankful you are to have folks on your side daily that helped you get to where you are.  ~~ Croakenhaagen 11/4

~~~Keep up the quit! 775
~~989 - One more day. One thing is for nic today. ~~ Zeus
~~~Come hell or high water.
~~That's right! ~~ Zeus
~~~That's what being quit feels like.
~~I know the feeling ~~ Zeus
~~~Not me.  Goalies never score
~~~I've only scored 4 times, but I suspect the fourth time may have been an assist until the paternity test results come back.  The play is still under review
~~Haha. ~~ Zeus 11/21/19
 10:15 AM
~~990 Quit like Oedipus ~~ Zeus
~~~You know he doinked his own mother, don't you?
~~~Not that I'm judging
~~I think doinking part was a rumor started by Sidmund Freud, the sick bastard. Until then he merely killed his father and married his mother, accidently  ~~ Zeus
~~Still 990 and quit like a motherfucker. ~~ Zeus
~~~Motherfucker...very 776
~~~Maurice Povich or Dr Phil need to get to the bottom of it
~~Lol. ~~ Zeus 11/22/19

« Last Edit: November 22, 2019, 05:09:18 PM by BluManChew »

Offline BluManChew

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Re: The Omega Moment - 365 Days Later
« Reply #33 on: November 04, 2019, 10:26:51 AM »
Textual Chocolates:

~~~365 PTBQWYT ~~ Arrakisdq 4/29

~~~Keep your head on a swivel.  The bitch is a sneaky temptress and always there, lurking about the blur of the periphery.  An insationable Demoness, she is. ODAAT 6/3

~~~Fuck nicotine and her deceitful whispering nonsense. I'm quit today because of quitters who had my back when she was fucking with my head early in quit.  ~~ Croakenhagen 6/6

~~~The great thing abut KTC is that it exposes - raw and unapologetically - our weakness.  Addiction, the Bitch, the Poison, the Lipper, the Cat Turd. Call it what you will bc the devil goes by many names but is a devil still the same 4/16

~~~508. Onward and onward.  Day after damn day.  Pulled unceasingly by a single desire - to be and stay QUIT.  At all times, all damn day, every damn day. 2/27

~~~I'm to the point where I've nearly forgotten what it was really like to dip.  It's almost foreign and unrelatable to me.  Yet, the awareness and knowledge that I'm an addict and that I'm just a single choice away from reliving all of that shit is always present.  NAFAR.  PTBQWYT. 5/24

~~~532 and quit.  I've decided that I may be the only person in all if Idaho who has quit dip.  There was a dude in my group who was from here but he caved.  A long long time ago.   I wonder if he and other cavers count the days since they caved.  Like scratching line by side by line in the damp brick with their finger nails.  Day after day In the cell of there choosing, of their own creation.  I choose to quit.  I choose that for today and today only. 3/23

~~~ Quitting is winning.  Quitting is becoming a habit.  Quitting requires active participation.  Quitting is not a leisurley activity.  Quitters cannot be passive.  Congrats on quitting.  That's a big deal; that's badass.  Quitters are badass.  610 ~~  06/09

~~~ 256 fixin to eat with momma quit ~~ Boovie
467. What's on the menu?  Something stereotypically Southern, I hope.
~~Chicken pie and cornbread... ~~ Boovie
~~Outstanding!  I love Southern food.  I was raised on grits.
~~I'm baking a chocolate velvet bundt cake, as gay as that sounds.
~~Yes it sounds delicious....and gay.~~Boovie 01/17

~~~37 and ready to knock the day out without shit in my lip! ~~ CDA-rj 6/25

~~~Dude.  I can't tell you how great life is sans dip, brother.  You'll have to experience that for yourself, and you do that one day at a time.  628

~~~It's going to be a fucking great Saturday.  Why?  Because we are quit today and will make the day so. 616 ~~ 6/15

