Hey all!
Great site...this site has already been a huge help to me from the start of my day 2. I am now on day 8. I stumbled across it like many others, by doing a Google search. I have chewed since I was 14 and am now 34. First few years was off and on with the guys but by 18 I was hooked and hooked hard. Had been chewing Skoal Fine Cut the last 10 years and before that it was Kodiak or skoal Straight.
I finally got to a point that I felt I was being selfish. Taking time away from my family to dip and only doing harm to the future I might have with my family. I also was sick of the chew spitters around the house/truck. Not something I wanted to be doing in front of my two children anymore. Heck one day my daughter picked up my spitter in my truck and asked why I always had this (spitter for me 20oz Pepsi) with me. Like it was what she thought of when she thought of me. That pissed me off and I quit the next day. Hunting and Fishing will be different but I am ready for it.
Thanks DD3!