Day 78
I've been going through some sh*t for a while, as some here know. Some of it's led to some realizations about my quit, that I want to record here. As for the stuff i've been wading through, it's tough to put it here but I will because i think isolation is part of the disease of addiction, and i want to battle that. Plus, maybe this will help someone else get through their own tough spots. It sure helped me to find out you all were here and getting through I thought for years I dealt with alone. So there's real value in terms of openness and it's part of how i'm trying to approach this thing. This will be a longer post, so I"m going to just post my realizations here early, to save anyone reading from going further to get to the point...
1. At this point in my quit, I"m totally unafraid of craves, etc. I"ve been tested. But i am not being cocky. Like a quit mentor here suggested to me, I"ve practiced using the tools here to help me. But the danger of the addiction has not gone away, and it never will. Around this time in a quit, it seems that the real ongoing danger comes to the fore-- that danger is complacency. I see it. I can see now why daily role posting is critical. I've seen failures on the site here, i know my own failed quits in the past, i read about other failed quits from the site. I konw more caves will come to our little brotherhood, and I know it's a game of russian roullette for me if I were ever to decide to fall off this program here and stop posting. I am determined to remain here. I'm inspired by some of the quitters here, and uplifted by many of you.
2. I am increasingly developing a belief that once you start to clean up a major messy area of your life, like dipping and addiciton for so many of us, other things can potentially start to clean up too- in some sort of connection. If you're a Christian, maybe "the Lord starts working in mysterious ways" or if you are buddhist maybe Kharma goes about making other changes in your life when you start to clean it up. Change is not always, and arguably never, comfortable when we go through it. Otherwise we would have chosen the change long ago. But it sure does seem that when it rains it pours, many times, and i can't help but think there must be a connection.
3. I am absolutely committed to fighting what this drug does to us humans. It's ridiculous that it is allowed to be sold so easily, and perpetuated ignorance, that is only meant to benefit big tobacco, is allowed to continue in our society. This stuff is as bad of a drug, this addiction is as bad, as can be imagined! It is so harmful, and so addictive, and effects us all in so many ways. I will fight it. The fight is in the streets-- it's one by one, helping those who are strong enough to do it with support. It is also in education- and I'm constantly talking to people about just how terribly addictive this stuff is. I intend to continue to learn, from some fine examples here, how I can become my own advocate for quit, especially once I have a little time more under my own quit belt. The intention and commitment is already there though.
Ok, those are the insights. Here's where I've been lately. In November I posted about some frustrations I was having at home- my live-in partner, common law wife, had been doing some financial misdeeds that were a betrayal to me and busted my credit up pretty bad, not to mention racked up some debt. Alll sorts of trigger times, but not anything I couldn't handle with some visits back here, texts with quit bros, etc. Emotionally, however, I was feeling betrayed and trying to sort through whether I could learn to trust her again, etc. and dealing with the pending end of the relationship.
That sort of uncomfortable silence and delicate balance remained, as she and the kids needed to stay in the house as well as me. The took a couple of trips around the holiday times, fincanced by her family members pitching in. We weren't talking much though, outside of what was needed to function.
In her text to me about when she was coming home from the Christmas/New Years visit to her childhood home they made, she also told me she wanted talk about some heavy stuff with me. Being pretty excitable, of course that was a little nerve wracking for me, and gave me craves/triggers, but they weren't a problem, I am used to handling them now and i'm committed above all else to being quit.
When we had the talk, the next bomb came. She has been diagnosed with cervical cancer. WTF?!?!? it sucks. I was shook up for a few days, as this was about all I could handle emotionally. I sought out a therapist to help me with anger at the surface before, then this Monday went into his office and bawled my eyes out with all the emotion and jumbled up mess of conflicting feelings about her, myself, everything. Let me put a plug in here for therapy, it can really help and i'm not ever ashamed to say I used it in my life when needed. Just like having a physical injury sometimes we need a doc and/or PT, same is true for emotions- we can get injured and need help getting back on track.
Well this story above created what has to be the most intense, confusing, and hard, sucky period of my life so far, including a pretty messed up childhood at times. This is relevant to my quit because it was so intense. This woulld have broken me before. I would be chewing a can or two per day through this, when I was a 2-3 cans per week chewer normally. And I do get some hard craves, the "habitual" sort of ones i described in an earlier post to myself. But make no mistake, I am not tempted at all to chew or get any other access to nicotine. When the craves hit, they just remind me how much I hate nicotine. Then I'm sort of thankful for them for doing that. No temptation whatsoever from a crave, and this could go on forever as far as I can see. The issue that remains though, is really clear- at this point, complacency is the danger. As i read stories of caves on the site here, that seems to be the common thread too. I am now wary as heck against complacency, and committed to not let it happen in me.
These things in my domestic relationship are really hard to sort out. I do see a common thread of cleaning up, bringing to light things that were already there, but hidden. This sort of seems like a ripple effect of my decision to quit my ninja dipping and come to terms with an addiction that was never understood or admitted to before. All these other things that have been going on in my home involve something coming to light, that was not in the light before. Each of them would be worse if it continued in the darkness. So, if and when I can remove myself from the varous hurts and fears, etc involved, I can always find at least some gratitude that it came to light rather than continue to fester.
I recognize all sorts of spiritual and religious perspectives, and it seems like quite a few of them would point to the evil of the nicotine, and the other problems that were under the surface in my life, as being of a kindred sort. That is why I am committed to becoming a warrior against the nic bitch.
My life is in a transition in many levels right now, and I will have some more tough times to get through as it all sorts out, and i can't know much about how a lot of it will work out in the end. I pray so much for my partner's health to get better, and ask for your prayers for the same, however you pray. I hope for the best for both of us to result from the tension in our relationship from her own shopping addiction that led to the credit mess and deceit. All these events in her life seem to have given her a new and better perspective than I have seen in a long time from her, and i'm grateful for that. I will sort though and survive the credit issues, although I'm not certain of how long etc that will take- i'm just confident that it'll work out with some effort. The one thing I do know is that I don't want any damned poison weed in my mouth.
I would have had to break the "quit" so many times before through all this. Now I'm not tempted. I get headaches, funks, huge stress, anxiety, and all other sorts of feelings were triggers before. Some of them still are, and I have to smack the bitch down as she whispers in my ear or does other stuff that'd make some of you more ghey guys jealous, but she ain't getting anywhere with me, I"m just not interested in any way. Like I said, complacency is my danger now, and my plan for that is to follow the method that works here. I am so thankful for the fact that despite all this am am still quit and clearly planning to stay that way.
Final bonus- bulding my accountabilty network has also given me some great bros who I can reach out to when the times get tough besides addiction, and that is something that I always wanted more of. In an earlier post, I mentioned how I think the poison even isolated me in that way over the years too. Thanks KTC!