Does it get better, he says! Brother, it gets better in ways you probably can't even imagine right now. Why? Because if you're like everyone else on the site, you probably have no idea what nicotine and tobacco has done to you over the years. You might not know how dulled your sense of taste is. That'll get better. You might not know that the indigestion you get might be caused by dip. That'll get better. You might not know that your heart rate is not what it should be. That too will get better.
And of course, there are the obvious things. No more worrying about when you can sneak a pinch. No more wasting your money on dip when I KNOW there are things you'd rather be buying instead (there are people on this site who have bought cars with the money they've saved). No more being petrified every time you get a common sore throat, wondering if it's finally The Big C this time.
So yes,it does get better. You'll learn you can do anything you used to do without a dip (and oddly enough, it's more enjoyable since you aren't jonesing to suck on poison). You'll also get to a point where you'll say "What the hell? I was afraid of THAT? Why didn't I quit sooner?"
Just battle through these early days, man. We're all here for you. You might have to white-knuckle it, but it will get better VERY quickly. Just drink your water, keep physically active, even if it's just walking, and reach out to anybody here if you need to.