~~~86 and in a good place.  Not emotionally, I’m in line at a taco truck so I’m in a good place this morning. ~~ CDA-rj 8/13

~~~That fleeting idea that you could buy a tin and then you remember how nasty it was, all the spit bottles everywhere, the constant need to step away so you could throw one in,l because you’re ashamed, the smell of it, that ammonia smell that is filled with cancer causing chemicals including uranium and THEN you realize you’re NOT a slave anymore and how thankful you are to have folks on your side daily that helped you get to where you are.  ~~ Croakenhaagen 11/4

« Last Edit: November 04, 2019, 10:29:23 AM by BluManChew »

Offline BluManChew

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Re: The Omega Moment - 365 Days Later
« Reply #32 on: October 08, 2019, 06:19:22 PM »
2 years ago, on October 08, 2017 I quit chewing.  That put me in the Jan 18 Quit Group.

During those 1st days and weeks, the idea of quitting for 2 whole fucking years was impossible.  Hell, it was.

And so it is impossible to quit for 2 years, like it is impossible to quit for 100 days, 1 month, or even 1 week. 

Not even a time machine could thrust me into a future of having been 2 years quit because as I stated before, quitting for more than any time but the present is simply impossible.

And you can't bend time on itself or warp into the 4th dimension of quit, dork, because I know that's what you're thinking.  I thought the same thing myself when I was at your quarky stage of quit.

So when we quit, we can only do the POSSIBLE which is quitting for today and today only.  And by doing the possible every fucking day, day after damn day fucking every day, all damn fucking day, can you achieve the impossible.

So while you can't quit for 2 years at a time, you can quit for One Fucking Day at a Time.  OFDAAT. 

To get from there to here requires very simple actions repeated daily...
WUPP ASAFP ODAAT ADD EDD and before you know it, two years quit will go from impossible to possible seemingly in the time it took you to fling out that last wad of shit.  For me, that happened 2 years ago on a day much like today.

BMC.  730
@BluManChew , great stuff here brother. Damn proud to have quit with you daily for so much of the last 2 years

Likewise @69franx Thanks for being apart of my quit!  The last 2 years has been full of ups and downs and life in general, and quit thru all of it.

Offline 69franx

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Re: The Omega Moment - 365 Days Later
« Reply #31 on: October 08, 2019, 03:51:38 PM »
2 years ago, on October 08, 2017 I quit chewing.  That put me in the Jan 18 Quit Group.

During those 1st days and weeks, the idea of quitting for 2 whole fucking years was impossible.  Hell, it was.

And so it is impossible to quit for 2 years, like it is impossible to quit for 100 days, 1 month, or even 1 week. 

Not even a time machine could thrust me into a future of having been 2 years quit because as I stated before, quitting for more than any time but the present is simply impossible.

And you can't bend time on itself or warp into the 4th dimension of quit, dork, because I know that's what you're thinking.  I thought the same thing myself when I was at your quarky stage of quit.

So when we quit, we can only do the POSSIBLE which is quitting for today and today only.  And by doing the possible every fucking day, day after damn day fucking every day, all damn fucking day, can you achieve the impossible.

So while you can't quit for 2 years at a time, you can quit for One Fucking Day at a Time.  OFDAAT. 

To get from there to here requires very simple actions repeated daily...
WUPP ASAFP ODAAT ADD EDD and before you know it, two years quit will go from impossible to possible seemingly in the time it took you to fling out that last wad of shit.  For me, that happened 2 years ago on a day much like today.

BMC.  730
@BluManChew , great stuff here brother. Damn proud to have quit with you daily for so much of the last 2 years
ABQ= Always Be Quitting

My Intro
My HOF Speech
How long have I been quit?

I brew the beer I drink, what's your superpower?

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Offline BluManChew

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Re: The Omega Moment - 365 Days Later
« Reply #30 on: October 07, 2019, 09:41:03 PM »
2 years ago, on October 08, 2017 I quit chewing.  That put me in the Jan 18 Quit Group.

During those 1st days and weeks, the idea of quitting for 2 whole fucking years was impossible.  Hell, it was.

And so it is impossible to quit for 2 years, like it is impossible to quit for 100 days, 1 month, or even 1 week. 

Not even a time machine could thrust me into a future of having been 2 years quit because as I stated before, quitting for more than any time but the present is simply impossible.

And you can't bend time on itself or warp into the 4th dimension of quit, dork, because I know that's what you're thinking.  I thought the same thing myself when I was at your quarky stage of quit.

So when we quit, we can only do the POSSIBLE which is quitting for today and today only.  And by doing the possible every fucking day, day after damn day fucking every day, all damn fucking day, can you achieve the impossible.

So while you can't quit for 2 years at a time, you can quit for One Fucking Day at a Time.  OFDAAT. 

To get from there to here requires very simple actions repeated daily...
WUPP ASAFP ODAAT ADD EDD and before you know it, two years quit will go from impossible to possible seemingly in the time it took you to fling out that last wad of shit.  For me, that happened 2 years ago on a day much like today.

BMC.  730

Offline 69franx

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Re: The Omega Moment - 365 Days Later
« Reply #29 on: September 07, 2019, 04:45:47 PM »
Congrats brother, 700 is pretty damn cool. Keep up the great things you've been doing
ABQ= Always Be Quitting

My Intro
My HOF Speech
How long have I been quit?

I brew the beer I drink, what's your superpower?

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Re: The Omega Moment - 365 Days Later
« Reply #28 on: September 07, 2019, 03:56:27 PM »
Hell yeah!!!!

Great job Bro, thanks for paying it forward.
Be humble... grow everyday.

I fear I will always be chasing the vortex like a drug. None will be as special as my first hit.


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Re: The Omega Moment - 365 Days Later
« Reply #27 on: September 07, 2019, 08:17:43 AM »
"I hope you find a thousand reasons to quit today" Rawls
"I can't quit for you. I will quit with you" Ready
"There are two dogs in the fight, which one are you feeding?" SuperDave9000
"In the Navy we had morning muster. You never miss muster. You better be dead if you miss. If you are dying, you should have started crawling earlier, no excuse." Olcpo

The Science of Addiction
The Law of Addiction
The Road Called Recovery
My Intro and HOF Speech
Quitters I've met: Cbird, UncleRico, Gregor, KDip, Broccoli-saurus, Croakenhagen, BriagG, Koba, Kodiakdeath, Arrakisdq, McDave, Worktowin, SkolVikings, JGromo, GS9502, PaDutchman, Stillbrewing, A-Aron...
outdoortexan cancer

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Re: The Omega Moment - 365 Days Later
« Reply #26 on: August 22, 2019, 10:05:40 PM »

Textual Chocolates:

