Hi, My name is Lori. I live in South Jersey. I'm here as a support for my spouse. I love him. I'm worried about him. I do not nag. I pray a lot. I don't want to lose my best friend and husband to cancer. 2 years ago he admitted to me that he hadn't quit, he felt guilty for lying to me, but because I was happy and proud of him "for his quit lie" he just kept going with it. 2 years ago he said "I want to quit... just not yet" now he says "I don't want to quit, I enjoy it too much, maybe I'll quit in year 2025" How can I convince him to make this decision for himself. I write quit quotes on his cans in a white sharpie. I read him the list of the top 100 reasons to quit, he laughed so much. We've been married 17 years, I believe that he has been smoking or chewing for about 30 years. I love and support him, and I really want him to decide to quit, I will walk this road with him. Is there a place for spouses on here?