Nic was never your "friend". It was a posion that hooked you. It systematically rewired your brain to think it gave you things that it could not possibly deliver. Oh yeah, it was also draining your wallet and trying to kill you. Some "friend".
I used to think dipping relieved stress, but when I think back the only stress I was relieving was the withdrawl pang from my previous dip.
To analogize, It was almost like I had acne and I thought dip was like the pimple cream that made my skin clear. My face would fucking itch, become irritated, and burn like hell until I reached for my dip. Then, ahhhhhhh the sweet relief. This continued for 15 years, my face constany ablaze looking for the soothing relief from my magic zit cream. It was a never ending cycle that required more and more cream, to a point where no amount of cream was enough, I always needed more. Eventually it dawned on me that the zit cream was not clearing up my face, it was CAUSING it ro become zitty, red, and irritated. Took some time for me to comes to terms with this, after I swore off the zit cream, but after 516 days without the cream, I can tell you with 100% certainty that it was indeed the cream that was the CAUSE and not the RELIEF. I did not accept this fact immediately as I missed my cream, but once my brain rewired it became as clear as my now baby ass soft face.
I also used to think chewing cured boredome. Now I cannot think of a more boring task than sucking on a wad of tobacco and spitting it into an empty bottle. Real exciting. I'd rather stuff my ass full of fireworks and squat over a flaming hibatchi than do that again.
Concentration...used to think dip gave me that as well. The first day I quit, the phone rang at work and I looked at it like it was a fucking grenade with pin pulled. I was scared shitless to answer it. Again, over some time I came to the realization that dip dif not make me awesome at my job. I did. If anything it was holding me back as all I used to think about was when I could sneak out and get a dip in. One of the greatest benefits for me , since I quit has been the return of my confidence. I'm ashamed now to think that I used to give posion leaves in a can credit for my successes. Even worse I would NEVER think to blame it on any of my failures.
Another falsity was that dip was a "fun enhancer". Like bowling, golfing, or playing softball, etc...was more "fun" if I had a dip in. What kind of fucked up shit is that? Another total lie built on the shoulders of ADDICTION. I wasn't chewing while doing those things because it made them more "fun", I was doing it because I was an addict. In fact one thing I realized after I quit is that I really didn't even like bowling. I was mainly in the league just so I could dip. Hell, I'm not even in a bowling league anymore, and I can go out and play some golf or softball and enjoy it just as much if not more than when I used to do it with a turd in my lip. I didn't need that crap and never did.
These realities took a while for me to realize, so don't feel bad if you can't see the forest through the trees yet. Just take this shit one day at a time and with each +1 you post without the nic bitch things will get clearer.
Not to toot my own horn (toot toot), but go to words of wisdom and read my "tend your garden" post. It kind of chronicles the journey from ugly to beautiful. Check it out if you get a chance.
Hang in there bro. Better days are ahead. I promise.
Quit on...