~~~365 PTBQWYT ~~ Arrakisdq 4/29

~~~Keep your head on a swivel.  The bitch is a sneaky temptress and always there, lurking about the blur of the periphery.  An insationable Demoness, she is. ODAAT 6/3

~~~Fuck nicotine and her deceitful whispering nonsense. I'm quit today because of quitters who had my back when she was fucking with my head early in quit.  ~~ Croakenhagen 6/6

~~~The great thing abut KTC is that it exposes - raw and unapologetically - our weakness.  Addiction, the Bitch, the Poison, the Lipper, the Cat Turd. Call it what you will bc the devil goes by many names but is a devil still the same 4/16

~~~508. Onward and onward.  Day after damn day.  Pulled unceasingly by a single desire - to be and stay QUIT.  At all times, all damn day, every damn day. 2/27

~~~I'm to the point where I've nearly forgotten what it was really like to dip.  It's almost foreign and unrelatable to me.  Yet, the awareness and knowledge that I'm an addict and that I'm just a single choice away from reliving all of that shit is always present.  NAFAR.  PTBQWYT. 5/24

~~~532 and quit.  I've decided that I may be the only person in all if Idaho who has quit dip.  There was a dude in my group who was from here but he caved.  A long long time ago.   I wonder if he and other cavers count the days since they caved.  Like scratching line by side by line in the damp brick with their finger nails.  Day after day In the cell of there choosing, of their own creation.  I choose to quit.  I choose that for today and today only. 3/23

~~~ Quitting is winning.  Quitting is becoming a habit.  Quitting requires active participation.  Quitting is not a leisurley activity.  Quitters cannot be passive.  Congrats on quitting.  That's a big deal; that's badass.  Quitters are badass.  610 ~~  06/09

~~~ 256 fixin to eat with momma quit ~~ Boovie
467. What's on the menu?  Something stereotypically Southern, I hope.
~~Chicken pie and cornbread... ~~ Boovie
~~Outstanding!  I love Southern food.  I was raised on grits.
~~I'm baking a chocolate velvet bundt cake, as gay as that sounds.
~~Yes it sounds delicious....and gay.~~Boovie 01/17

~~~37 and ready to knock the day out without shit in my lip! ~~ CDA-rj 6/25

~~~Dude.  I can't tell you how great life is sans dip, brother.  You'll have to experience that for yourself, and you do that one day at a time.  628

~~~It's going to be a fucking great Saturday.  Why?  Because we are quit today and will make the day so. 616 ~~ 6/15

~~~86 and in a good place.  Not emotionally, I’m in line at a taco truck so I’m in a good place this morning. CDA-rj 8/13

Loved that last one when I got it from CDA!
ABQ= Always Be Quitting

My Intro
My HOF Speech
How long have I been quit?

