My name is Justin and this is my first day dip free. After taking a dip last night, I decided that I was done. I threw away two cans of Griz and was just finished with it. I have dipped for just over a year... not a long time comparatively, but enough time to get the nic bitch on my back. There are many reasons I want to quit, but mainly it is for myself. I also have a toddler. The other day he grabbed my can of dip off my dresser and brought it to me saying "Daddy this is yours"... I don't want to set that kind of example. I tried to quit a couple times before, but caved. This time is going to be different. I am typing this with a lip full of sunflower seeds, I am determined and ready to get this shit done.
I have been 14 hours without a dip now, and I have a little bit of a headache. When I got in my car this morning to come to work, I reached for my dip can that wasn't there and had a good chuckle at the mindless habit that I am a slave to... I am going to pick up some Smokey Mountian chew after work, but until then the sunflower seeds seem to be working well.
I look forward to this journey with you all!
Oh and where do I go to do "roll call"?