A couple of days ago i walked outside and looked around. Call me crazy but everything looked different. It was day 4 of my quit and i noticed everything had a little more life to it. Hard to explain. I do know one thing. I was looking at the world for the first time in over 25 years without nicotine running through my veins. I had a moment of thought and couldn't hold back every tear. Its worth it.
Freedom tastes great. Great job.
This is perfect. Man, I dig reading posts like this. Welcome to the rest of your life. You are gonna have some bad times, so be prepared. However, the times like you described here are far more potent. Soak that in, and enjoy the trip. Everything you experience will be more significant from this point on. I call these things personal milestones, and I remember them all. That's what keeps me quit.
You may have already seen this somewhere, but read my post
in this intro thread from yesterday. That's my take on what you're experiencing.