I brew the beer I drink, what's your superpower?

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Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.

HOF: 11/08/17     2nd Floor: 02/16/18     3rd Floor: 05/27/18     1st trip around the sun: 07/31/18     4th Floor: 09/04/18     5th floor: 12/13/18     6th floor: 03/23/2019     7th floor: 07/01/19     2nd trip around the sun: 07/31/19     8th floor: 10/09/19     9th floor: 01/17/20     Comma Day: 04/26/2020     3rd trip around the sun: 08/01/2020     11th floor: 08/04/2020     12th Floor: 11/12/2020     13th floor: 02/20/2021     14th floor: 05/31/2021

Offline BluManChew

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Re: The Omega Moment - 365 Days Later
« Reply #25 on: July 01, 2019, 07:17:02 AM »

Textual Chocolates:

~~~365 PTBQWYT ~~ Arrakisdq 4/29

~~~Keep your head on a swivel.  The bitch is a sneaky temptress and always there, lurking about the blur of the periphery.  An insationable Demoness, she is. ODAAT 6/3

~~~Fuck nicotine and her deceitful whispering nonsense. I'm quit today because of quitters who had my back when she was fucking with my head early in quit.  ~~ Croakenhagen 6/6

~~~The great thing abut KTC is that it exposes - raw and unapologetically - our weakness.  Addiction, the Bitch, the Poison, the Lipper, the Cat Turd. Call it what you will bc the devil goes by many names but is a devil still the same 4/16

~~~508. Onward and onward.  Day after damn day.  Pulled unceasingly by a single desire - to be and stay QUIT.  At all times, all damn day, every damn day. 2/27

~~~I'm to the point where I've nearly forgotten what it was really like to dip.  It's almost foreign and unrelatable to me.  Yet, the awareness and knowledge that I'm an addict and that I'm just a single choice away from reliving all of that shit is always present.  NAFAR.  PTBQWYT. 5/24

~~~532 and quit.  I've decided that I may be the only person in all if Idaho who has quit dip.  There was a dude in my group who was from here but he caved.  A long long time ago.   I wonder if he and other cavers count the days since they caved.  Like scratching line by side by line in the damp brick with their finger nails.  Day after day In the cell of there choosing, of their own creation.  I choose to quit.  I choose that for today and today only. 3/23

~~~ Quitting is winning.  Quitting is becoming a habit.  Quitting requires active participation.  Quitting is not a leisurley activity.  Quitters cannot be passive.  Congrats on quitting.  That's a big deal; that's badass.  Quitters are badass.  610 ~~  06/09

~~~ 256 fixin to eat with momma quit ~~ Boovie
467. What's on the menu?  Something stereotypically Southern, I hope.
~~Chicken pie and cornbread... ~~ Boovie
~~Outstanding!  I love Southern food.  I was raised on grits.
~~I'm baking a chocolate velvet bundt cake, as gay as that sounds.
~~Yes it sounds delicious....and gay.~~Boovie 01/17

~~~37 and ready to knock the day out without shit in my lip! ~~ CDA-rj 6/25

~~~Dude.  I can't tell you how great life is sans dip, brother.  You'll have to experience that for yourself, and you do that one day at a time.  628

~~~It's going to be a fucking great Saturday.  Why?  Because we are quit today and will make the day so. 616 ~~ 6/15

Offline 69franx

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Re: The Omega Moment - 365 Days Later
« Reply #24 on: June 27, 2019, 09:30:32 PM »
I'm loving where this is going brother!
ABQ= Always Be Quitting

My Intro
My HOF Speech
How long have I been quit?

I brew the beer I drink, what's your superpower?

Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.

Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.

