Hello I am Thomas. I am a relatively new addict to chewing tobacco. It all started about 1.5 years ago when I was on a road trip with some buddies. My friend offered me some copenhagen. The first few times were nasty and made me really light headed. I hated the stuff. Then I found out my curse, REDMAN CHEW Golden Blend. It started off that I would just chew when hunting or fishing. Then as the months wore on it turned into only the weekends. Eventually that turned into once a day which then turned into one pouch a day. For the last 4 months I have been burning steadily through about a pouch a day, hiding it work like a fiend with spit bottles spewed throughout my house truck and office. Looking back on it it was disgusting.
I woke up early this morning with a bad cold and some serious chest pain. Don't know if its related to chewing tobacco but I feel like shit so I decided to quit. I hope that this God putting something on my heart. I only realized that it is almost pure coincidence that it is the New Year, but I will use it as motiviation. WISH ME LUCK IN THE FIGHT!
You've come to the right place Thomas. We have a great group of quitters here to help you. All you need to do is wake up, take a piss, post roll and repeat. You don't need luck. When you post roll you are giving your word that you won't use nic for 24 hours, and we will hold you to it. Just keep drinking water and exercise helps as well. We're all quit with you today.
TDavis, listen hard to Natro. There is no wishing you luck on this sight. There is only Quit, and we do that one day at a time. And don't forget this sick feeling you have right now, you keep chewing and it will only get worse. I'll be praying that you start posting roll....
Thanks for the support guys. Been about 12 hours since last dip. Doing alright for now. I already posted roll call.
Enjoy these times man.
(1) Drink tons of water and limit your caffeine. The water pushes out the poison from your body, and I guarantee that you'll be jittery enough without the stimulant. If you can walk past a toilet without going...drink more water!
(2) Plan to be quit. Toss all of your stash. You're quit now. You don't need any. Don't just throw it away...flush it down the toilet. Don't give yourself an opportunity to dumpster dive for it. Have gum, seeds, and/or herbal snuff on hand AT ALL TIMES. You have to reach for your weapon. Your enemy doesn't. Post roll first thing in the morning. Know when your weak points will be during the day.
(3) Read everything you can here and make some friends. At the very least, get to know some brothers and toss some PM's around and get to know the other guys here. Get some telephone numbers and reach out. It will make it easier when you have to reach out in times of emergency.
These first few days are awful. They will leave you on your knees.
Get through them. We don't quit to torture ourselves. We quit because of the good. It will come. Trust me. We just have a small price to pay before we get it.