Man, one heck of a tuff day today. Lots of things triggered some tuff cravings.
I think that if I had the shit in front of me I might have caved a couple of times today.
I cannot believe that this crap has such a hold on me. It makes me ashamed ofbeing such a weak and pathetic man.
This crap has had me by the balls and blind for so long. It makes me fighting mad!!!
I see why quitting everyday and posting is so important. Nic is deceptive and can talk you back into a relationship.
Well I say Phuck You, you crazy bitch.
Man I want these cravings to quit.
Horseman nice job grinding it out. Tough day here too. Took me by surprise because yesterday (day 5) was all rosy and relatively easy compared to "the big suck" of days 1~4. Today day 6 was like I re-entered the suck. not quite as heavy but still distracted at work with no sustained ability to concentrate. Snapped at a couple of people when I should have held my tongue. Fuh-uck the suck that we're swimming in. But I will keep my quit. There's too much riding on it.
Go Zillah, I thought things were lightening up a bit for me too. Got kinda cocky from doing so well on New Years.
I am glad I only have to quit today!! LOL
Way to battle yesterday my friend! Nicotine is a highly addictive substance it owned all of us. You are not alone. I like to see that anger! Let that anger fuel your quit today.
I too hate the fact that I was a slave for 25 years to a weed. I hate the fact that I padded the pockets of Big T for so many years! What a waste!
Dude... You are not weak and pathetic! You are a bad man!. You are here... and you are QUIT! Do not give in to the nic B! Fight today! I am quit with you all day long!
Doing great horseman. I think I was about 3 or 4 days quit when everything got real for me. I don't know why,, the first 3 were easy to me. Maybe it was because it was new and the decision that I had made was exciting.
I remember sitting on the sofa talking with the wife while on ktc. I remember telling her that I didn't know how I was going to get through it. I knew this,, I was not going to put the poison in my pie hole and I didn't care how bad things got. I made it through that night using my wife, ktc and my word. Now i'm 323 days quit and couldn't be happier.
I can't tell you when my last serious crave was. I can't tell you that I never have craves but I can tell you they are few and far between. When they do come it's so easy to push them aside with a smile.
It's worth it horseman,, stay the course. Keep your head pointed forward and make your way to the door. Nothing back there but a can of the filthy disgusting poison. Glad to be quit with you.