HOF: 11/08/17     2nd Floor: 02/16/18     3rd Floor: 05/27/18     1st trip around the sun: 07/31/18     4th Floor: 09/04/18     5th floor: 12/13/18     6th floor: 03/23/2019     7th floor: 07/01/19     2nd trip around the sun: 07/31/19     8th floor: 10/09/19     9th floor: 01/17/20     Comma Day: 04/26/2020     3rd trip around the sun: 08/01/2020     11th floor: 08/04/2020     12th Floor: 11/12/2020     13th floor: 02/20/2021     14th floor: 05/31/2021

Offline BluManChew

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Re: The Omega Moment - 365 Days Later
« Reply #23 on: June 27, 2019, 03:20:05 PM »

Textual Chocolates:

~~~365 PTBQWYT ~~ Arrakisdq 4/29

~~~Keep your head on a swivel.  The bitch is a sneaky temptress and always there, lurking about the blur of the periphery.  An insationable Demoness, she is. ODAAT 6/3

~~~Fuck nicotine and her deceitful whispering nonsense. I'm quit today because of quitters who had my back when she was fucking with my head early in quit.  ~~ Croakenhagen 6/6

~~~The great thing abut KTC is that it exposes - raw and unapologetically - our weakness.  Addiction, the Bitch, the Poison, the Lipper, the Cat Turd. Call it what you will bc the devil goes by many names but is a devil still the same 4/16

~~~508. Onward and onward.  Day after damn day.  Pulled unceasingly by a single desire - to be and stay QUIT.  At all times, all damn day, every damn day. 2/27

~~~I'm to the point where I've nearly forgotten what it was really like to dip.  It's almost foreign and unrelatable to me.  Yet, the awareness and knowledge that I'm an addict and that I'm just a single choice away from reliving all of that shit is always present.  NAFAR.  PTBQWYT. 5/24

~~~532 and quit.  I've decided that I may be the only person in all if Idaho who has quit dip.  There was a dude in my group who was from here but he caved.  A long long time ago.   I wonder if he and other cavers count the days since they caved.  Like scratching line by side by line in the damp brick with their finger nails.  Day after day In the cell of there choosing, of their own creation.  I choose to quit.  I choose that for today and today only. 3/23

~~~ Quitting is winning.  Quitting is becoming a habit.  Quitting requires active participation.  Quitting is not a leisurley activity.  Quitters cannot be passive.  Congrats on quitting.  That's a big deal; that's badass.  Quitters are badass.  610 ~~  06/09

~~~ 256 fixin to eat with momma quit ~~ Boovie
467. What's on the menu?  Something stereotypically Southern, I hope.
~~Chicken pie and cornbread... ~~ Boovie
~~Outstanding!  I love Southern food.  I was raised on grits.
~~I'm baking a chocolate velvet bundt cake, as gay as that sounds.
~~Yes it sounds delicious....and gay.~~Boovie 01/17

~~37 and ready to knock the day out without shit in my lip! ~~ CDA-rj 6/25

~~Dude.  I can't tell you how great life is sans dip, brother.  You'll have to experience that for yourself, and you do that one day at a time.  628

« Last Edit: June 27, 2019, 03:23:40 PM by BluManChew »

Offline Athan

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Re: Excuses, Excuses
« Reply #22 on: June 17, 2019, 05:36:52 PM »
What exuses to you have for chewing today?  Please add to this list!   ;D  Would love to know what you came up with ;)

1.) I have so much money I just don't know what to do with it so I'm giving it to the US Tobacco Company
2.) Chicks dig it!
3.) I'm not satisfied with natural background radiation, I need the extra Polonium-210
4.) I just love the way it makes my breath smell
5.) I'm working towards that billboard smile and it whitens my teeth
6.) I don't want my children to learn this from someone else!
7.) I've heard that gum grafts are one of the most erotic things to have done to you
8.) I love it when my three year old/wife/mom chugs warm copenhagen spit from my bottle
9.) I love to sneeze it all over my dash and interior
10.) If you gotta die, at least go out with only half a face.

BMC 619
"I hope you find a thousand reasons to quit today" Rawls
"I can't quit for you. I will quit with you" Ready
"There are two dogs in the fight, which one are you feeding?" SuperDave9000
"In the Navy we had morning muster. You never miss muster. You better be dead if you miss. If you are dying, you should have started crawling earlier, no excuse." Olcpo

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outdoortexan cancer

Offline BluManChew

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Re: The Omega Moment - 365 Days Later
« Reply #21 on: June 13, 2019, 09:12:24 PM »