SMOKEY!!! Write on your fucking page!
Sorry fellas. October needs me now....
Give me a topic and perhaps I will supply a short narrative for your enjoyment.
What do you think 5 major indicators are to determine if the economy is starting to improve.
Better still, what are the 5 indicators that a quitter is beginning to plan their own cave... we all know that this planning stage does happen, and vets sure as hell can see it coming if they pay attention.
Ooohhh, this could be a lively discussion. I'll throw in my two cents, but we need a dollar.
I don't believe in a planned cave. I have strung together 100+ days in the past and I have caved on an absolute whim. So, I will tell you how I came to buy a 25 cent special Grizzly Long Cut Straight from a 7-11 clerk after he couldn't give me directions to a swimming pool located less than two blocks from his store....
1) I distanced myself from my support network. My nicotine cessation group had a one month "hoorah for us" Chinese dinner celebration. It was great. We all exchanged contact information and I intentionally gave the wrong phone number because I was ready to do this thing on my own. I was one of only two people who hadn't caved during the first 30 days in class.
2) I did not have a forum to vent my frustrations. I often found myself blaming my wife (then girlfriend) for things that stemmed from my own behavior. I had no fuse with my students. My rage was pent up and growing.
3) I grew extremely complacent with my quit. I had a little 30 day calendar and 30 stickers that I could place for every day I remained quit. I hung that on my fridge with the same pride JpCrew pinned up his 2.3 miracle semester Junior year in HS. After that, I stopped keeping track with stickers. After two months, I lost track in my head and soon after I just stopped thinking about my quit altogether. Why think about it if you are quit, right? I owned that shit.
4) When my wife asked me how my quit was going, I would start to feel a bit irritated. What does it have to do with her? I came to resent her probing into my personal struggle and eventually convinced myself that she was why I had quit. I forgot the personal moment when I declared, "I choose to control my future" as I tossed my last tin the garbage in front of my quit group. My addiction took over and changed that to "My wife chooses to control my future".
5) The big shabang. Intense moment of stress piled on top of a craving right in front of a 25 cent special rack and I had no support, tons of pent up frustrations, no pride in my own quit, and a girlfriend constantly telling me what to do. One won't hurt?
CAVING IS NOT AN OPTION! You can never have just one.