So here I am, just tossed a nearly full can of Skoal down the toilet. Done it many times before, saying that was it, I was done, blah, blah, blah; only to stop at the closest gas station the next morning to buy another can. I've seen this place before - knew it was here - but figured I could do it in my own. Finally looking back at all the failed attempts has finally made me realize I'm just kidding myself thinking that way.
I'm tired of this shit. I'm tired of not being able to resist. I'm tired of hiding it from loved ones. I'm tired of it's control on my moods. I'm tired of the money I spend on this shit. For many more reasons than I care to type down I'm just tired of this shit and I'm done.
About me - born n raised a Hoosier. I like watching cars chase each other around race tracks (open-wheel, not NASCAR,) playing guitar, brewing beer, and playing video games (on the PS4.) Have a good wife and a couple of kids who think the dip disappeared several weeks ago (if they only knew, right?) Other than that I'm just a weak-willed piece of crap who could never seem to overcome a stupid little plastic can of tobacco... Until now, I hope.
Looking forward to becoming a part.