Day 11 - Start to struggle mentally here in past pauses.....FU Nic Bitch!!
Stay strong tinman!!
Stay focused and keep your eye on the quit prize brother!
I know that this time can and is always trying on the nerves and patience but power thru and great times are ahead on the other side!
PM me if you need help brother!
Listen to Grizz. He got me through a lot of land mines and addicted mind thinking.
Man Tinman, if I could take all the pain, all the hurt, the fog, and the funks away from you.
I wouldn't!!!There is too much to gain from the pain. There is so much knowledge, strength and understanding when you fight through it. You get stronger every time you triumph over temptations, triggers etc.
If I could take the suck away from you, I would do you a dis-service. It would be like helping a butterfly out of its cocoon. The butterfly dies because it isn't strong enough to fly.
This is all exercise. Embrace the suck. Triumph. You will feel like shit but you can't tell me it doesn't feel fun to succeed in controlling our addiction.
Keep your focus in perspective. You only worry about getting through today. Put all your might, mind and energy into today. Don't worry about preserving your stamina for tomorrow. Just focus on balls to the wall quit today. Overcome and triumph just today.
If tomorrow comes, repeat. Soon you will look back and love the suck! My first victories over true, real crossroads to cave or quit...I became stronger in my resolve. I never want to go back but I am so glad for the foundation of my quit.
Stay the course, follow your vets, and repeat every day you wake. You are going to look in the mirror soon and think, "Wow, the burden of quit is light. The burden of being a user is too heavy." Then kicking the nic bithces ass is fun! All the sudden the success of your quit bleeds into every facet of your life! I gave up lying and deception for living and loving. It is sweet!