Unfortunately, all those patches were a bunch of bullshit...total waste of your money and time. It is simple...if you want to quit, then don't put any form of nicotine in your body.
If you decide to quit, we are all behind you every step of the way. But, until you do, you're just wasting everybody's time. This site isn't for TALKING. It is about DOING.
Nobody can make that choice for you, so don't ask us to beg you. And nobody can do this for you, so don't expect it. You must earn your wonderful freedom one shitty day, minute, moment at a time...with the help and respect of all those bad-ass quitters who have the nuts to post their promise and get in the ring and toe-to-toe with the Nic Bitch.
Come back when you're quit. I'd be proud to be in this together with you...but not if you're just gonna bullshit us. You're not fooling anyone. We're addicts. We've heard this bullshit before. We told ourselves the same things before posting "Day 1."
I hope to see you back here.