i chew 3 tins a day I KNOW THATS ALOT EVEN FOR THIS SITE myquestion is how can i quit this like all of you people have ? what should i do  im lost in a world of chew  every night i say never again then the morning hits and im right back to it I want to post but i dont want to be a poser cant post if you fail any help would be graitfully appreciated
It will never feel like the right time to quit.
Now is as good a time as any - it will never be any easier than it is right now.
You may go through more chew than most, but don't think your addiction is special or unique; it is not. For almost everyone here, quitting is the hardest thing they have ever had to do, but they all have one thing in common: they face their addictions head-on every single day and do everything it takes to win that day.
The foundation of this site is making a promise to other quitters who are going through the exact same thing that you will not use tobacco today. Then you keep your promise, and come back tomorrow and do it again. Just stay quit today, right now, and worry about tomorrow when it gets here.
read everything on the welcome page
and this will give you a pretty good idea of what to expect
You can do this. But you must start some time, and now is as good a time as any.
Excellent post WIP. You don't mind if I call you WIP, do you? That's the first step to recovery.
"I'm lost in a world of chew" - that's possibly the best description of life with tobacco that I've read on these boards.
I chewed nearly one can per day at the time when I finally found the strength and resolve to quit. Prior to that day, I looked at my friends who chewed once or twice per day and convinced myself that my use was so advanced that there was no way I could quit. It was a self-fulfilling prophecy. Truth is, you can quit. You're no different from any of us.
It takes a firm commitment to your self. You need to understand that your life is valuable and that you are personally stronger than anything nicotine can throw your way. Take some time to browse through the different quit groups. Look at all the names and all the numbers of days quit. This can be done if you honor your commitment and respect yourself above all else.
The first step is the hardest. Throw that shit away (not just the chew, but everything chewing related) and post roll in the April 2010 quit group. They are a bunch of pansies, but they are some damn fine pansies.
Work, You can do this . I thought I was a big addict at 2 cans until I got here. Your not the worst by far. Heavier users than you have walked away from that world of chew, and if we could do it so can you. I remember the nightly promise that tomorrow was the day of my quit. I thought that way for years. Like you I wanted to quit, I hated being a slave to that shit, I was embarrased by it. I had no idea the depths that it was truly affecting my life. Then I did three things.
I decided in my heart and soul that I was done, forever. I decided that I would quit and to hell with the consequences. I didn't care if I lost my job, my relationships, or my sanity, I would quit and take whatever came my way. I would quit cold turkey and ride the fucking lightning. I was quit regardless of any and all consequences. I was quit regardless of all of lifes raging storms of despair or joy or crisis or celebration.
Second, was I found Kill The Can. Over 23yrs I quit alot. I caved in always. I used the Gum, the patch, lozenges, hypnosis, books u name it. This place is the only thing that ever worked. I will be quit for one year on Jan 27. I can't tell you how big that is for me. I read and read and read and read when I got here. I read all the Hall of fame speeches and the quitter and cancer stories, I read entire threads 100's of pages long, I looked at the cancer pictures. I read the Tom Kern story and knew I couldn't do that to my wife and kids. I read thru the intros and the collections of wisdom and struggles there. I learned, the more I learned the easier it got. I began to understand how the addiction worked, I began to see errors in my thought patterns that were really just rationalizations of an addict. I got angry. I got support. Some days were good and some bad but each new day was a little better. I had armed myself with the knowledge to beat the addiction. I had some weapons, I had men and women around me who knew what it feels like to argue out loud with yourself about getting a dip as you pass the gas station. We understand. Better than you could realize, my wife didn't get it, she still doesn't my friends didnt and co workers couldn't. But the people in here did.
I got help, I went to see my doc and got some meds to help keep me from killing everyone in sight. Not wellbutrin or Chantix, but an anti-anxiety deal that I could take when shit would get too intense. It helped. I ate em like mm's. I wasn't afraid to ask for it or too proud to say I needed it. I only cared about quitting and staying off nic. If that meant meds forever, than so be it. I wound up in counseling for a bit with a shrink as a condition of continued happy pills. Nothing big just monthly chats. I would have went daily if it meant I could stay quit. I would have and still would pay any price no matter how great to hold onto that quit. As shitty as I felt in the beginning, I was free.
Think of it this way, if you actually had cancer today, what would you do to save your life? Chemo? radiation ? surgery ? I bet your no pussy and you would fight like hell to try to beat cancer. I got news for you brother, your already in the ring with it and your losing. Why not start fighting for your life now? Don't wait until your against the ropes. Get mad, stay mad. Commit to ride your quit come hell or highwater, if I can do it then anybody can. All you have to do is set that copperheaded fuckbucket down and never pick it up again.
Skoal Monster - day 354 - you got this shit, just do it